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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Pfeiffer, William S. Technical communication : a practical approach / William Sanborn Pfeiffer, Kaye Adkins. — 8th ed. p. cm. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-278578-5 ISBN-10: 0-13-278578-1 1. English language—Technical English—Problems, exercises, etc. 2. Communication of technical information—Problems, exercises, etc. 3. English language—Rhetoric—Problems, exercises, etc. 4. Technical writing--Problems, exercises, etc. I. Adkins, Kaye E. II. Title. PE1475.P47 2013 808.06’66--dc23 2011041404

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

ISBN 10: 0-13-278578-1 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-278578-5

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Deepest thanks go to my family—Evelyn, Zachary, and Katie—for their love and support throughout this and every writing project I take on.


To those who have taught me about technical communication—Dr. Joanna Freeman, the programmers at Phoenix/SSC, TechWhirlers, my colleagues in ATTW and

CPTSC, and my former students who are now practitioners in the field. —Kaye

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Good writing is always a breaking of the soil, clearing away prejudices, pulling up of sour weeds of crooked thinking, stripping the turf so as to get at what is fertile beneath.

—Henry Seidel Canby (1878–1961), “Cultivate Your Garden”

Most writers agree with Henry Seidel Canby that writing is hard work, but well-crafted writing makes the effort worthwhile. Clear writing, of the kind we call technical writing or technical communication, helps businesses run more smoothly, helps government run more effectively, and helps all of us accomplish our goals.

To help you become an effective technical communicator, all editions of this book have stressed one simple principle: You learn to write well by doing as much writing as possible. This eighth edition adds new features that make it even more usable, without changing what has made the book work in all editions—updated models and references, clear explanations of the writing process, advice for using technology, and a new organi- zation that emphasizes the technical communication process in the workplace context.

The eighth edition continues the use of M-Global, the fictional company that serves as the basis for many examples and assignments. M-Global provides a complex case that runs throughout the book, with examples of technical communication practices in a vari- ety of professional fields. It reflects the communication experience of people at all stages of their careers, providing students with an insight into situations they will find as they start their careers, as well as introducing them to the kinds of communication challenges they will face as they advance professionally. The M-Global case also gives students a rich context for assignments. Students are welcomed to M-Global in the first chapter, and they learn more about the organization throughout the book, just as new employees are introduced to an organization with orientation and an employee handbook and then learn more about the organization and their colleagues as time passes.

At the start of our classes, we sometimes ask students to describe their professional goals for the next 10 years. As you might expect, they hope to rise to important positions in the workplace and make genuine contributions to their professions. Such long-term thinking is crucial, keeping you on course in your life.

Yet, ultimately, the way you handle the small details of daily life most influences the contribution you make in the long run. If you do good work, believe in what you do, and communicate well with others—both interpersonally and in writing—success will come your way. The author Robert Pirsig put it this way in his 1974 classic, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: “The place to improve the world is first in one’s own heart and head and hands, and then work outward from there.”

We believe—and this book tries to show—that clear, concise, and honest writing is one of the most powerful tools of your heart, head, and hands.

Kaye Adkins, Professor of English/Technical Communication Missouri Western State University

William S. Pfeiffer, President Warren Wilson College



>>> New Features of Technical Communication: A Practical Approach, Eighth Edition

Technical communication is a rapidly changing field that helps users adapt to advances in technology. At the same time, technical communicators must recognize the changes in how users access and use information about technology. Throughout this edition, you will find revisions and new information to reflect the changing field of technical communica- tion. First of all, the chapters have been reordered and grouped to reflect how writing is created and used in today’s workplace.

■ Part 1 , Introduction to Technical Communication, defines technical commu- nication as a practice. It helps students understand how they can apply what they have learned about the writing process in an academic setting to a workplace setting. The chapter on collaboration has been moved to this section to reflect its integral role in workplace writing.

■ Part 2 , Effective Workplace Documents, introduces students to the elements of all workplace documents, including organization and document design. It also includes a chapter on the most common form of workplace writing—correspondence.

■ Part 3 , Common Technical Communication Genres, explains the common genres traditional in technical communication—definitions, descriptions, process explanations, and instructions. These genres may serve as building blocks for larger documents, or they may stand by themselves.

■ Part 4 , Presenting Research, focuses on workplace research. The chapter on re- search has been moved so that it is the first chapter in this section, with an emphasis on the research processes common to technical communication. Although research is the basis of articles in professional journals, it is also the foundation for most reports, proposals, and white papers.

■ Part 5 , Alternatives to Print Text, brings together chapters that will help students present information in formats other than print text. As users access more information through digital and visual formats, alternatives to print text become more important.

■ Part 6 , Communicating a Professional Image, comprises two chapters to help students begin and succeed in professional careers.

Through all of the chapters, you will find a number of other changes as well. Chap- ters now open with a list of objectives, and the chapter summaries are presented as easy- to-read lists of key points from the chapter. Assignments at the end of the text are now clearly marked as Analysis or Practice exercises, and assignments placed in the context of M-Global are clearly identified. New and revised figures and models also appear in every chapter. Throughout the text, there is an increased emphasis on the use of computers in technical communication.

New and revised material in each chapter includes the following:

■ Chapter 1 now emphasizes the importance of context as an influence on the writing process and written documents. The information about M-Global, the fictional company


that is the basis for cases and examples throughout the book, is now collected in a model employee orientation document at the end of the chapter.

■ Chapter 2 includes an expanded discussion of how software tools are used in the writing process.

■ Chapter 3 has been moved in this edition to emphasize that collaboration is a writ- ing process, and that it is central to most workplace writing. The chapter has been expanded and now includes a section on writing in a Content Management System (CMS) environment.

■ Chapter 4 includes an expanded discussion of modular writing and new information about organizing digital documents for easy access by users.

■ Chapter 5 now treats document design as a whole, including navigation elements, color, fonts, and consistent design. It includes a new section on designing digital docu- ments for a variety of platforms and an increased emphasis on the role of computers in the document design process.

■ Chapter 6 now emphasizes the qualities that make all forms of business correspond- ence effective. Correspondence is now categorized by its purpose and content. The chapter includes expanded discussion of how context and purpose lead writers to choose among e-mail, letters, and memos.

■ Chapter 7 has expanded the discussion of definitions and descriptions, including new ABC guidelines for organizing each. The discussion of definitions has been expanded to include the importance of definitions of abstract concepts in daily life.

■ Chapter 8 has expanded the discussion of process explanations and instructions, includ- ing new ABC formats for each. The discussion of process explanations now includes a discussion of script formats and the use of scripts, flowcharts, and lists in process expla- nations. The chapter also includes a new section on point-of-use documentation.

■ Chapter 9 has been revised and reorganized to explain how and why research is con- ducted by professionals in the workplace. It explains the importance of literature re- views as the foundation of any research. It now introduces quantitative and qualitative research, including new information about research with human subjects. The chapter clearly distinguishes between primary and secondary sources. Discussion of online tools for research has been expanded. New sections in the chapter include an ABC for- mat for presenting technical research and usability testing as a form of research.

■ Chapter 10 now puts all of the information about informal and formal document formats in one chapter, removing redundancy from previous editions. The chapter in- cludes a new discussion of how to format documents to suit their context and purpose.

■ Chapter 11 now emphasizes two main purposes for reports—for information and for analysis. Informative reports are explained as a means of conducting daily opera- tions and record keeping in organizations. The chapter introduces guidelines and ABC formats for four types of informative reports: activity reports, progress reports, lab reports, and regulatory reports—a type of report new to this edition. Analytical re- ports are explained as a resource for problem solving in organizations. The chapter



introduces guidelines and ABC formats for four types of analytical reports: problem analyses, recommendation reports, feasibility studies, and equipment evaluations.

■ Chapter 12 now classifies proposals in three ways—as unsolicited or solicited, and as grant proposals (new to this edition). The chapter includes guidelines and ABC formats for these three types of proposals. Also new to this edition is a discussion of white papers, a type of document that is important to many organizations. The chap- ter includes two new models: a grant proposal and a white paper.

■ Chapter 13 includes new and updated discussion and examples. It includes two new sets of guidelines—for photographs and for screen captures. Included in the chapter is a discussion of how to take and use screen captures in documents.

■ Chapter 14 has been revised to emphasize the dynamic nature of Web pages and Web sites, and to focus on the importance of developing content with the user in mind. As Web sites have become increasingly complex, the role of technical com- municators in creating and maintaining Web sites has changed. The chapter has been revised to reflect those changes. The chapter includes three new models with sample Web pages from Web sites—a professional Web site and two student Web sites.

■ Chapter 15 includes a new section on poster sessions, with information about design- ing and printing posters.

■ Chapter 16 includes new information on the role of networking in the job search proc- ess. The chapter also includes a new section on portfolios for technical communicators.

■ Chapter 17 has expanded the discussion of sample sentence revisions. The section on sexist language has been revised to address multiple varieties of language bias. The chapter includes new discussion of the role of style sheets and style guides in work- place writing.

■ The information for speakers of English as a second language (ESL) has been moved from the Handbook to a separate appendix, to make it easier to access.

■ A new appendix has been added with suggestions for Further Reading . This bibliography includes all sources cited in the textbook, as well as additional readings, organized by general chapter topic.



>>> Core Features of Technical Communication: A Practical Approach

Chapter 1 Technical Communication in the Workplace

In this chapter, students will

■ Be introduced to the key characteristics of technical communication

■ Learn how workplace writing differs from academic writing

■ Learn the effect of organizational culture on workplace communication

■ Be introduced to communication challenges in the global economy

■ Learn basic ethical principles for use in the workplace

■ Be introduced to the M-Global case that is used throughout the book

>>> Chapter Objectives


Photo © Robnroll/Dreamstime.com

This edition continues the emphasis on the practi- cal aspects of technical communication in a work- place context.

Focus on Process and Product in a Workplace Context This book has students practicing writing early ( Chapter 1 ). The text immerses them in the proc- ess of technical writing while teaching practical formats for getting the job done.

163 Types of Messages in Correspondence

Any delay gives readers the chance to wonder whether the news will be good or bad, thus causing momentary confusion. On the left is a complete outline for positive correspondence that corresponds to the ABC format.

M-Global Case Study for a Positive Letter As a project manager at M-Global’s Houston office, Nancy Slade has agreed to complete a foundation investigation for a large church about 300 miles away. There are cracks in the basement floor slab and doors that do not close, so her crew needs a day to analyze the problem (observing the site, measuring walls, digging soil borings, taking samples, etc.). She took this small job on the condition that she could schedule it around several larger (and more profitable) projects in the same area during mid-August.

Yesterday, Nancy received a letter from the minister (speak- ing for the church committee), who requested that M-Global change the date. He had just been asked by the regional head- quarters to host a three-day conference at the church during the same time that M-Global was originally scheduled to complete the project.

ABC Format: Positive Correspondence

■ ABSTRACT Puts correspondence in the context of an ongoing professional relationship by referring to previous communication related to the subject

■ Clear statement of good news you have to report

■ BODY: Supporting data for main point mentioned in abstract

■ Clarification of any questions reader may have

■ Qualification, if any, of the good news

■ CONCLUSION: Statement of eagerness to continue relationship, complete project, etc.

■ Clear statement, if appropriate, of what step should come next

A Simple ABC Pattern for All Documents The “ABC format”— A bstract, B ody, and C onclusion—guides students’ work in this course and throughout their careers. This underlying three-part structure pro- vides a convenient handle for designing almost every technical document.

Chapter 6 Correspondence168

By taking an extra minute to check the style and tone of your message, you have the best chance of sending an e-mail that will be well received.

>> E-mail Guideline 1: Use Style Appropriate to the Reader and Subject E-mail sent early in a relationship with a client or other professional contact should be somewhat formal. It should be written more like a letter, with a salutation, closing, and complete sentences. E-mail written once a professional relationship has been estab- lished can use a more casual style. It can resemble conversation with the recipient on the phone. Sentence fragments and slang are acceptable, as long as they contribute to your objectives and are in good taste. Most important, avoid displaying a negative or angry tone. Don’t push the Send button unless an e-mail will produce a constructive exchange.

>> E-mail Guideline 2: Be Sure Your Message Indicates the Context to Which It Applies

Tell your readers what the subject is and what prompted you to write your message. If you are replying to a message, be sure to include the previous message or summarize the message to which you are replying. Most e-mail software packages include a copy of the message to which you are replying, as in Model 6–3 . However, you should make sure that you include only the messages that provide the context for your reader. Long strings of forwarded e-mail make it difficult to find the necessary information.

>> E-mail Guideline 3: Choose the Most Appropriate Method for Replying to a Message

Short e-mail messages may require that you write only a brief response at the beginning or end of the e-mail to which you are responding. For complex, multitopic messages, however, you may wish to split your reply by commenting on each point individually ( Figure 6–5 ).

>> E-mail Guideline 4: Format Your Message Carefully Because e-mail messages frequently replace more formal print-based documents, they should be organized and formatted so that the readers can easily locate the information you want to communicate.

■ Use headings to identify important chunks of information.

■ Use lists to display a series of information.

■ Use sufficient white space to separate important chunks of information.

■ Use separators to divide one piece of information from another.

Figure 6–6 illustrates an e-mail message with headings, separators, and white space.

>> E-mail Guideline 5: Chunk Information for Easy Scanning Break the information into coherent chunks dealing with one specific topic, including all the details that a reader needs to get all of the essential information. Depending on

Numbered Guidelines Many sets of short, numbered guidelines make this book easy to use to complete class projects. Each set of guidelines takes students through the process of finishing assignments, such as writing a proposal, doing research on the Internet, constructing a bar chart, and preparing an oral presentation.


478 Chapter 12 Proposals and White Papers

PROJECT 8: Designed and Created Documentation of Data Security Procedures

CLIENT: Kansas Department of Social and Health Services

■ Model 12–6 ■ continued

M-Global Inc | 127 Rainbow Lane | Baltimore MD 21202 | 410.555.8175

Brief Project Description In response to public concerns about the security of private data, the Kansas Department of Social and Health Services undertook a systematic documentation of all security protocols for personal information. Using the recommendations of an Information Systems Audit, M-Global created on-line and print documentation of computer security procedures.

Main Technical Tasks • Identified procedures to be documented • Designed information architecture for procedural documentation • Created on-line help files to be used by computer operators • Created print-format guide to data security procedures

Main Findings or Benefits • Assisted in meeting public expectations of privacy of confidential

information • New documentation contributed to improved security rating in follow-up

audit • Recognized by Kansans for Security and Privacy for contributions to

security of state records.

Daisuke Morita/Photodisc/Getty Images

M-Global, Inc.—A Fictional Company M-Global, Inc., creates a fictional com- pany for the classroom. Not all students have experience working in a professional or technical organization, so M-Global supplies a realistic backdrop for many of the book’s examples and assignments.

“Write About It” Assignments in Each Chapter Each “Communication Challenge” includes a writing as- signment that asks students to analyze and respond to the challenge and the discussion questions.

Chapter 6 Correspondence

over a four-hour period, for a list with almost 200


2. Read through the list of subject lines. Do any of them

seem inappropriate for the M-Global [NEWS] list, given

its users and its history?

3. Are there any subject lines that could be improved?


4. What do you think about Jeannie’s suggestion that all

messages sent to the [NEWS] list be approved before

being posted? What problems do you see with this

approach? What advantages?

5. What do you think of Janet’s decision to assign

the task of creating rules for the [NEWS] list to a

college intern? What benefits does it offer Bart?

What potential problems does he face in completing

this task?

Write About It

Assume the role of Bart. Do some research on netiquette

and decide what guidelines might apply to a list like the

employee [NEWS] list. Look over the subject lines and de-

cide what subjects, if any, should be kept off the list. Think

about what advice you might offer about subject lines for

the list. Do you like Jeannie’s idea about messages to the

list requiring approval? What alternatives are there? If

your campus has a similar list (or lists) that go out to ev-

eryone, look at the subjects of that list. Your instructor

may be willing to share the subjects of a day’s worth of

postings to any similar campus lists that she or he is on.

Write a persuasive memo to Janet that responds to Jean-

nie’s request and explains your reasons for your decisions.

Include citations from any sources that you have researched.

General Instructions Each Collaboration at Work exercise applies strategies for

working in teams to chapter topics. The exercise assumes

you (1) have been divided into teams of about three to six

students, (2) use team time inside or outside of class to com-

plete the case, and (3) produce an oral or written response.

For guidelines about writing in teams, refer to Chapter 3 .

Background for Assignment A century ago, business professionals had few opportuni-

ties for communication beyond the formal letter or meet-

ing; today, the range of options is incredibly broad. On one

hand, we marvel at the choices for getting our message

heard or read; on the other hand, the many ways to com-

municate present an embarrassment of riches that can be


In other words, when you have multiple communica-

tion options, you’re challenged to match the right method

with the right context— right in terms of what the reader

wants and right in terms of the level of effort you should

exert to suit the purpose. You may think this challenge

applies only to your working life. However, it also can influ-

ence your life in college, as this exercise shows.

Team Assignment Brainstorm with your team to list every means you have

used to communicate with your college and university,

from the time you applied to the present. Then for each

communication option that follows, provide two or three

situations for which the option is the appropriate choice:

1. Letter that includes praise

2. Letter that describes a complaint

3. Letter that provides information

4. Letter that attempts to persuade

5. Telephone call

6. E-mail

7. Memo

8. Personal meeting

Collaboration at Work Choosing the Right Mode


Assignments can be completed either as individual exercises

or as team projects, depending on the directions of your in-

structor. You instructor will ask you to prepare a response

that can be delivered as an oral presentation for discussion in

class. Analyze the context of each Assignment by considering

what you learned in Chapter 1 about the context of technical

writing, and answer the following questions:

■ What is the purpose of the document to be written?

■ What result do you hope to achieve by writing it?

■ Who are your readers and what do they want from your


■ What method of organization is most useful?


25 Learning Portfolio

Worldwide Locations of M-Global, Inc., Offices

U.S. Locations

1. Corporate headquarters— Baltimore, Maryland

2. Baltimore, Maryland 3. Boston, Massachusetts 4. Atlanta, Georgia 5. Houston, Texas 6. Cleveland, Ohio 7. St. Paul, Minnesota 8. St. Louis, Missouri 9. Denver, Colorado 10. San Francisco, California

Non-U.S. Locations

1. Caracas, Venezuela 2. London, England 3. Moscow, Russia 4. Munich, Germany 5. Nairobi, Kenya 6. Dammam, Saudi Arabia 7. Tokyo, Japan

U.S. Offices



Baltimore, Maryland

London, England Munich, Germany Moscow, Russia

Dammam, Saudi Arabia Tokyo, Japan Caracas, Venezuela

Nairobi, Kenya

Denver, Colorado

Cleveland, Ohio St. Louis, Missouri Houston, Texas Boston, Massachusetts Atlanta, Georgia Baltimore, Marryland

San Francisco, California

St. Paul, Minnesota

■ Model 1–1 ■ Employee orientation guide for M-Global, Inc.

M-Global Inc | 127 Rainbow Lane | Baltimore MD 21202 | 410.555.8175


419 Learning Portfolio


Assignments can be completed either as individual exer-

cises or as team projects, depending on the directions of

your instructor. You instructor will ask you to prepare a re-

sponse that can be delivered as an oral presentation for dis-

cussion in class. Analyze the context of each Assignment by

considering what you learned in Chapter 1 about the context

of technical writing, and answer the following questions:

■ What is the purpose of the document to be written?

■ What result do you hope to achieve by writing it?

■ Who are your readers and what do they want from

your document?

■ What method of organization is most useful?

1. Analysis: Executive summary Review the following executive summary for a formal,

solicited sales proposal. Evaluate its effectiveness as an

overview of the proposal.

2. Analysis: Conclusion Review the following conclusion section from a formal, solicited sales proposal. Discuss its tone and page design. Are they

appropriate to a formal solicited proposal? Is the use of a numbered list effective?


Why should a marine supply dealer consider carrying Teak Cam Cleat Spacers? This product satisfies two common criteria of

sailboat owners today: It enhances the appearance of any sailboat, and it makes the boat easier to handle. The potential success

of this product is based on its ability to meet these criteria and the following features and benefits:

1. It is practical, allowing quick, one-handed cleating.

2. It is ideally suited for a variety of sailors, whether they are racing, cruising, or sailing single-handedly.

3. It is a high-quality, handcrafted product that enhances the appearance of any sailboat.

4. It is a product that benefits the dealer by making a valuable addition to her or his inventory. It complements existing sail

accessories and satisfies a customer need.

5. It is geared toward a sizable potential market. Today there are thousands of sailboats in the class for which this accessory

is designed.

6. It is affordably priced and provides a good profit margin.


This proposal outlines features of a custom-made accessory designed for today’s sailors—whether they be racers, cruisers, or

single-handed skippers. The product, Teak Cam Cleat Spacers, has been developed for use primarily on the Catalina 22, a boat

owned by many customers of the 10 Bosun’s stores. However, it can also be used on other sailboats in the same class.

The predictable success of Teak Cam Cleat Spacers is based on two important questions asked by today’s sailboat


• Will the accessory enhance the boat’s appearance?

• Will it make the boat easier to handle and therefore more enjoyable to sail?

This proposal answers both questions with a resounding affirmative by describing the benefits of teak spacers to thou-

sands of people in your territory who own boats for which the product is designed. This potential market, along with the prod-

uct’s high profit margin, will make Teak Cam Cleat Spacers a good addition to your line of sailing accessories.

3. Analysis, M-Global context: Solicited Proposal Review the solicited proposal that follows, submitted by MainAlert Security Systems to the M-Global, Inc., office in Atlanta.

Evaluate the effectiveness of every section of the proposal.

Chapter 6 Correspondence182


DATE: December 4, 2012 TO: Technical Staff FROM: Ralph Simmons, Technical Manager RS SUBJECT: New employee to help with technical editing

Last week we hired an editor to help you produce top-quality reports, proposals, and other documents. This memo gives you some background on this change, high- lights the credentials of our new editor, and explains what the change will mean to you.


At September’s staff meeting, many technical staff members noted the exces- sive time spent editing and proofreading. For example, some of you said that this final stage of writing takes from 15 to 30 percent of the billable time on an average report. Most important, editing often ends up being done by project managers—the employ- ees with the highest billable time.

Despite these editing efforts, many errors still show up in documents that go out the door. Last month I asked a professional association, the Engineers Professional Society (EPS), to evaluate M-Global-Boston documents for editorial correctness. (EPS performs this service for members on a confidential basis.) The resulting report showed that our final reports and proposals need considerable editing work. Given your comments at September’s meeting and the results of the EPS peer review, I began searching for a solution.


To come to grips with this editing problem, the office just hired Ron Perez, an experienced technical editor. He’ll start work January 3. For the last six years, Ron has worked as an editor at Jones Technical Services, a Toronto firm that does work similar to ours. Before that he completed a master’s degree in technical writing at Sage University in Buffalo.

At next week’s staff meeting, we’ll discuss the best way to use Ron’s skills to help us out. For now, he will be getting to know our work by reviewing recent reports and proposals. Also, the attached list of possible activities can serve as a springboard for our discussion.


By working together with Ron, we’ll be able to improve the editorial quality of our documents, free up more of our time for technical tasks, and save the client and ourselves some money.

I look forward to meeting with you next week to discuss the best use of Ron’s services.

Enclosure Copy: Ron Perez

■ Model 6–2 ■ M-Global sample memo

M-Global Inc | 127 Rainbow Lane | Baltimore MD 21202 | 410.555.8175

Gives important infor- mation about Ron in first sentence.

▲ Establishes his credibility.

Refers to attachment.

Focuses on benefit of change to reader.

Restates next action to occur.

Uses informative subject line.

Gives purpose of memo and highlights contents.

▲ ▲

Uses side headings for easy reading.

Shows that the change arose from their concerns.

▲ Adds evidence from outside observer.

453 Learning Portfolio

■ Model 12–4 ■ continued

Silver Rush Museum 1864 Heritage Rd.

Silver City, CO 80212

Mr. John Davis Director National Park Service Save America’s Treasures Grant Program 4567 Ridge Rd. Washington, DC 20240

Dear Mr. Davis: I enjoyed speaking with you last week about the needs of the Silver Rush Museum located in Silver City, Colorado. In response to your interest in the museum, I am submitting this proposal to renovate the windows of the historic museum.

This proposal outlines the history of the Silver Rush Hotel, need for renova- tion, and project objectives. This project will benefit the building by:

• Reglazing and painting windows, cornices, exterior wood trims, and the his- toric cupola

• Renovating the historic glass panes

I’ll give you a call next week to discuss and answer any questions or comments you may have regarding this proposal.


Eva Kline Director of Museum Operations Silver Rush Museum

Refers in letter of transmittal to earlier contact, provides context for proposal.

Calls attention with bul- leted list to main goals of the project.

Invites future contact. ▲

Individual and Collaborative Assignments The “Assignments” section of each chap- ter includes a number of projects that can be completed by students working as a class, in teams, or individually.

Annotated Models The text contains models grouped at the end of chapters on pages with color edg- ing for easy reference. Annotations in the margins are highlighted in color and show exactly how the sample documents illustrate the guidelines set forth in the chapters.



>>> Additional Features Define the Book’s Mission and Demonstrate Its Utility in the Classroom

Chapter 6 Correspondence

over a four-hour period, for a list with almost 200


2. Read through the list of subject lines. Do any of them

seem inappropriate for the M-Global [NEWS] list, given

its users and its history?

3. Are there any subject lines that could be improved?


4. What do you think about Jeannie’s suggestion that all

messages sent to the [NEWS] list be approved before

being posted? What problems do you see with this

approach? What advantages?

5. What do you think of Janet’s decision to assign

the task of creating rules for the [NEWS] list to a

college intern? What benefits does it offer Bart?

What potential problems does he face in completing

this task?

Write About It

Assume the role of Bart. Do some research on netiquette

and decide what guidelines might apply to a list like the

employee [NEWS] list. Look over the subject lines and de-

cide what subjects, if any, should be kept off the list. Think

about what advice you might offer about subject lines for

the list. Do you like Jeannie’s idea about messages to the

list requiring approval? What alternatives are there? If

your campus has a similar list (or lists) that go out to ev-

eryone, look at the subjects of that list. Your instructor

may be willing to share the subjects of a day’s worth of

postings to any similar campus lists that she or he is on.

Write a persuasive memo to Janet that responds to Jean-

nie’s request and explains your reasons for your decisions.

Include citations from any sources that you have researched.

General Instructions Each Collaboration at Work exercise applies strategies for

working in teams to chapter topics. The exercise assumes

you (1) have been divided into teams of about three to six

students, (2) use team time inside or outside of class to com-

plete the case, and (3) produce an oral or written response.

For guidelines about writing in teams, refer to Chapter 3 .

Background for Assignment A century ago, business professionals had few opportuni-

ties for communication beyond the formal letter or meet-

ing; today, the range of options is incredibly broad. On one

hand, we marvel at the choices for getting our message

heard or read; on the other hand, the many ways to com-

municate present an embarrassment of riches that can be


In other words, when you have multiple communica-

tion options, you’re challenged to match the right method

with the right context— right in terms of what the reader

wants and right in terms of the level of effort you should

exert to suit the purpose. You may think this challenge

applies only to your working life. However, it also can influ-

ence your life in college, as this exercise shows.

Team Assignment Brainstorm with your team to list every means you have

used to communicate with your college and university,

from the time you applied to the present. Then for each

communication option that follows, provide two or three

situations for which the option is the appropriate choice:

1. Letter that includes praise

2. Letter that describes a complaint

3. Letter that provides information

4. Letter that attempts to persuade

5. Telephone call

6. E-mail

7. Memo

8. Personal meeting

Collaboration at Work Choosing the Right Mode


Chapter 6 Correspondence

Write a one-page memo to your supervisor recommending

the purchase. You might want to consider criteria such as

■ Relevance of information in the source to the job

■ Level of material with respect to potential readers

■ Cost of book or periodical as compared with its value

■ Amount of probable use

■ Important features of the book or periodical (such as

bibliographies or special sections)

16. Persuasive Memo Practice, M-Global Context— Request

Assume you work at an M-Global office and have no un-

dergraduate degree. You are not yet sure what degree pro-

gram you want to enter, but you have decided to take one

night course each term. Your M-Global office has agreed to

pay 100 percent of your college expenses on two conditions.

First, before taking each course, you must write a memo

of request to your supervisor, justifying the value of the

class to your specific job or to your future work with the

company. Clearly, your boss wants to know that the course

has specific application or that it will form the foundation

for later courses. Second, you must receive a C or better in

every class for which you want reimbursement.

Write the persuasive memo just described. For the pur-

poses of this assignment, choose one course that you actu-

ally have taken or are now taking. Yet in your simulated role

for the assignment, write as if you have not taken the course.

lists. Now draft a simple code of ethics that could be distrib-

uted to members of any organization—such as M-Global,

Inc.—whose members use e-mail on a daily basis. Search

the Internet for examples of codes of ethics in general, and

of e-mail ethics in particular.

18. International Communication Assignment

E-mail messages can be sent around the world as easily as

they can be sent to the next office. If you end up working for

a company with international offices or clients, you prob-

ably will use e-mail to conduct business.

Investigate the e-mail conventions of one or more

countries outside your own. Search for any ways that the

format, content, or style of international e-mail may differ

from e-mail in your country. Gather information by collect-

ing hard copies of e-mail messages sent from other coun-

tries, interviewing people who use international e-mail, or

consulting the library for information on international busi-

ness communication. Write a memo to your instructor in

which you (1) note differences you found and (2) explain

why these differences exist. If possible, focus on any differ-

ences in culture that may affect e-mail transactions.

ACTNOW 19. A.C.T. N.O.W. Assignment ( A pplying C ommunication T o N urture O ur W orld)

Whether you commute or live on campus, your everyday

life at a college or university may be influenced by student

i i ll d f d


Learning Portfolio 203

Sylvia Barnard, manager of the Denver branch of M-Global,

has a special interest in the energy industry. As a geologist

working in oil and gas exploration, she joined M-Global to

contribute to its construction projects in the oil and gas in-

dustry, such as oil fields and refineries. Sylvia wants to see

M-Global respond to changes in the energy industry by di-

versifying into work on biofuels projects. This case study

explains her approach to the problem. It ends with ques-

tions and comments for discussion and an assignment for a

written response to the Challenge.

Research As a first step in developing a proposal for Jim McDuff, Syl-

via wants to learn more about the biofuels industry and bio-

fuels technology. Although she has read about biofuels in

newspapers and general news magazines, she knows that

to propose that M-Global enter the field, she must have

more specialized knowledge about what biofuels are. With

a better understanding of the technology, she will be able

to focus her proposal on the areas in which M-Global’s ex-

perience in the oil and gas industry can be transferred to

construction projects in the biofuels industry. After her re-

search, she decides to focus on the following types of fuels:

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