I need two copies for two different companies.
1 copy for Chorus NewZealand
1 copy for new World NewZealand
Assignment questions are attached in document file
Please try to finish in 16 hours
Core values and SWOT analysis (18 Marks) 3.1 Core values (6 Marks) - Approximately 250 words 3.1.1 Identify the core values of your selected business entity. (LO1b) (2 marks) 3.1.2 Analyse how the core values of this business inform the decision-making process. (LO1b) (2 marks) 3.1.3 Evaluate if the core values of this business support the current vision and mission statements. (LO1b) (2 marks) 3.2 SWOT analysis (LO1b & LO2a) (12 Marks) - Approximately 450 words Analyse at least 2 strengths, 2 weaknesses, 2 opportunities and 2 threats. - You are required to link your analysis to the facts and information about the organisation as well as external factors such as competitors, customers, suppliers, laws and regulations, technology. - You must engage in research to answer the questions. Your discussion must be embedded in theory learnt in class. - Your SWOT analysis must consider all aspect of the selected business including operations, accounting, sales and marketing, human resources, risk management ...