Discussion Board Grading Criteria Discussion Board grading is Subjective (to the subjectivity of the instructor). Objective grading has a clear correct or incorrect answer (multiple choice, math problems (still some subjectivity there, but it is always in the favor of the student). Discussion board grading is a culmination of how well you respond to the initial post (did you answer the question or fully explore the topic) as well as how you interacted with your classmates (after all, discussion boards are the only “participating” available here). As a student, you are still a “learner,” working toward becoming the master of your specialty. In as such, it is highly unlikely that you will score 100% on a discussion board, as this would indicate that you have reached the pinnacle of your educational career. Even I do not feel I have reached that point yet, even with my PhD. Unless otherwise stated, Initial Responses contribute 80% toward the discussion grade. Interaction with your Classmates contribute 20% toward the discussion grade. Initial Responses: Initial responses should fully explore the questions or topics posed in the discussion and must include in-text citations and list the reference(s) at the bottom of the post. Generally speaking, initial posts should be at least 150 to 350 words in length (per topic), but longer if necessary, to fully explore the topic(s). Responses to Classmates: At a minimum, you should respond substantively to at least 2 of your classmates’ initial posts (see definition of a substantive post below). Substantive Responses: A substantive response is one that adds substance to the initial post by sharing a personal experience, asking for clarification, posing a question, or otherwise furthering the ideas of the initial post. Substantive responses, at a minimum should be expressed in 150 to 250 words in a 3-5 sentence paragraph. To further improve your “interaction,” when a classmate responds substantively to your initial post, respond back with dialogue about those comments. Have a professional conversation about the similarities or differences in opinion you share on the topic. Penalties: Late submission of your initial post, 10% (8 points) per day. Failing to use citations/references in your initial post, minimum of 10 points. A “really good” initial post will earn 78 to 79 points. - Earning 80 points is rare, but not impossible. Two “really good” AND substantive responses to initial posts will earn 18-19 points. - Extra interaction (responding to responses) will easily push this to 20 points. Summary: A score of 96 to 98 on a discussion is Exceptionally Good. MGMT 5325 Organizational Development and Change Instructions and Expectations 1. Communication is Key to Successfully Completing this (or any) College Course Successfully! o "e"Office Hours Monday - Friday: 0800 - 1700 Primary Contact Email: ernest.rahn@wayland.wbu.edu Expected response time: Within 48 hours (Typically <24 hours) Time-Sensitive/Critical Issues Contact Phone: (912) 655-5036 2. Discussion Board Participation o You will participate in discussion topics each week (aside from week 11) o Post responses directly into the text editor. DO NOT upload a separate document unless specified. o Initial Responses are due on the specific day of the associated week as indicated in the instructions for each topic ▪ Late submissions will lose 10% (8 points) per day ▪ You will not receive credit for discussion board postings after the end of the assigned week o In addition to your initial response to each discussion board topic, you must also respond to the initial post of at least 2 of your classmates ▪ Respond substantively (at least 150 to 250 words offering advice,