What elements from these 3 sources made the biggest impression on you. Why do you think that is?
Why do you think bullying seems to be so prevalent in the workplace?
Finally, do the confirming and disconfirming climates we create in our face-to-face conversations transfer to the communication we experience online? Explain your perspective.
3. Reflective Writing Assignment 1-2 Page
As we wrap up our class together, please reflect on the following quote....
We've explored many topics and learned about the issues which confront us in the area of Interpersonal Communication. Why might we need to focus attention on this final quote?
Then contemplate the following--
What have you discovered through the reading, the videos, your reflective writing and your conversations/discussions with your classmates? What stood out for you? What do you know now that you didn't know before starting the class? What are you still questioning or wondering about? Why is that do you think?
What would you consider to be your current Interpersonal Communication strengths and what challenges do you believe still lie ahead for you? Why?
Finally, take time to develop your reflection. This writing must be original (your own work) and new (not copied from any of your previous reflections or discussions). Blend personal perspectives and life experiences. You may incorporate a few brief, meaningful passages from text materials, but this reflection needs to be your own.