Take Test: Unit VllAssessment
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, Queston Comoietion Status:
QUESTIOH 1 + points The desFuction codes in the Posterior $egment subsection include how rnany sessions?
31 c2 a4 a6
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QUESTION 2 4 points ln the Surgery of Skull Base, which of the following procedures describes urhat is done to the lesion?
l' lntubation 'l Approach I Radical I Definitive
QUESTION3 : 4points SaveAnswer I
Camraci anci iens repiacement uses how-manydifferent approaches?
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:4 OL
Ufti.*t of the following rnedical conditionsis conected by having a #*smus surgery? O The refractive surhces of the eye are unequal O T?rere b an opaque cgvering on or in the lens Q Damaged @rnea O tftEde misalignment
pointei4 Save Answer
Uften reporting a craniectomy/cranioiomy procedure, what additional rccedure rnay need to be performed? Q Ex*s;fn O Grding Q lntubatim Q Cdteterization
i 4 points Save Answer
QrrEsnoH 6
Hrt b the rnost commonly known neuroplastic procedure? O Srtgery of Skull Base Q Grahdomy Q Gbernd ceMcal puncture O Carpd hrnnel release
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QrrEiTlon 7
llc pefttcral nervous system retOrs to the nervous strucfures outside of !e: C htn. O cilral rlerYous system. O st iE. C efrerniti€s.
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: 4 points Save Answer
QUCSnOH I The initials that indicate a shunting procedure are: ,3r CPC.
4 pointe Save Answer
Siatus -.-_--4*gtne- laueAnsw-er - -
Tte codes in the Eye and OcularAdnexa subsection are represented by uttricfr of the following code ranges?
c 650s1$88e9 c 62310$2319 c 5s840-59857 c 598s5-59857
QUESTION 10 4 poinh Save Answer Shunts are devices used to:
I relieve pressure in the brain caused by fluid buildup. ; rnonitor cunents emanating from the brain. :: ctecompress spinat nerves. l rdieve pressure in the endocrine system €used by fluid buildup.
QUESnON 1r 6 points Save Answer
tsased on the following scenario, type the CPT CODE in the box below that represenE the procedure(s) that were performed.
Locatxrn : Ou@atient Hospital
PRF/POSTOPERATIVF D!A.GNOSIS: Glaucoma of the r.ight eye
PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Seouential cvclocrvotheraov. rioht eve l:ict 9:,,- :-: irc,nit to sove and submit. Ctiik Saie AllArislwer"s to iove all answers.
AHESTHESIA: Regional nerve block
14-qu, otd lc*Je polrunt &o,s 7{ared an*lc ofera{rni ltble ia*lw su"Vn, yosi{'d givcn a rgionotr blocJl, tIIPat6ntwasthenpreppedaf,oorapeointheuiualsterilemannerfor ophthalmic surgery. A wire lid speculum was used to separate the lids of the r(1ht eye. Markings were then made in the superior temporal quadrant and the right inferior nasal quadrant of the patient's right eye. A cryoprobe -112 @rees F was inserted for five seconds using the freeze-thaw-freeze rnefiod of cryotherapy in both of the aforementioned quadrants. There were no complications and the patient tolerated the procedure well. Maxitrol ointnent, Telta, and two pads were applied to the eye and the patient was taken to re@very.
i .-, Questicn Compietion Status:
Bffied on the fiollowing scenario, type the CpT CODE in the box below that represents the procedure(s) that were performed.
Lmtirn : Oupailent Hospital
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Chronic otitis media with effusion
PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Bilateral tympanostomies with placement of ventihtirn tubes
PROCEDURE: After the patient was placed under general anesthetic, the rQht canal was cleared of wax and prepped with Betadine. A radial incision wm rnade in the anterior-inferior quadrant and thick mucoid fluid was sctirned from behind this drum. A 0.39-mm ventilation tube was inserted. The bft canal was then cleared of wax and prepped with Betadine. A radial toicisbn was rnade in the anterior-inferior quadrant and thick mucoid fluid wzls s{rctioned ftom behind this drum. A 0.39-mrn ventilation tube was irrerbd. The canalwas then filled with Ciprodex on both sides and cottcn in the extemal auditory meatus. The patient was awakened from her anesfietic and retumed to the recovery room in stable condition. Prognosis irnrnediate/remote is good. Blood loss is 0.
6 points Save Answer
A naix+a .-..^ A-^,..--v lryfrrr0 JdvE nr r)vvel
l. ::
Based on the followino situation. tuoe the CPT CODE in the box below that criffi ffi 6grtJd&frUr#'ffi #,%4,f dlkrr1higuk$weg#$dsri#srs'{fi ,Hyr,attonswers.
-.-:..--- -.-' QUESTION 14 6 points
Based on the following situation, type the CPT CODE in the box below that represents an otoplasty of the right ear, with size reduction.
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. c"es{&lffieElif 5 status: 6 points Save Answer
Based on the following situation, type the CPT CODE in the box below that represeflts the removal of impacted cerumen from both ears using wax a.Eetbs and suction
(FrESnOil 16
B€sed on the following scenario, type the CPT CODE in the box below that repres€flts the procedure(s) that were performed.
Lmtim: lnpatient Hospital
PRE/POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Herniated disc L4-5 on the left
PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Laminotomy, foraminotomy, and removal of dlsc at L4-5 on the left
AilESTHESIA: General
DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: Under general anesthesia, the patient ras daced in the prone position. The back was prepped and draped in the usurd rnanner. lncision was made in the skin and extended through subcutaneous tissue. The lumbodorsal fascia was divided. The erector spanae muscles were bluntly dissected from the lamina of L4-5. The nterspace was localized via x-ray. We then performed a generous hnineclomy/foranninotomy and saw the problem. There was sequestered disc on the body of L4-L5. I entered the disc space and removed much degienerating material both medially and laterally. Having cleaned out the disc space. i was sa'tisfie,i ihe rooi was decompressed. 'fve passe'j a ttoctey stick down the foramen and laterally there were no free fragments.
6 points Save Answer
\flWihtf n'*r,'. rn tn tne
subantaneous tissue, and surgical staples on the skin. Adressing was oggtieA. -p6
1a.*ient {r} {4ras discha."Jod *o the' feC.OV<.rj roorr in gfubte- corrdi*l'on,
Based on the following situation, type the CPT CODE in the box below that represents a removal of a superficial foreign body in the external left eye.
6 points Save Answer
Quesi;on Conojeiion Status.
Based on the following situation, type the CPT CODE in the box below that reprsents a bilateral repair of blepharoptosis with frontalis muscle Ecfink1ue.
Based on the following situation, type the CPT CODE in the box below that represents a sclera lesion excision, left eye.
6 points Save Answer
6 points Save Answer
6 points Save Answer
Besed on fie following situation, type the CPT CODE in the box below that represents incision and drainage of an infected thyroglossal duct cyst.
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