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The innovator's dna harvard business review

25/11/2021 Client: muhammad11 Deadline: 2 Day

Building An Innovation Strategy - Tesla

Building an Innovation Strategy
In this unit, you will submit the Building an Innovation Strategy assignment.

In a brief description, identify Tesla and the industry in which it operates, and explain your rationale for selecting it. Your rationale should include an analysis of how the Tesla fits with innovative models, approaches, leadership, and the use of strategic assumptions.

Analyze Tesla using these five strategy and innovation theories, concepts, and constructs:

Organization design models that drive innovation.
Organizational processes that enable innovation.
Success factors for people and innovation.
Definition of essential innovation success measurements.
Integration of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability.
Other Requirements
Written communication: Your writing must be free of errors, scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the business profession.
APA formatting: Your assignment should be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.
Length: 4–6 pages, excluding title page and references page.
References: Use at least six resources we have covered in the class to date and two additional for your company information. Create an APA-appropriate reference list.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
Please review the Building an Innovation Strategy Scoring Guide to ensure that you meet the grading criteria for this assignment.

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C ro

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Five “discovery skills” separate true innovators from the rest of us. | by Jeffrey H. Dyer, Hal B. Gregersen, and Clayton M. Christensen

The Innovator’s

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62 Harvard Business Review | December 2009 | hbr.org

The Innovator’s DNA Innovation INNOVATION


These are questions that stump senior executives, who understand that the ability to innovate is the

“secret sauce” of business success. Unfortunately, most of us know very little about what makes one person more creative than another. Perhaps for this reason, we stand in awe of visionary entrepreneurs like Apple’s Steve Jobs, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, eBay’s Pierre Omidyar, and P&G’s A.G. Lafl ey. How do these people come up with groundbreaking new ideas? If it were possible to discover the inner work- ings of the masters’ minds, what could the rest of us learn about how innovation really happens?

In searching for answers, we undertook a six- year study to uncover the origins of creative – and oft en disrup- tive – business strategies in par- ticularly innovative companies. Our goal was to put innovative entrepreneurs under the micro- scope, examining when and how they came up with the ideas on which their businesses were built. We especially wanted to examine how they diff er from other execu- tives and entrepreneurs: Some- one who buys a McDonald’s fran- chise may be an entrepreneur, but building an Amazon requires different skills altogether. We studied the habits of 25 innova- tive entrepreneurs and surveyed more than 3,000 executives and 500 individuals who had started innovative companies or invented new products.

We were intrigued to learn that at most companies, top executives do not feel personally responsible for coming up with strategic inno- vations. Rather, they feel responsi- ble for facilitating the innovation process. In stark contrast, senior executives of the most innovative companies – a mere 15% in our study – don’t delegate creative work. They do it themselves.

But how do they do it? Our research led us to identify fi ve “discovery skills” that distinguish the most creative executives: associating, questioning, observing, experimenting, and networking. We found that innovative entrepreneurs (who are also CEOs) spend 50% more time on these discovery ac- tivities than do CEOs with no track record for in- novation. Together, these skills make up what we call the innovator’s DNA. And the good news is, if you’re not born with it, you can cultivate it.

What Makes Innovators Different? Innovative entrepreneurs have something called creative intelligence, which enables discovery yet diff ers from other types of intelligence (as sug- gested by Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences). It is more than the cognitive skill of being right-brained. Innovators engage both sides of the brain as they leverage the fi ve discovery skills to create new ideas.

In thinking about how these skills work together, we’ve found it useful to apply the metaphor of DNA. Associating is like the backbone structure of DNA’s double helix; four patterns of action (questioning, observing, experimenting, and networking) wind around this backbone, helping to cultivate new in- sights. And just as each person’s physical DNA is unique, each individual we studied had a unique innovator’s DNA for generating breakthrough busi- ness ideas.

Imagine that you have an identical twin, en- dowed with the same brains and natural talents that you have. You’re both given one week to come up with a creative new business-venture idea. Dur- ing that week, you come up with ideas alone in your room. In contrast, your twin (1) talks with 10 people – including an engineer, a musician, a stay- at-home dad, and a designer – about the venture, (2) visits three innovative start-ups to observe what they do, (3) samples fi ve “new to the market” prod- ucts, (4) shows a prototype he’s built to fi ve people, and (5) asks the questions “What if I tried this?” and

“Why do you do that?” at least 10 times each day dur- ing these networking, observing, and experiment- ing activities. Who do you bet will come up with the more innovative (and doable) idea?

“How do I fi nd INNOVATIVE PEOPLE for my organization? And how can I become more innovative myself ?”

The habits of Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, and other innovative CEOs reveal much about the underpin- nings of their creative thinking. Research shows that fi ve discov- ery skills distinguish the most in- novative entrepreneurs from other executives.


Questioning » allows innovators to break out of the status quo and consider new possibilities.

Through » observing, innovators detect small behavioral details – in the activities of customers, sup- pliers, and other companies – that suggest new ways of doing things.

In » experimenting, they relent- lessly try on new experiences and explore the world.

And through » networking with individuals from diverse back- grounds, they gain radically different perspectives.


The four patterns of action » together help innovators associate to cultivate new insights.


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Studies of identical twins separated at birth in- dicate that our ability to think creatively comes one-third from genetics; but two-thirds of the in- novation skill set comes through learning – fi rst understanding a given skill, then practicing it, ex- perimenting, and ultimately gaining confi dence in one’s capacity to create. Innovative entrepreneurs in our study acquired and honed their innovation skills precisely this way.

Let’s look at the skills in detail.

Discovery Skill 1: Associating Associating, or the ability to successfully connect seemingly unrelated questions, problems, or ideas from diff erent fi elds, is central to the innovator’s DNA. Entrepreneur Frans Johansson described this phenomenon as the “Medici eff ect,” referring to the creative explosion in Florence when the Medici fam- ily brought together people from a wide range of disciplines – sculptors, scientists, poets, philosophers, painters, and architects. As these individuals con- nected, new ideas blossomed at the intersections of their respective fi elds, thereby spawning the Renais- sance, one of the most inventive eras in history.

To grasp how associating works, it is important to understand how the brain operates. The brain doesn’t store information like a dictionary, where you can fi nd the word “theater” under the letter

“T.” Instead, it associates the word “theater” with any number of experiences from our lives. Some of these are logical (“West End” or “intermission”), while others may be less obvious (perhaps “anxiety,” from a botched performance in high school). The more diverse our experience and knowledge, the more connections the brain can make. Fresh inputs trigger new associations; for some, these lead to novel ideas. As Steve Jobs has frequently observed,

“Creativity is connecting things.” The world’s most innovative companies prosper

by capitalizing on the divergent associations of their founders, executives, and employees. For ex- ample, Pierre Omidyar launched eBay in 1996 aft er linking three unconnected dots: (1) a fascination with creating more-effi cient markets, aft er having been shut out from a hot internet company’s IPO in the mid-1990s; (2) his fi ancée’s desire to locate hard- to-fi nd collectible Pez dispensers; and (3) the inef- fectiveness of local classifi ed ads in locating such items. Likewise, Steve Jobs is able to generate idea aft er idea because he has spent a lifetime exploring new and unrelated things – the art of calligraphy, meditation practices in an Indian ashram, the fi ne details of a Mercedes-Benz.

Associating is like a mental muscle that can grow stronger by using the other discovery skills. As in- novators engage in those behaviors, they build their ability to generate ideas that can be recombined in new ways. The more frequently people in our study attempted to understand, categorize, and store new knowledge, the more easily their brains could natu- rally and consistently make, store, and recombine associations.

Discovery Skill 2: Questioning More than 50 years ago, Peter Drucker described the power of provocative questions. “The important and diffi cult job is never to fi nd the right answers, it is to fi nd the right question,” he wrote. Innovators constantly ask questions that challenge common wisdom or, as Tata Group chairman Ratan Tata puts it, “question the unquestionable.” Meg Whit- man, former CEO of eBay, has worked directly with a number of innovative entrepreneurs, including the founders of eBay, PayPal, and Skype. “They get a kick out of screwing up the status quo,” she told us. “They can’t bear it. So they spend a tremendous amount of time thinking about how to change the world. And as they brainstorm, they like to ask: ‘If we did this, what would happen?’”

Most of the innovative entrepreneurs we in- terviewed could remember the specifi c questions they were asking at the time they had the inspira- tion for a new venture. Michael Dell, for instance, told us that his idea for founding Dell Computer sprang from his asking why a computer cost fi ve times as much as the sum of its parts. “I would take computers apart…and would observe that $600 worth of parts were sold for $3,000.” In chewing over the question, he hit on his revolutionary busi- ness model.

To question eff ectively, innovative entrepreneurs do the following:

Ask “Why?” and “Why not?” and “What if?” Most managers focus on understanding how to make existing processes – the status quo – work a little better (“How can we improve widget sales in Taiwan?”). Innovative entrepreneurs, on the other hand, are much more likely to challenge assump- tions (“If we cut the size or weight of the widget in half, how would that change the value proposi- tion it off ers?”). Marc Benioff , the founder of the online sales soft ware provider Salesforce.com, was full of questions aft er witnessing the emergence of Amazon and eBay, two companies built on services delivered via the internet. “Why are we still loading and upgrading soft ware the way we’ve been doing

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64 Harvard Business Review | December 2009 | hbr.org

The Innovator’s DNA Innovation INNOVATION


all this time when we can now do it over the inter- net?” he wondered. This fundamental question was the genesis of Salesforce.com.

Imagine opposites. In his book The Opposable Mind, Roger Martin writes that innovative thinkers have “the capacity to hold two diametrically op- posing ideas in their heads.” He explains, “Without panicking or simply settling for one alternative or the other, they’re able to produce a synthesis that is superior to either opposing idea.”

Innovative entrepreneurs like to play devil’s ad- vocate. “My learning process has always been about disagreeing with what I’m being told and taking the opposite position, and pushing others to really justify themselves,” Pierre Omidyar told us. “I re- member it was very frustrating for the other kids when I would do this.” Asking oneself, or others, to imagine a completely diff erent alternative can lead to truly original insights.

Embrace constraints. Most of us impose con- straints on our thinking only when forced to deal with real-world limitations, such as resource al- locations or technology restrictions. Ironically, great questions actively impose constraints on our thinking and serve as a catalyst for out-of-the-box insights. (In fact, one of Google’s nine innovation principles is “Creativity loves constraint.”) To initi- ate a creative discussion about growth opportuni- ties, one innovative executive in our study asked this question: “What if we were legally prohibited from selling to our current customers? How would we make money next year?” This led to an insight- ful exploration of ways the company could fi nd and serve new customers. Another innovative CEO prods his managers to examine sunk-cost con- straints by asking, “What if you had not already hired this person, installed this equipment, imple- mented this process, bought this business, or pur- sued this strategy? Would you do the same thing you are doing today?”

Discovery Skill 3: Observing Discovery-driven executives produce uncommon business ideas by scrutinizing common phenomena, particularly the behavior of potential customers. In observing others, they act like anthropologists and social scientists.

Intuit founder Scott Cook hit on the idea for Quicken fi nancial soft ware aft er two key observa- tions. First he watched his wife’s frustration as she struggled to keep track of their fi nances. “Oft en the surprises that lead to new business ideas come from watching other people work and live their normal

lives,” Cook explained. “You see something and ask, ‘Why do they do that? That doesn’t make sense.’” Then a buddy got him a sneak peek at the Apple Lisa before it launched. Immediately aft er leaving Apple headquarters, Cook drove to the nearest res- taurant to write down everything he had noticed about the Lisa. His observations prompted insights such as building the graphical user interface to look just like its real-world counterpart (a checkbook, for example), making it easy for people to use it. So Cook set about solving his wife’s problem and grabbed 50% of the market for fi nancial soft ware in the fi rst year.

Innovators carefully, intentionally, and consis- tently look out for small behavioral details – in the activities of customers, suppliers, and other compa- nies – in order to gain insights about new ways of doing things. Ratan Tata got the inspiration that led to the world’s cheapest car by observing the plight of a family of four packed onto a single motorized scooter. Aft er years of product development, Tata Group launched in 2009 the $2,500 Nano using a modular production method that may disrupt the entire automobile distribution system in India. Ob- servers try all sorts of techniques to see the world in a diff erent light. Akio Toyoda regularly practices Toyota’s philosophy of genchi genbutsu – “going to the spot and seeing for yourself.” Frequent direct observation is baked into the Toyota culture.

Discovery Skill 4: Experimenting When we think of experiments, we think of scien- tists in white coats or of great inventors like Thomas Edison. Like scientists, innovative entrepreneurs ac- tively try out new ideas by creating prototypes and launching pilots. (As Edison said, “I haven’t failed. I’ve simply found 10,000 ways that do not work.”) The world is their laboratory. Unlike observers, who intensely watch the world, experimenters construct interactive experiences and try to provoke unortho- dox responses to see what insights emerge.

The innovative entrepreneurs we interviewed all engaged in some form of active experimentation, whether it was intellectual exploration (Michael Lazaridis mulling over the theory of relativity in high school), physical tinkering (Jeff Bezos taking apart his crib as a toddler or Steve Jobs disassem- bling a Sony Walkman), or engagement in new surroundings (Starbucks founder Howard Shultz roaming Italy visiting coff ee bars). As executives of innovative enterprises, they make experimenta- tion central to everything they do. Bezos’s online bookstore didn’t stay where it was aft er its initial

Sample of Innovative Entrepreneurs from our Study

SAM ALLEN ScanCafe.com

MARC BENIOFF Salesforce.com

JEFF BEZOS Amazon.com



MICHAEL DELL Dell Computer






JEFF JONES NxLight; Campus Pipeline

HERB KELLEHER Southwest Airlines

MIKE LAZARIDIS Research In Motion

SPENCER MOFFAT Fast Arch of Utah

DAVID NEELEMAN JetBlue; Morris Air




MARK WATTLES Hollywood Video



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success; it morphed into an online discount retailer, selling a full line of products from toys to TVs to home appliances. The electronic reader Kindle is an experiment that is now transforming Amazon from an online retailer to an innovative electron- ics manufacturer. Bezos sees experimentation as so critical to innovation that he has institutionalized it at Amazon. “I encourage our employees to go down blind alleys and experiment,” Bezos says. “If we can get processes decentralized so that we can do a lot of experiments without it being very costly, we’ll get a lot more innovation.”

Scott Cook, too, stresses the importance of cre- ating a culture that fosters experimentation. “Our culture opens us to allowing lots of failures while harvesting the learning,” he told us. “It’s what sepa- rates an innovation culture from a normal corpo- rate culture.”

One of the most powerful experiments innova- tors can engage in is living and working overseas. Our research revealed that the more countries a person has lived in, the more likely he or she is to leverage that experience to deliver innovative products, processes, or businesses. In fact, if man- agers try out even one international assignment before becoming CEO, their companies deliver

stronger fi nancial results than companies run by CEOs without such experience – roughly 7% higher market performance on average. P&G’s A.G. Lafl ey, for example, spent time as a student studying his- tory in France and running retail operations on U.S. military bases in Japan. He returned to Japan later to head all of P&G’s Asia operations before becom- ing CEO. His diverse international experience has served him well as the leader of one of the most innovative companies in the world.

Discovery Skill 5: Networking Devoting time and energy to fi nding and testing ideas through a network of diverse individuals gives innovators a radically diff erent perspective. Unlike most executives – who network to access resources, to sell themselves or their companies, or to boost their careers – innovative entrepreneurs go out of their way to meet people with diff erent kinds of ideas and perspectives to extend their own knowl- edge domains. To this end, they make a conscious eff ort to visit other countries and meet people from other walks of life.

They also attend idea conferences such as Tech- nology, Entertainment, and Design (TED), Davos, and the Aspen Ideas Festival. Such conferences

How Innovators Stack Up This chart shows how four well-known innovative entrepreneurs rank

on each of the discovery skills. All our high-profi le innovators scored

above the 80th percentile on questioning, yet each combined the dis-

covery skills uniquely to forge new insights.

Rankings are based on a survey of more than 3,000 executives and entrepreneurs.







Michael Dell

Michael Lazaridis

Scott Cook

Pierre Omidyar

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66 Harvard Business Review | December 2009 | hbr.org

The Innovator’s DNA Innovation INNOVATION


draw together artists, entrepreneurs, academics, politicians, adventurers, scientists, and thinkers from all over the world, who come to present their newest ideas, passions, and projects. Michael Laza- ridis, the founder of Research In Motion, notes that the inspiration for the original BlackBerry occurred at a conference in 1987. A speaker was describing a wireless data system that had been designed for Coke; it allowed vending machines to send a signal when they needed refi lling. “That’s when it hit me,” Lazaridis recalls. “I remembered what my teacher said in high school: ‘Don’t get too caught up with computers because the person that puts wireless technology and computers together is going to make a big diff erence.’” David Neeleman came up with key ideas for JetBlue – such as satellite TV at every seat and at-home reservationists – through networking at conferences and elsewhere.

Kent Bowen, the founding scientist of CPS tech- nologies (maker of an innovative ceramic compos- ite), hung the following credo in every offi ce of his start-up: “The insights required to solve many of our most challenging problems come from outside our industry and scientifi c fi eld. We must aggres- sively and proudly incorporate into our work fi nd- ings and advances which were not invented here.” Scientists from CPS have solved numerous complex

problems by talking with people in other fi elds. One expert from Polaroid with in-depth knowledge of fi lm technology knew how to make the ceramic composite stronger. Experts in sperm-freezing tech- nology knew how to prevent ice crystal growth on cells during freezing, a technique that CPS applied to its manufacturing process with stunning success.

Practice, Practice, Practice As innovators actively engage in the discovery skills, they become defi ned by them. They grow increas- ingly confi dent of their creative abilities. For A.G. Lafl ey, innovation is the central job of every leader, regardless of the place he or she occupies on the organizational chart. But what if you – like most ex- ecutives – don’t see yourself or those on your team as particularly innovative?

Though innovative thinking may be innate to some, it can also be developed and strengthened through practice. We cannot emphasize enough the importance of rehearsing over and over the behaviors described above, to the point that they become automatic. This requires putting aside time for you and your team to actively cultivate more creative ideas.

The most important skill to practice is question- ing. Asking “Why” and “Why not” can help turbo-

charge the other discovery skills. Ask questions that both impose and eliminate constraints; this will help you see a problem or opportunity from a diff erent angle. Try spending 15 to 30 minutes each day writing down 10 new ques- tions that challenge the status quo in your com- pany or industry. “If I had a favorite question to ask, everyone would anticipate it,” Michael Dell told us. “Instead I like to ask things people don’t think I’m going to ask. This is a little cruel, but I kind of delight in coming up with questions that nobody has the answer to quite yet.”

To sharpen your own observational skills, watch how certain customers experience a product or service in their natural environ- ment. Spend an entire day carefully observing the “jobs” that customers are trying to get done. Try not to make judgments about what you see: Simply pretend you’re a fl y on the wall, and observe as neutrally as possible. Scott Cook ad- vises Intuit’s observers to ask, “What’s diff erent than you expected?” Follow Richard Branson’s example and get in the habit of note taking wherever you go. Or follow Jeff Bezos’s: “I take pictures of really bad innovations,” he told us,

“of which there are a number.”

WHY DO INNOVATORS question, observe, experiment,

and network more than typical

executives? As we examined what

motivates them, we discovered two

common themes: (1) They actively

desire to change the status quo, and

(2) they regularly take risks to make

that change happen. Throughout our

research, we were struck by the con-

sistency of language that innovators

use to describe their motives. Jeff

Bezos wants to “make history,” Steve

Jobs to “put a ding in the universe,”

Skype cofounder Niklas Zennström

to “be disruptive, but in the cause

of making the world a better place.”

These innovators steer entirely clear

of a common cognitive bias called

the status quo bias – the tendency to

prefer an existing state of affairs to

alternative ones.

Embracing a mission for change

makes it much easier to take risks

and make mistakes. For most of the

innovative entrepreneurs we studied,

mistakes are nothing to be ashamed

of; in fact, they are expected as a cost

of doing business. “If the people run-

ning Amazon.com don’t make some

signifi cant mistakes,” explained Be-

zos, “then we won’t be doing a good

job for our shareholders because we

won’t be swinging for the fences.”

In short, innovators rely on their

“courage to innovate” – an active

bias against the status quo and an

unfl inching willingness to take

risks – to transform ideas into power-

ful impact.

Put a Ding in the Universe

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hbr.org | December 2009 | Harvard Business Review 67

To strengthen experimentation, at both the individual and organizational levels, consciously approach work and life with a hypothesis-testing mind-set. Attend seminars or executive education courses on topics outside your area of expertise; take apart a product or process that interests you; read books that purport to identify emerging trends. When you travel, don’t squander the opportunity to learn about diff erent lifestyles and local behav- ior. Develop new hypotheses from the knowledge you’ve acquired and test them in the search for new products or processes. Find ways to institutional- ize frequent, small experiments at all levels of the organization. Openly acknowledging that learning through failure is valuable goes a long way toward building an innovative culture.

To improve your networking skills, contact the fi ve most creative people you know and ask them to share what they do to stimulate creative thinking. You might also ask if they’d be willing to act as your creative mentors. We suggest holding regular idea lunches at which you meet a few new people from diverse functions, companies, industries, or coun-

tries. Get them to tell you about their innovative ideas and ask for feedback on yours.

• • •

Innovative entrepreneurship is not a genetic pre- disposition, it is an active endeavor. Apple’s slogan

“Think Diff erent” is inspiring but incomplete. We found that innovators must consistently act diff er- ent to think diff erent. By understanding, reinforcing, and modeling the innovator’s DNA, companies can fi nd ways to more successfully develop the creative spark in everyone.

Jeffrey H. Dyer (jdyer@byu.edu) is a professor of strategy at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, and an adjunct professor at the University of Penn- sylvania’s Wharton School. Hal B. Gregersen (hal. gregersen@insead.edu) is a professor of leadership at Insead in Abu Dhabi, UAE, and Fontainebleau, France. Clayton M. Christensen (cchristensen@ hbs.edu) is a professor of business administration at Harvard Business School in Boston.

Reprint R0912E To order, see page 131.

Try spending 15 to 30 minutes each day writing down questions that challenge the status quo in your company.

“The numbers aren’t working.”R o

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