. The excerpt from Chapter 14 of The Jungle will provide the basis for answering that question.The Jungle excerpt can be found in the Pearson Reader selection under Unit 6--The Progressive Era. For questions part 1 and 2, do not use outside sources--just the excerpt I have provided you from The Jungle, Chapter 14, along with the lecture notes and textbook in a supporting role, if necessary.
You may use outside resources to answer part three of the question below. If you do, be certain to put the information in your own words, rather than plagiarize.
Here is your essay question:
Part 1: List one way that the meat packing industry in Chicago abused its workers. Provide one direct, multi-sentence quote from The Jungle, the lecture notes, or the textbook to support your answer.
Part 2: List one way did the meat packing industry in Chicago defiled the meat they were in charge of? Provide one direct, multi-sentence quote from The Jungle, the lecture notes, or the textbook to support your answer.
Part 3: What protections do we have in place today to keep similar abuses from occurring to our workers or the products they produce?