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How to harness your unusual leadership traits Author: Harvey Schachter Date: June 9, 2017 From: Globe & Mail (Toronto, Canada) Publisher: CNW Group Ltd. - Globe & Mail Document Type: Article Length: 875 words Content Level: (Level 3) Lexile Measure: 1080L
Full Text: Byline: HARVEY SCHACHTER; Special to The Globe and Mail
Are you a rebel? An explorer?
A knight?
Those are some of the unusual leadership traits outlined in a recent blog by consultant Lolly Daskal.
Beware: Each comes with a shadow side - she calls it a leadership gap - that is also a part of you.
"Unless you can learn to integrate and leverage every part of who you are - especially your gaps - these hidden impediments will get the best of you, and your business and leadership will be impaired," she writes.
Here's the rundown, positive and negative:
Be a rebel: Ms. Daskal advises you to encourage your inner rebel. A rebel is confident thanks to his or her capabilities and competencies. "But when times are challenged or stressful or disagreeable, a leadership gap can emerge and leave even the most confident rebel feeling like an imposter," she adds. "This selfdoubt can cause havoc within an organization, and it won't allow you to lead effectively. You can leverage any self-doubt you feel by concentrating on your capabilities and competence, and focusing on the positive things you have accomplished."
Be an explorer: It's important to find new, uncharted waters for your business. Intuition fuels this exploration, and it's helpful to be able to let things go in order to make room for new things. The danger is becoming a manipulative exploiter out of a desire to control and micromanage.
Be a truth-teller: Effective leaders speak with candour and honesty, in good times and bad. The gap she identifies here is when deceit creeps in through halftruths and withheld information.
That leads to suspicion and doubt, so try to stick with truth.
Be a hero: You need to be brave and courageous when others are timid and fearful. The reverse is when you know about problems and fail to try to fix them, becoming a bystander. "Be the hero of your business and take the courageous actions that are necessary for success," she urges.
Be an inventor: Leadership involves an inventor's mindset, seeking improvement and, indeed, excellence. The potential gap is the temptation to cut corners, opting for faster and cheaper, hoping no one will notice. But she insists excellence, integrity and invention are priceless assets that pay great returns far into the future.
Be a navigator: Your role requires steering and guiding others through the shoals ahead.
As you prove adept, people will trust you. "But some leaders feel the need to fix every challenge and every crisis, and this gap can cause them to come across as arrogant. They tell people what to do instead of guiding them - they bark out commands instead of utilizing others' talents and strengths. The best leaders coach and guide their people instead of trying to fix them, which results in disempowerment and resentment. To gain trust and respect, be a navigator instead of a fixer," she writes.
Be a knight: Loyalty was part of the Code of Chivalry for King Arthur's knights. It's important in organizations, as well. The gap to guard against is becoming a selfserving mercenary who appropriates the efforts of others, loyalty being only to oneself. "A self- serving leader, however, is not truly a leader," she warns.
So be a rebel, explorer, truth teller, hero, inventor, navigator and knight - all noble virtues. But stay mindful in each case of the shadow side.
Middle management: What's going wrong Middle management is a step to senior management. But these days, the pressures on middle management results in bad habits for the individuals and the organization, before and after they are promoted.
So argues executive coach Dana Theus, who says organizations are opting for a "school-of-hardknocks" approach with middle managers.
"In my experience, many companies view middle management as the crucible for leadership development. Promising young people are given greater and greater responsibility until they break, fall victim to the Peter Principle [in which they get pushed up to their level of incompetence] or emerge from the flames whole enough to be considered for promotion into the executive ranks," she writes on SmartBrief.com.
She doesn't think that's meanspirited or always bad. But to survive, many young leaders learn to suppress their instinct about the need to take time to deal with stress. They also favour developing their technical skills instead of people skills and prefer to work with people like them, since it's less stressful.
The result: The people they lead start to share that low regard for personal stress management, emotional intelligence and team diversity. And when the survivors hit the top ranks, they believe that for the business to succeed, the culture must reflect those negative approaches. "Before you know it, the corporate culture simply perpetuates these values no matter how many thoughtful articles try to convince them that these are the very things that drive down their employee engagement [and drive up their employee- turnover costs]," she says.
She is also concerned with another aspect of middle management. While companies allow top leaders time and money to deal with their poor leadership and stress-coping habits, middle managers are less likely to get that opportunity. The feeling is that top execs need to improve their leadership presence, but that's less necessary for middle managers.
Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2017 CNW Group Ltd. - Globe & Mail. Globe & Mail https://www.newswire.ca/ Source Citation (undefined) Schachter, Harvey. "How to harness your unusual leadership traits." Globe & Mail [Toronto, Canada], 9 June 2017, p. B11. Gale In
Context: Opposing Viewpoints, https://link-gale- com.db16.linccweb.org/apps/doc/A494891991/OVIC?u=lincclin_mdcc&sid=OVIC&xid=3a4c2aac. Accessed 1 Aug. 2020.
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