The National State Bank is trying to make sure that it has enough tellers to handle the Friday afternoon rush of workers wanting to cash their paychecks. It is only concerned with the last hour of the day from 4: 00 to 5: 00 p. m. It takes 5 minutes per customer to be processed by the tellers. The average customer arrivals are shown in the table below.
Time Customers Arriving
4: 00– 4: 05........ 2
4: 05– 4: 10........ 5
4: 10– 4: 15........ 6
4: 15– 4: 20........ 8
4: 20– 4: 25........ 10
4: 25– 4: 30........ 12
4: 30– 4: 35........ 16
4: 35– 4: 40........ 12
4: 40– 4: 45........ 10
4: 45– 4: 50........ 6
4: 50– 4: 55........ 4
4: 55– 5: 00........ 2
5: 00– 5: 05........ 0
Total ......... 93
The bank currently has 8 teller stations, and all are staffed during the Friday afternoon rush hour.
a. What is the current maximum output at the bank during rush hour?
b. Can the bank process all the customers by 5: 00 p. m.?
c. What is the maximum waiting time for customers, and what time period does it occur in?