Midterm Exam: Essay Response Question
Determine a stance in response to the question below and using the allotted time, compose a fully developed expository essay:
In The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, author Michelle Alexander states: "The churning of African Americans in and out of prisons today is hardly surprising, given the strong message that is sent to them that they are not wanted in mainstream society. In Frederick Douglass's words, 'Men are so constituted that they derive their conviction of their own possibilities largely from the estimate formed of them by others. If nothing is expected of a people, that people will find it difficult to contradict that expectation' (143)."
Based on your understanding of this passage, how is the identity of this group of people constituted and/or reinforced by others? Consider how former drug offenders are treated in society both before and after their convictions. Use evidence from The New Jim Crow to guide and support your response.
Essays will be evaluated for:
A clear and specific thesis statement located in the appropriate place
Well developed and convincing ideas supported by illustrative examples and textual evidence
Organized paragraphs (T.E.A./P.I.E.)
Clarity of written ideas
Depth of analysis
All essays should be composed in standard font (Times New Roman) using 12 pt. font. Upload completed essays in .docx or .rtf format to the appropriate forum on the course site under Assignments, Tests, and Surveys.
Remember to use your time advantageously in order to brainstorm/outline a response before you begin writing. It is recommended that you leave time after composing your essay to revise/proofread your work.