For this 2 discussion,my professor did not give us ebook. You should check some summary and note for “the lover” by google.
English 325 week9A
"The Life and Loves of Marguerite Duras" - a short biographical summar, literary primer, interview
Duras wrote about the affair she had with her Chinese lover in a series of iterations, beginning with a fictionalized version, then moving closer and closer to "true" autobiography (or as true as one can ever get).
Un barrage contre le Pacifique , 1950 / translated by Herma Briffault as The Sea Wall, 1952
L'Amant , 1984 / translated by Barbara Bray as The Lover, 1985
The Lover (film) came out in 1992; Duras began working on the film but split from the production and disclaimed any association with it. Her next book (below) was written to “correct” the story of the film, and was supposedly the “real” story at last.
L'Amant de la Chine du Nord , 1991 / translated by Leigh Hafrey as The North China Lover, 1992
Discussion Board
Consider the following quote by Carol Hoffman from Forgetting and Marguerite Duras (University of Colorado Press, 1991):
"The repetition of situations, events, memories, and words abounds in Duras’s texts. This repetition seems to emphasize the changing, unstable aspect of memory and language and move the reader to question his or her own memory and examine the dynamics of forgetting. . . . memory is seen as volatile and impossible. It is a movement toward the ever-elusive and often painful . . . . It is a remembering that destroys memory and leads to a new memory, which can replace the last only fleetingly and without substance . . . a refusal of convention or disguise, as a unity of thought and will, life and appearance" (35-6).
What is the relationship between memory and forgetfulness in Duras's The Lover?
250 words, no work cited
English 325 week9B
Discussion Board
“The book is much more about power than love. Love is an exchange of power. Look, The Power Exchanger wouldn’t be as great a title, but the book is a chess game. It’s about what happens during these moments of exchanges of power, between the lovers, between cultures, between family,” [Catherine Lacey]* said.
The Lover is a post-colonial book; set in what was then called French Indo-China, now Vietnam, the action of the novel takes place within the political, economic, and cultural boundaries of a colonial relationship. The main character is female, young, inexperienced and poor, but she is also a white European, while her male lover, experienced, older, wealthy, is Asian. What do you make of the shifting "moments of exchanges of power" that occur throughout the novel? Who has more power and why? Does this change over the course of the narrative? Which characters develop (if any) and how?
250 words, no work cited.
English 325 week9 comment:
Fot the comment, just pick some quote you find by the google about book “the lover”
And write something you want to say for that quote.