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Library of Congress Cataloging- in- Publication Data Names: Mays, Kelly J., editor. Title: The Norton introduction to lit er a ture / [edited by] Kelly J. Mays, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Description: Shorter thirteenth edition. | New York : W. W. Norton & Com pany, 2018. | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2018004891 | ISBN 9780393664928 (pbk.) Subjects: LCSH: Lit er a ture— Collections. Classification: LCC PN6014 .N67 2018 | DDC 808.8— dc23
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Cover design: Pete Garceau
Brief Table of Contents
Preface for Instructors xxviii Introduction 1
PART ONE Fiction 1 Fiction: Reading, Responding, Writing 16
2 Plot 75
3 Narration and Point of View 169
4 Character 210
5 Setting 282
6 Symbol and Figurative Language 380
7 Theme 429
8 The Author’s Work as Context: Flannery O’Connor 512
9 Cultural and Historical Contexts: Women in Turn- of- the- Century Amer i ca 564
10 Critical Contexts: Tim O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried” 607
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PART TWO Poetry 11 Poetry: Reading, Responding, Writing 730
12 Speaker: Whose Voice Do We Hear? 769
13 Situation and Setting: What Happens? Where? When? 795
14 Theme and Tone 830
15 Language: Word Choice and Order 854
16 Visual Imagery and Figures of Speech 866
17 Symbol 884
18 The Sounds of Poetry 899
19 Internal Structure 930
20 External Form 951
21 The Author’s Work as Context: Adrienne Rich 986
22 The Author’s Work as Context: William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and of Experience 1055
23 Cultural and Historical Contexts: The Harlem Re nais sance 1065