Palo Verde College The Other Side Is Not Dumb by Sean Blanda Discussion
Palo Verde College
Question Description
What You're Practicing
You are practicing contextualizing issues into an academic discussion. Your readings and multimedia for this Talking Point are focusing on issues dealing with culture, race, ethics, economics, politics, and religion.
What You're Doing
Read essay from Chapter 16 in They Say, I Say that made you think about its main idea.
Write a Talking Point in five (5) paragraphs that 1) summarizes your essay's main idea, 2) states your opinion about the author's idea, and 3) supports your idea with facts or expert opinions from another essay in Chapter 16 and an online article and video from the Chapter 16 multimedia page.
Paragraph 1: Summarize the essay’s main idea and supporting details in one paragraph, citing examples from the text. Use MLA-style format for in-text citations. This paragraph must start with a sentence that states the title of the essay, the author, and summarizes the main idea. See the example below.
Paragraph 2: State your own opinion about the author's main idea or the topic. Base your response on your own knowledge, belief, or experience, yet use the author's reasons and details from the essay to argue your point. Use and cite at least two (2) examples from the essay to support your opinion. Use MLA-style format for in-text citations.
Paragraph 3: Support your ideas with examples and details from one or two online multimedia sources. Compare or contrast the online source's ideas and the essay author's ideas to support your ideas. Use and cite at least two (2) examples from the online sources. Use MLA-style format for in-text citations.
Paragraph 4: Using another essay from Chapter 16, or an online article or video, rebut an opposing idea to your opinion. Defend your position counter to the opposing idea. Use and cite at least two (2) examples from the opposing side's source.