The Midterm Paper is worth 100 points. It will consist of a one 1-2 page written description and formal analysis of a work of art using terminology from Chapters 2-5. This is an exercise in recognizing visual elements and principles of design in works of art and demonstrating an understanding of how they relate to each other to create meaning.
This is an exercise in recognizing visual elements and principles of design in works of art and demonstrating an understanding of how they relate to each other to create meaning. his is an assignment to help you recognize visual elements and principles of design in works of art. For this assignment, you are to discuss the form, content, and subject matter of a work of art and how they relate to each other. Please follow the outline I've provided.
This is not a research paper, you will not need to do additional research. This paper is about looking and seeing, and is based on your observations of the visual elements and principles of design from Chapters 3 and 4, Style in Chapter 5, and the discussion of the relationship between form and content from Chapter 2. If you do reference a source other than the text, please cite this reference according to the APA or Chicago Manual of Style. The use of any secondary reference without providing citation is plagiarism and will receive a score of 0. Repeated incidents of plagiarism are reported to the Academic Affairs Office and the student receives an “F “grade in the course.
Select a work of art
Select one of the following listed works of art. Analysis papers submitted using a work of art other than one of those listed will not be accepted.
The Approach of Krishna. c. 1600 - 1670. Pahari region, India. Basophil style. Fig. 18.10, pg. 309.
Thomas Cole. The Oxbow. 1836. Fig. 21.6, pg. 365.
Vincent van Gogh. The Sower. 1888. Fig. 21.29, pg. 384.
Pablo Picasso. Violin, Fruit, and Wineglass. 1913. Fig. 22.17, pg. 403.
Diego Rivera. The Liberation of the Peon. 1931. Fig. 23.18, pg. 423.