you will just do waht i highlighted on the document that i attached below. one age is enough. dont make it too hard, just simple analysis. you will be looking at the document very carefully coz thats all requirement you need to be aware of.
Assignment: Task #1 – SWOT Analysis | Timberland SB105 Integration and Application II Deadline: Determined by Instructor Point Value: 125 Points Total Possible (10% of Semester Grade) • Paper = 100 Points Possible | See Written Paper Rubric for Criteria • Team Performance Appraisal = 25 Points Possible | See Instructions to Ensure Complete Appraisal Overview The SWOT Analysis assignment provides an opportunity for students to identify and analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a specific client via the effective use of library resources and other relevant sources. Students will share their findings through written and oral communication, and develop effective team skills as a result of this assignment. SWOT Analysis “Refresher” and Resources SWOT Analysis: Examples, Templates & Definition By Ryan Goodrich, BusinessNewsDaily Contributor January 1, 2015 06:00 am EST Timberland LLC Company Profile published by MarketLine on 07 July 2017 Student Learning Outcomes • Successfully research and analyze an important issue in business. • Appropriately utilize library resources to justify and support suggestions. • Work effectively in team environments – with an appreciation for interpersonal skills, motivational issues, group dynamics, and factors that can contribute to workgroup failure/success in a work-setting.