I need atleast 1000 words in this assignment, thank you.
Activity diagram
Use-case diagram
CRC cards
Class diagrams
for developing a new online attendance system to be developed for a university. The steps of the activity diagram are as follows: (You have to follow every step to create the complete activity diagram)
a) The faculty is asked to first enter valid username and password in the system.
b) If an invalid username or password is entered, a message is displayed that faculty has entered wrong username or password.
c) If valid username or password is entered, the form depicting the course name, course id and list of the students are displayed. The form also displays the week number and session number.
d) If the faculty selects any invalid session (more than session 3), an error message is displayed.
e) After the faculty has completed with the attendance, he/she saves the attendance. Upon saving the attendance, a message is prompted whether the user is sure to save the attendance. If the faculty selects yes, attendance is saved and the home page is displayed to the user.
f) If the faculty selects no, the entire process is repeated.