uskegee Syphilis Essay Instructions Assignment Instruction: You are to read the article, Read Racism and Research: the Case of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study by Allan M. Brandt. Once you have completed reading the article you will answer the questions below in essay format. Your essay should follow APA formatting. Question 1: In your own words, write 1-2 paragraphs describing the events presented in the essay. Answer each of the following specific questions in your response: § What were the main discussion points of the essay? § What were the results and consequences of the study? § Would it be acceptable to replicate this study today? Why? Or § Why not? § Was this study ethical/unethical? Explain why. Question 2: Using one of the three major sociological perspectives presented in this course (Functional, Conflict, or Interactionist), explain the events described in the essay. For the sociological perspective you choose, apply the perspective to the article and draw one or more conclusions from your analysis. Question 3: Connect what you read in the essay to any material presented in this course – be sure to use at least 3-5 terms from the text/lecture (use your glossary) Formatting Instructions § Using APA format (which include abstract) – 12 font/double space § Assignment will consist of cover sheet (name, class, date, Professor) § A References page § Essay Should be between 3-5 pages Racism and Research: The Case of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters Citation Brandt, Allan M. 1978. "Racism and research: The case of the Tuskegee Syphilis study." The Hastings Center Report 8(6): 21-29. Published Version Citable link Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// THE EXPERIMENT AND HEW'S ETHICALREVIEW Racism the and Research: Tuskegee The Syphilis Case I of Study by ALLAN M. BRANDT In 1932 the U.S. PublicHealthService(USPHS)initiated an experimentin MaconCounty,Alabama,to determinethe naturalcourse of untreated,latent syphilis in black males. The test comprised400 syphiliticmen, as well as 200 uninfectedmen who servedas controls.The firstpublishedreport of the studyappearedin 1936 with subsequentpapersissued every four to six years, throughthe 1960s. Whenpenicillin becamewidelyavailableby the early 1950s as the preferred treatmentfor syphilis,the men did not receive therapy.In fact on severaloccasions,the USPHSactuallysoughtto prevent treatment.Moreover,a committeeat the federallyoperatedCenterfor Disease Controldecidedin 1969 that the studyshouldbe continued.Only in 1972, when accountsof the studyfirstappearedin the nationalpress,did the Departmentof Health,Educationand Welfarehalt the experiment. At that time seventy-fourof the test subjectswere still alive; at least twenty-eight,