ISO 31000 in Enterprise Risk Management
Please write a research paper about 9th key principle from the list of 11 Key Principles.
Principle 9:
9) Risk management is transparent and inclusive
▪Appropriate and timely involvement of stakeholders and, in particular, decision makers at all levels
of the organization, ensures that risk management remains relevant and up-to-date
▪Involvement also allows stakeholders to be properly represented and to have their views taken into
account in determining risk criteria
7-page paper
Intro about ISO 31000
What is the key Principle which has been assigned
Purpose of the key principle
How it fits into ISO 31000 as a whole
Why your key principle should be considered the most important of them all.
Examples of key principle in action
In addition to the submitting the paper, all references will have to be submitted in PDF form.
Powerpoint Presentation
Create a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation based upon your Group Research Paper. The PowerPoint deck must have have citations,
must include transitions, have at least one graphic, and have at least one animation.
Proper APA format will be part of the grade.
Upload full text PDF of all references with assignment.
PowerPoint 101
Dr. Ronald Menold
▪ Number one presentation software in US
▪ Competitors
– Open Office Impress
– Libre Office Impress
– Mostly compatible but not 100%
▪ PowerPoint 2019 is latest version
– Includes some new presentation styles and transitions
Sunday Assignment
▪ Sunday will be PowerPoint presentations by all six groups
▪ Will be graded as a group
▪ First grade will be on Actual PowerPoint Slide Deck
– PowerPoint content
– Transitions
– Graphics
– Animations
▪ Separate Grade will be on oral presentation using those slides
– Can be one person or multiple people giving presentation
– Needs to be smooth speech, mannerisms, and use of technology
– Act as if you are giving this presentation to your CEO
– Be convincing
– The PowerPoint may be what you spent time creating but your oral presentation is what people will focus on more
▪ Themes
– Built-in and online
– Can change the whole feel of your presentation
▪ Digital 101010101010 background vs flowers and ballons
Slide Size
▪ Widescreen 16:9 – Great for newer
▪ Standard 4:3
– Good if paper is your final destination
▪ Found under
Slide Master
▪ Slide Master is available under View…Slide_Master
Slide Master
▪ Each layout type can have
its own personalization
which carries over to each
slide of that type.
▪ Good for logos and
Slide Layout
▪ Title Slide
▪ Title with content
▪ Two Content
▪ Title Only
▪ Blank
▪ Slide to slide transitions
▪ Each slide can have its own transition – Be careful though – if it is too busy, it can distract from your presentation
▪ Animations are normally for pictures and figures
– Can add emphasis to your slide
– Can be distracting if overused