Managing a Successful Business Project/Module Booklet/MSBP Assessment Guidelines.docx
Answer Guideline
RQF Unit 6
Managing a Successful Business Project
Unit level
Unit code
Module Leader
Jonathan Sandling
Devise clear aims and objectives for your project.
Expectations of the learner:
· State clear aims for their project.
· State clear objectives for their project.
· Aims and objectives should ideally be stated explicitly but it is also acceptable if aims and objectives are incorporated into larger sections of text as long as they can be clearly identified.
· No justification of objectives is required but objectives should incorporate elements of SMART to ensure they are suitable.
· Objectives must relate to the actual project being conducted and cannot be too general or related to a broader initiative.
· NB: Setting appropriate objectives is vital as they need to be referred to in other tasks within the assignment. Without clear objectives the student will struggle to achieve other criteria in this assignment.
Produce a project management plan incorporating: costs, scope, time, quality, communication, risk and resources.
Expectations of the learner:
· This should be a written plan covering:
· Scope of the project
· Timescales and time management
· Costs
· Quality management
· Communication
· Risks
· Resources
· To achieve a pass no detailed analysis or justification is required but the contents of the plan should demonstrate that the student has applied some rationale and consideration for the plan they are presenting.
Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt chart to provide timeframes and stages for completion.
Expectations of the learner:
· The work breakdown should outline the key tasks and activities which need to be completed to ensure the project is successful. This can be presented as a written breakdown or could be incorporated into the Gantt chart or other visual representation.
· The Gantt chart needs to include a range of key project elements and the timescales of each should be clearly outlined. The Gantt chart should be used to demonstrate how different project elements overlap and operate simultaneously throughout the duration of the project. The durations and timescales provided should also be realistic and must be relevant to the timescale of the unit. Gantt charts which cover the next five years for example are appropriate – the Gantt chart needs to be provide a clear plan for the actual project the student is undertaking.
Produce a comprehensive project management plan with clearly planned milestones and a schedule for monitoring and completing the aims and objectives of the project. You are not required to produce an additional document but rather incorporate this level of detail into the ‘Project Management Plan’ you completed for P1, P2 and P3.
Expectations of the learner:
· The learner is expected to build upon the work they have completed for P1, P2 and P3.
· Referring to the Gantt chart, work breakdown and project plan, the learner should incorporate the following:
· Milestone plan – project milestones should be identified and incorporated into the project plan.
· Monitoring and completion plan – a plan should be incorporated which demonstrates how project aims and objectives will be monitored over the duration of the project along with acknowledgement of when and how they will be completed.
· It is not just additional detail that is required for M1 but the content should be suitable, relevant and realistic in relation to the project plan.
Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research methods appropriate for meeting project aims and objectives.
Expectations of the learner:
· Both qualitative and quantitative research should be evident within the student’s work.
· The research conducted should be directly relevant to the aims and objectives of the project.
· Evidence that the research has been carried out will be partly provided through the use of the ‘Project Log Book’ and also from the results that are analysed within P5.
Complete the M2 section of the ‘Project Log Book’. In this section you are asked to evaluate the accuracy and reliability of the different research methods you have applied to your project.
Expectations of the learner:
· Referring to the research completed for P4, the student should evaluate the research methods used.
· An evaluation is required so there must be a discussion around the advantages and disadvantages of the research methods used.
· The evaluation needs to relate to two factors:
· The accuracy of the information obtained.
· The reliability of the information obtained.
LO2 & 3
Complete the D1 section of the ‘Project Log Book’. In this section you are required to reflect on your Project Management Plan (completed in part 1) and your ‘Project Log Book’ in order to critically evaluate the project management process and the research methods used.
Expectations of the learner:
· To achieve D1 a critical evaluation is required. To achieve this the learner is expected to consider the advantages and disadvantages of the topic citing examples and research to support decisions, opinions and judgements made.
· The critical evaluation needs to relate to the following topics:
· The management process involved in planning and conducting the research.
· The research methodologies used within the research.