The importance of part-time job among college students in Jubail Industrial City in 2018
This paper will be discussing the importance and benefits of part-time job among students at Jubail University College in Jubail Industrial City, Saudi Arabia. There have been several research papers done about the impacts of jobs on college students in the USA and other countries but in our paper, we are focusing on Jubail Industrial City, and in particularly Jubail University College students. This study is important because it will identify how part time jobs can affect the students in all aspects of their lives especially in their skills and experiences and how it benefits them after and before graduation. This research will provide useful information for business companies that will allow them to know the level of student interest in part time jobs.
Part-time job is a type of employment where the employee works less than 30 hours per week which is less than a full-time job. This paper will include an analysis of what appear to influence This type of job. whether it’s not being able to find a full time job, not wanting to commit to a job and to an employer, and the most common one which is in reference to undergraduate students who don’t have enough time for a full-time job but in the same time they want a side job that will allow them to earn extra money as well as gain experience and skills before graduation. Part-time jobs can be extremely effective in making the college students more responsible and organized. Also. Having a job while attending college shows the organizations that the students apply for that they are able to manage their time and multitask.
Research question and objectives
Research Question:
Identify the effects and importance of part-time jobs among students in Jubail University College, and the willingness to join part-time jobs by both the female and male branches?
To test which major is the most likely to be interested or involved in a part-time job, at Jubail University College, and in which year the students are more able to join a part-time job?
Research Objectives:
1. To find out how the part time job affects the undergraduate students in terms of skills, personality, attitude.
2. To explain the important of having a job while attending college.
3. To identify the impact of part time job to the student future job after graduation.
Research Design and Methods
Research Design
Research is designed to test the effect and importance of part-time job among college students. The research will use a survey and previously issued academic journals to collect data about the impact of having a job while attending college. The research survey will be directed towards students in Jubail University College. The research nature will be cross-sectional.
The participants of the research are the students in Jubail University College on both branches, at Jubail industrial city. The sampling technique in this study will be random, the data will be collected randomly to represent our participants. This type of sampling is beneficial because it allows us to collect information from different students without biasness. The sample size will be 150 participants for both males and females.
To conduct the research, we will use a survey that includes a questionnaire. This questionnaire will be conducted in Jubail University College, which will be in Arabic as well as English. It will be tested for the correctness of the translation. In addition, the questionnaire will be presented in a paper form and distributed among our participants. At the end of the data collection process, these data will be analyzed quantitatively by using a statistical package for social sciences (SPSS software). Our research team will use graphs and tables to show the results of the collected data, and we will interpret those graphs and tables.
Ethical considerations and procedures
We will explain to our participants the purpose of this research and make them confident that all their responses will be protected and not used or shared by anyone other than the research team. The questionnaire will not include a question about their name, only some limited personal data that doesn’t contain any sensitive questions. A clear language will be used, so it would be easy to understand by the participants. After using the data that has been collected and analyzed, the research team will destroy the questionnaires to ensure privacy. Also, participants have the right to not be involved if they don’t wish to.
Week number
Discusses the topic and read literature
Decide research approach and objectives
Submit proposal to teacher
Begin data collection
Enter questionnaire into software and analyze it
Complete draft
Revise and format draft
In this research, we will need a software to input the information from the survey into it and analyze it. The resources that will be used in this research include Statistical Package for Social Sciences, computers, writing materials such as pens, papers to make some notes, Microsoft Office, the internet, and a printer to print several copies of the questionnaire.
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