VICE: Season 3, Episode 1 - Our Rising Oceans 1. How much of the world's ice is bound up in Antarctica? 2. Are the melt rates of Greenland ice on pace with predictions? HOW is the melt rate changing? 3. That is happening to the west Antarc_t ic ice sheet? 4. What fraction of the US population accepts that climate change is happening and is a crisis?How does this statistic compare to the reality of our scientific and political situation? 5. What are three of the talking points behind the climate change denial PR campaign? 6. What is the "claim" (made by climate change deniers) with the respect to the extent of Antarctic sea ice? 7. Why be concerned with the melting of west Antarctic glaciers? 8. What is the benefit of using an ice-penetrating radar system to measure the thickness of Antarctic ice? 9. Why fly a repeated set of precise, computer-controlled flight patterns when measuring the thickness of Antarctic ice? 10. How does climate change alarmingly fast rates? I global warming explain why Antarctic ice sheets are melting at 11. What is a "grounding line" and how does it relate to the calving of ice sheets into the ocean? Name- - - - - - - - - 12. How fast are the retreat rates in western Antarctica? 13. What is the appropriate response to the earlier "claim " that Antarctic ice is at an all-time high? 14. Could you see bands of rock under the Antarctic glaciers 10 years ago? Why not? 15. What kind of countries will be affected by sea level rise? How does this work in a country such as Bangladesh? What sort of social and public health issues result from this problem? 16. Why are we still debating climate change in this country? What is particularly interesting about the irony about the situation in Texas and Florida, specifically as it relates to the politicians who deny the reality of climate change? VICE: Season 4 , Episode 9 - The Future of Energy 1) What silver lining coats the reality of a changing global climate that looms over humanity? 2) What is the relationship between power and energy? 3) What is yellow cake? What do you make it from? 4) What are three ways that we can cut our dependence on fossil fuels as the primary source of energy that powers society? 5) In what primary way do we continue to make our energy? 6) Considering fossil fuels, which one used to be the primary source from which we made electricity in the States? 1) Which TWO fossil fuels are now the predominant forms from which we make electricity? 2) Of these two, which releases more CO 2 to the environment when burned? 7) What is the 0-60 time on a Tesla Model S? 8) Why is Tesla's "Powerwall battery" important when