After reading the overview of the genre and watching the two videos, answer the following questions:
How are the concepts of literacy and the expectations of a literacy narrative as explained in the assignment similar to and different than Selfe’s expectations of each?
Link two narratives you explored in the DALN and discuss what each did well?
Identify and list four literacy memories, two formal (related to reading and writing in a formal, educational setting) and two informal (related to reading or writing for personal purposes). How do they overlap and how are they different?2.1 Genre: Literacy Narrative Attached Assignment: After reading this overview of the genre and watching the two videos, answer the following questions: 1. How are the concepts of literacy and the expectations of a literacy narrative as explained in the assignment similar to and different than Selfe’s expectations of each? 2. Link two narratives you explored in the DALN and discuss what each did well? 3. Identify and list four literacy memories, two formal (related to reading and writing in a formal, educational setting) and two informal (related to reading or writing for personal purposes). How do they overlap and how are they different? Literacy Narrative When individuals compose a literacy narrative, they often recall how they learned to read and write, describe a memorable event involving their literacy acquisition or exploration, or consider how reading and writing continue to play roles in their lives. In general, a literacy narrative is a narrative that connects events and personal experiences related to literacy to an individual’s personal development. Just like there are various understandings of what comprises literacy, there are various understandings of the literacy narrative as a genre. The Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives is a public space where anyone can upload a literacy narrative and read the literacy narratives of others. Cynthia L. Selfe, Professor Emerita at the Ohio State University and cofounder of the DALN, defines a literacy narrative as a “personal account of any event involving reading or composing” (“What is a Literacy Narrative”). Selfe discusses literacy narratives in What is a Literacy Narrative and The Power of Literacy Narratives. Watching these videos will help you understand Selfe’s defination of literacy and her ideas on literacy narratives as a genre. (Question 1) For our Literacy Narrative, we will connect literacy events and look for a thread that ties the experiences together and to an outcome. The outcome will be the impact the experiences with literacy had on you. Literacy Literacy, in general, signifies being competent in an area or demonstrating a basic proficiency with a skill. More specific and standard definitions of literacy focus on reading books and writing text, but concepts of literacy have expanded to include critical literacy, digital literacy, visual literacy, technological literacy, and emerging literacies. In this course, we view literacy as a form of identity. We are shaped by words, and we shape our world by words. Language, therefore, is part of identity. We will also recognize that literacy is a social practice and cannot be divorced from audience and ecology. These expanded literacies are built on the traditional literacy of reading and writing. We read an image, and we read code, and we read clues and context by building on the competencies developed by reading books. Similarly we write code and copy and content and text and context by building on the skills developed by writing. Looking at our interactions with literacy also includes considering the learning process that moved us from building blocks to USF, which includes the formal learning, reading, and writing that occurred in schools and the informal interactions that occurred in our personal lives and exchanges. In the same way that traditional notions of literacy conjure images of books and pens or online books and laptops, college-level writing—in composition courses and beyond—often conjures the idea of a research paper or essay. And much of college-level writing does take that form. But just as you will be expected to learn in increasingly digital spaces, the communication you create will likely follow a similar trajectory. Many of the Literacy Narratives in the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives are in visual or video format already. In order to expand into these new and other spaces, our goal is to start specific and practice honing and developing the standard skills that will facilitate success with advancing and advanced literacy at USF and beyond. To explore the variety of directions a literacy narrative can take, use search narratives on the DALN to look for subjects or texts and read or watch a few of the uploaded narratives. (Question 2) Narrative Thread In your Literacy Narrative, you will be expected to organize your narrative around an overarching theme or thesis that connects the literacy events to a meaningful outcome or statement. Once you have established the moral or takeaway of your story, your narrative of the role of literacy has played in your life should describe the literacy-related events or experiences that impacted you. In addition to telling a good story, a main goal is to reflect on your personal experience in a way that demonstrates your ability to make meaning of the narrative and exposition you have provided. Not only will doing so allow you to practice many of the skills required for success in college-level research and writing, the process will also allow you to examine your personal relationship with reading and writing in a formal and informal capacity as you prepare to launch into your college career and beyond. The process of becoming a better writer benefits from self-exploration and an examination of the elements that have made you the reader and writer you are today; these experiences impact your interactions with formal and informal reading and writing. While the two overlap, many students share different experiences with and express different opinions of formal reading and writing in comparison to the experiences and opinions they share in relation to reading and writing that occurs in informal ways such as those related to reading for fun or entertainment or writing to communicate with friends and family. Thinking of literacy events that include formal and informal experiences with learning and the connected literacies can help you see if patterns demonstrate connections and spaces of disconnection with your experiences and opinions of reading and writing.