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Visual basic chapter 3 programming projects answers

09/01/2021 Client: saad24vbs Deadline: 12 Hours

Center for Learning and Technology





COS-101-GS ©Thomas Edison State College

May 2014


Course Essentials

Introduction to Computers provides you with a broad, general

introduction to hardware and software fundamentals, productivity software, graphics, digital media, multimedia, database applications,

networking, the Internet, and security and privacy issues, as well as an

introduction to object-oriented programming using the Visual Basic

programming language.


At the completion of the course, you should be able to:

 Describe the basic nomenclature of a computer and the many input

and output devices available today.

 Explain software fundamentals and describe a variety of productivity


 Describe database applications and enumerate privacy concerns.

 Identify networking and telecommunication fundamentals.

 Explain computer security and the various means by which the risks

of security may be minimized.

 Compare and contrast graphics, digital media, and multimedia


 Distinguish between the Internet and the World Wide Web.

 Write several application programs using the Visual Basic

programming language.



In addition to the Course Syllabus, which consists of “Course Essentials,” “Course Calendar,” “Assignment Modules,” “Projects,” and “Appendix,”

you will need the following materials to do the work of the course.

Required Textbooks

Digital Planet: Tomorrow's Technology and You, 10th ed. (Introductory), by George Beekman and Ben Beekman (Upper Saddle River, N.J.:

Pearson Prentice Hall, 2012; ISBN-13: 978-0-13-209125-1)

An Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2012, 9th ed., by David

I. Schneider (Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2014; ISBN-13: 978-0-13-337850-4), packaged with Visual Studio 2012

Express Edition DVD

Required Software

Visual Studio 2012

Note: Visual Studio 2012 comes in different editions. For this course we recommend Visual Studio Express 2012, which comes packaged with the text An Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2012 when purchased from the textbook supplier. All of the book’s examples, however, run with both Visual Basic 2012 Express Edition and other editions of Visual Basic 2012. You may download Visual Studio Express 2012 for free directly from Microsoft.


To run Visual Studio Express 2012, your computer should meet the

following system requirements:

Supported Operating Systems

Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1,

Windows Server 2012




 Windows 7 SP1 (x86 and x64)

 Windows 8 (x86 and x64)

 Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (x64)

 Windows Server 2012 (x64)

Hardware Requirements

 1.6 GHz or faster processor

 1 GB of RAM (1.5 GB if running in a virtual machine)

 5 GB of available hard disk space

 5400 RPM hard disk drive

 DirectX 9 capable video card running at 1024 × 768 or higher-

resolution display


Introduction to Computers is a three-credit, twelve-week course

consisting of ten (10) assignments—five written assignments based on the Digital Planet: Tomorrow’s Technology and You textbook and five

programming assignments based on the Visual Basic text—ten (10)

chapter quizzes based on the assigned reading from the Digital Planet textbook, and two (2) projects: a Computer Fundamentals Project and a

Programming Project. Weekly learning activities include reading

assigned chapters from both textbooks, doing suggested self-check exercises, and preparing written and programming assignments to be

sent to your mentor for grading.

The “Course Calendar” in the syllabus specifies which chapters in the

textbooks you should read each week. It also indicates due dates for

submitting written and programming assignments, taking chapter

quizzes, and completing projects.


You are required to submit ten (10) assignments to your mentor for grading—five written assignments based on the Digital Planet: Tomorrow’s


Technology and You textbook and five programming assignments based on

the Visual Basic text. Assignment questions are found in the “Assignment

Modules” section of the syllabus.

For this course you will need to submit your assignments electronically.

Please follow the directions given in the Student Handbook.

Regarding the submission of programming assignments, please read

“Appendix: A Note on Submitting Programming Assignments” at the end of this syllabus. For each assigned programming exercise or project,

you will need to submit a ZIP file of the Visual Basic application folder

for that exercise or project.


You are required to take ten (10) short online chapter quizzes based on

the assigned reading from the Digital Planet textbook. Each chapter quiz is

20 minutes long and consists of 20 multiple-choice questions. These quizzes are intended as diagnostic assessments that test your knowledge

of computer fundamentals and the topics and items covered in the text.

For that reason, you may take the quizzes as often as you want until the due date, at which time your mentor will “lock in” your last recorded

score as your grade on the quiz. The launch link for the quiz is available

within the course Web site.


Introduction to Computers has two (2) comprehensive projects in lieu of

a midterm and final exam, respectively. Please see the “Projects” section

of the syllabus for details, and consult the Course Calendar for the due


Computer Fundamentals Project

The first project, worth 15 percent of your course grade, focuses on

computer fundamentals. It provides you with a chance to apply what you have learned about computer fundamentals to a real-life scenario in

which you automate a medical office by replacing old, outdated

technology with all new computer technology and equipment given a

fixed budget.


Programming Project

The second project, worth 25 percent of your course grade, focuses on the

development of several Visual Basic applications to be used by the same

medical office you helped to automate in the previous project. In this Programming Project you put computer fundamental concepts into a

real-life situation by developing several small applications that create a

modern data flow process within a small organization.


Your final grade in the course will be determined as follows:

Written Assignments (5) 25 percent

Programming Assignments (5) 25 percent

Chapter Quizzes (10) 10 percent Computer Fundamentals Project 15 percent

Programming Project 25 percent

All activities will receive a numerical grade of 0–100. You will receive a

score of 0 for any work not submitted. Your final grade in the course will be a letter grade. Letter grade equivalents for numerical grades are as


A = 93–100 C+ = 78–79

A– = 90–92 C = 73–77

B+ = 88–89 C– = 70–72

B = 83–87 D = 60–69

B– = 80–82 F = Below 60 (no credit)

To receive credit for the course, you must earn a letter grade of C or better (for an area of study course) or D or better (for a nonarea of study course),

based on the weighted average of all assigned course work (e.g.,

assignments, quizzes, projects, etc.).


To succeed in this course, consider following these steps and study tips:


1. Read carefully the entire “Course Essentials” section of the syllabus,

making sure that all aspects of the course are clear to you and that

you have all the materials required for the course.

2. Take the time to read the entire Student Handbook section of the

course manual. The handbook answers many questions about how to

proceed through the course and how to get the most from your

educational experience at Thomas Edison State College.

3. Each week, consult the “Course Calendar” in the syllabus to

determine which chapter(s) in the textbooks to study. The calendar

also indicates the due dates for submitting assignments and projects and when you should take your quizzes. It is essential that you follow

the calendar each week to ensure that you stay on track throughout

the course.

4. Take advantage of the materials provided with your textbooks to help you master the material in the course. The Tomorrow’s Technology and

You text, for example, has end-of-chapter summaries and review

questions (true or false, multiple-choice, and essay) and a companion Web site (http://wps.prenhall.com/bp_beekman_tomtech_10/). The

Visual Basic text comes bundled with Visual Studio 2012 Express

Edition, the software you need to do the programming assignments, and includes six months of prepaid access to the book’s companion

Web site.



Course Calendar

Using the table of week-by-week dates in the General Course Instructions section of the course manual, write the dates for the current semester in

the second column. In the last column, fill in the actual date for

submitting each assignment and project and taking quizzes.

Week Dates Reading Assignment Written Assignment / Chapter Quizzes / Programming Assignment / Project

Due Date

Assignment Module 1: Computer Hardware and Software Essentials (1); Visual Basic Programming (1)


Digital Planet: Tomorrow’s Technology and You, chaps 1 and 2 An Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2012, chap. 1 (sections 1.1, 1.2, and 1.4) and chap. 2 (sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3)

Written Assignment 1

Submit by Sunday of Week 1.


Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 quizzes Take by Friday of Week 2. Programming Assignment 1

Submit by Sunday of Week 2.

Assignment Module 2: Computer Hardware and Software Fundamentals (2); Visual Basic Programming (2)


Digital Planet: Tomorrow’s Technology and You, chaps 3 and 4 An Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2012, chap. 3 (sections 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3)

Written Assignment 2

Submit by Sunday of Week 3.


Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 quizzes

Take by Friday of Week 4. Programming Assignment 2 Submit by Sunday of Week 4.


Week Dates Reading Assignment Written Assignment / Chapter Quizzes / Programming Assignment / Project

Due Date

Assignment Module 3: Essential Software Applications (1); Visual Basic Programming (3)


Digital Planet: Tomorrow’s Technology and You, chaps 5 and 7 An Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2012, chap. 4 (sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4)

Written Assignment 3 Submit by Sunday of Week 5.


Chapter 5 and Chapter 7 quizzes Take by Friday of Week 6. Programming Assignment 3

Submit by Sunday of Week 6.

Assignment Module 4: Essential Software Applications (2); Exploring Telecommunications and Computer Security; Visual Basic Programming (4)


Digital Planet: Tomorrow’s Technology and You, chaps 8 and 10 An Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2012, chap. 5 (sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4)

Written Assignment 4 Submit by Sunday of Week 7.


Chapter 8 and Chapter 10 quizzes Take by Friday of Week 8. Programming Assignment 4 Submit by Sunday of Week 8.

Computer Fundamentals Project

9 Computer Fundamentals Project Submit by Sunday of Week 9.

Assignment Module 5: Exploring Multimedia and Internet Applications; Visual Basic Programming (5)


Digital Planet: Tomorrow’s Technology and You, chaps 6 and 9 An Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2012, chap. 6 (sections 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3)

Written Assignment 5 Submit by Sunday of Week 10.


Week Dates Reading Assignment Written Assignment / Chapter Quizzes / Programming Assignment / Project

Due Date


Chapter 6 and Chapter 9 quizzes Take by Friday of Week 11. Programming Assignment 5

Submit by Sunday of Week 11.

Programming Project

12 Programming Project Submit by Sunday of Week 12.


Assignment Modules

Following are five assignment modules. Please send your completed

written assignments and programming assignments to the mentor by the

due date indicated in the “Course Calendar.”

For directions on how to prepare and submit assignments, please see the Student Handbook section of the course manual. See also “Appendix: A

Note on Submitting Programming Assignments” at the end of this



Learning Objectives

After successfully completing this assignment, you should be able to:

 Discuss the historical development of the computer.

 Explain what the computer does.

 Describe ways in which computers play a critical role in everyday life.

 Identify major types of computers and the differences between

computers and other machines.

 Illustrate the important relationship between hardware and software.

 Contrast the information age with other ages in history.

 Discuss how people use information technology and point out the

social and ethical impacts of information technology.

 Illustrate and describe the basic nomenclature of a computer.


 Use Windows operating system tools such as mouse actions, editors,

files and folders, Explorer, and dialog boxes to manage Visual Basic



 Use common controls in Visual Basic—their properties, methods, and

events to which they respond—in composing a coded solution to a


 Write code to solve algorithms in which either arithmetic operations

with numeric variables or string operations with string variables are


 Write programs in Visual Basic 2012 while being guided by the six steps of the program development cycle: analyze the problem, design

a solution, choose the interface, write code, test and debug your

solution, and document code.

Study Assignment

Computer Fundamentals

 Study Chapters 1 and 2 in Digital Planet: Tomorrow’s Technology and

You, 10th ed. (Introductory), by Beekman and Beekman.

 Read Appendix A, “Basics,” to obtain a general background on ideas

and concepts that carry through the entire course.

 Self-Check Exercises—The Digital Planet: Tomorrow’s Technology and

You companion Web site, http://wps.prenhall.com/bp_beekman_tomtech_10/, contains self-

test exercises related to the chapters studied in this assignment

module, including self-test quiz questions in each chapter’s Online Study Guide. Go to the companion Web site, select a chapter, and

click Online Study Guide to take the chapter self-test. Do not e-mail

your results to your mentor.

Programming (Visual Basic)

 Read Chapter 1, sections 1.1, 1.2, and 1.4, in An Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2012, 9th ed., by Schneider. Read for

background material and perspectives on computers and Windows.

Study “Comments” on p. 14.

 Read Chapter 2, sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3. Study “Comments” on pp.

32–32 and 43–46.

 Install Visual Basic 2012 Express Edition. This takes approximately

forty minutes.



 Self-Check Exercises—A distinguishing feature of the Schneider

textbook is the invaluable exercise set that accompanies each section on programming. Working as many of these exercises as possible is

your key to success in the course and the surest way to learn Visual

Basic and to prepare for your programming activities. A large number of recommended exercises are listed below for Chapter 2. You should

try some or all of them depending on your comfort level with syntax

and concepts. Answers to all odd-numbered exercises are given at the

end of the text.

o Study “Comments,” pp. 32–33.

Do Exercises 2.2, nos. 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 25, 27, 28,

29, 30.

o Study “Comments,” pp. 43–46. Do Exercises 2.3, nos. 1, 3, 5, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 33,

34, 35, 36, 37.

 Additional Resources—Note: All resources are found on the Web

and are not affiliated with Thomas Edison State College.

o Visual Studio Express 2012 Download (http://www.microsoft.com/en-


o Microsoft Developers Network, Getting Started Tutorials



o Channel9’s Visual Basic Fundamental Series: Series

Introduction - 01 (http://channel9.msdn.com/Series/Visual-



o Channel9’s Visual Basic Fundamental Series: Creating Your

First Visual Basic Program - 02

(http://channel9.msdn.com/Series/Visual-Basic- Development-for-Absolute-Beginners/Creating-Your-First-


o Channel9’s Visual Basic Fundamental Series: Dissecting the

First Visual Basic Program You Wrote - 03 (http://channel9.msdn.com/Series/Visual-Basic-



o Channel9’s Visual Basic Fundamental Series: Quick Overview of the Visual Basic Express IDE - 04



















Written Assignment 1 (Submit by Sunday of Week 1)

Submit complete answers to the following end-of-chapter Review

Questions from the Digital Planet: Tomorrow’s Technology and You textbook.

 Chapter 1: Review Questions 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10

 Chapter 2: Review Questions 3, 4, 5, 10

Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 Quizzes (Take by Friday of Week 2)

The quizzes for Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 each consist of 20 multiple- choice questions based on the assigned reading. You may take these 20-

minute quizzes as often as you want until the due date, at which time

your mentor will “lock in” your last recorded score as your grade on the quiz. The launch links for the quizzes are available within the course Web


Programming Assignment 1 (Submit by Sunday of Week 2)

Preliminary Steps

1. Invoke Visual Basic by following the directions in section 2.2, pp. 18–


2. Perform the text box, button, label, and list box walkthroughs, pp. 22–


3. Perform the event procedure walkthrough, pp. 37–41.

Programming Exercises

Do the following exercises from An Introduction to Programming Using

Visual Basic 2012. To submit your assignment, first create a ZIP file of the application folder for each exercise (see “Appendix: A Note on

Submitting Programming Assignments” at the end of the syllabus). Then



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