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The complete instructions will be uploaded. Week 6 Project – Calculating the Weighted Average Cost of Capital Once again, you are the key financial management for your company (Coca Cola). Coca Cola’s CEO is now looking to expand its operations by investing in new property, plant, and equipment. In order to effectively evaluate the project’s effectiveness, you have been asked to determine the firm’s weighted average cost of capital. To determine the cost of capital, here is what you have been asked to do. 1. Go to Yahoo Finance (http://finance.yahoo.com) and capture the income statement information for Company (Coca Cola). a. Enter your company’s name or ticker symbol. Your company’s information should appear. b. Click on the Financials tab, and select the income statement option. Three years’ worth of income statements should appear. Copy and paste this data into a spreadsheet. c. Repeat step b. above for the balance sheets of the company. d. Click on “Historical Prices.” Capture the closing price of the stock as of the balance sheet date for the three fiscal years used in steps b and c above. 2. Calculate the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) for the company: a.