CSUB Reactions and Feelings Towards Execution of Wanda Jean Discussion Questions
California State University Bakersfield
Question Description
Link to video: (please watch full movie to answer the questions below
Discussion Questions:
Initial Reactions and Feelings
• "The Execution of Wanda Jean" is a very powerful documentary film. What feelings and/or reactions did you have while viewing it?
• What scenes and images in the film stand out for you? What meanings do these have for you?
• How did the film affect you?
About the Film
• What changes did you see taking place in Wanda Jean during the film? What brought about these changes?
• What new information about the death penalty did you learn from viewing this film?
• What new understandings about the experiences and needs of murder victims’ families did you gain from viewing the film?
• What new understandings about the experiences and needs of the families of those on death row did you gain from viewing the film? How can serving those on death row or their families benefit your community of faith?
About the Issues Raised
• How were your own beliefs regarding capital punishment affected by watching this film?
• Did you find yourself supporting Wanda Jean’s execution, or hoping that his life would be spared?
• We are not told of alternatives to the death penalty in Oklahoma, but if you knew that the alternative punishment was life imprisonment with no possibility of parole, would you support the death penalty for Wanda Jean or the alternative? Why?