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SOCIAL THEORY The Multicultural, Global,

and Classic Readings



New York London

First published 2017 by Westview Press

Published 2018 by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, USA 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN

Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business

Copyright © 2017 by Charles Lemert

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers.

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Every effort has been made to secure required permissions for all text, images, maps, and other art reprinted in this volume.

Names: Lemert, Charles C., 1937- author. Title: Social theory : the multicultural, global, and classic readings / Charles Lemert. Description: Sixth Edition. | Boulder : Westview Press, 2016. | Revised edition of Social theory, 2013. Identifiers: LCCN 2016015315 (print) | LCCN 2016016941 (ebook) | ISBN 9780813350028 (hardcover) | ISBN 9780813350448 (ebook) Subjects: LCSH: Sociology. | Sociology--History. Classification: LCC HM585 .L3936 2016 (print) | LCC HM585 (ebook) | DDC 301--dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016015315

ISBN 13: 978-0-8133-5002-8 (pbk)

In loving memory of Florence Brown Lyons (1915?–1995),

who taught me to think and feel about these things, and thus to read and speak of them



Preface/2016 Edition, xv

Acknowledgments, xxi


Social Theory: Its Uses and Pleasures Charles Lemert, 1


Modernity’s Classical Age: 1848–1919 Charles Lemert, 19

The Two Sides of Society 28 Karl Marx 28

Estranged Labour, 29 Camera Obscura, 33 The Manifesto of Class Struggle, with Friedrich Engels, 34 The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, 37 Capital and the Values of Commodities, 40 Capital and the Fetishism of Commodities, 46 Labour-Power and Capital, 48

Friedrich Engels 52 The Patriarchal Family, 52

John Stuart Mill 54 Of Society and the Individual, 54

Jane Addams 55 The Settlement as a Factor in the Labor Movement, 56

Harriet Martineau 57 Woman, 58

Emile Durkheim 59 Mechanical and Organic Solidarity, 59 Anomie and the Modern Division of Labor, 62 Sociology and Social Facts, 63 Suicide and Modernity, 65 Primitive Classifications and Social Knowledge, with Marcel Mauss, 71 The Cultural Logic of Collective Representations, 75

Friedrich Nietzsche 80 Peoples and Countries, 81

viii | Contents

Max Weber 82 The Spirit of Capitalism and the Iron Cage, 83 The Bureaucratic Machine, 86 What Is Politics?, 90 The Types of Legitimate Domination, 92 Class, Status, Party, 94

Sigmund Freud 101 The Psychical Apparatus and the Theory of Instincts, 102 Dream-Work and Interpretation, 105 Oedipus, the Child, 108 Remembering, Repeating, and Working-Through, 111 The Return of the Repressed in Social Life, 114 Civilization and the Individual, 116

Ferdinand de Saussure 118 Arbitrary Social Values and the Linguistic Sign, 119

John Dewey 124 Democracy and Education, 124

Split Lives in the Modern World 126 William James 126

The Self and Its Selves, 126 William Edward Burghardt (W. E. B.) Du Bois 130

Double-Consciousness and the Veil, 131 Charlotte Perkins Gilman 134

The Yellow Wallpaper, 135 Women and Economics, 136

Anna Julia Cooper 139 The Colored Woman’s Office, 139

Georg Simmel 143 The Stranger, 144

Charles Horton Cooley 146 The Looking-Glass Self, 146


Social Theories and World Conflict: 1919–1945 Charles Lemert, 149

Action and Knowledge in a Troubled World, 161 John Maynard Keynes 161

The Psychology of Modern Society, 161 Talcott Parsons 162

The Unit Act of Action Systems, 163 Erich Fromm 165

Psychoanalysis and Sociology, 165 Georg Lukács 166

The Irrational Chasm Between Subject and Object, 166 George Herbert Mead 167

The Self, the I, and the Me, 168

Contents | ix

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (V. I.) Lenin 172 What Is To Be Done?, 172

Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno 173 The Culture Industry as Deception, 173

Martin Heidegger 176 The Question Concerning Technology: The Age of the World Picture, 177

Karl Mannheim 177 The Sociology of Knowledge and Ideology, 178

Robert K. Merton 181 Social Structure and Anomie, 181

W. E. B. Du Bois 190 Black Reconstruction and the Racial Wage, 191

Unavoidable Dilemmas 194 Reinhold Niebuhr 194

Moral Man and Immoral Society, 194 Gunnar Myrdal 195

The Negro Problem as a Moral Issue, 195 William I. Thomas and Florian Znaniecki 197

Disorganization of the Polish Immigrant, 198 Louis Wirth 202

The Significance of the Jewish Ghetto, 202 Walter Benjamin 205

Art in an Age of Mechanical Reproduction: War and Fascism, 206 Virginia Woolf 207

A Room of One’s Own, 207 Antonio Gramsci 209

Intellectuals and Hegemony, 209 Mao Tse-tung 210

Identity, Struggle, Contradiction, 211


The Golden Moment: 1945–1963 Charles Lemert, 215

The Golden Age 228 Winston Churchill 228

The Cold War, 228 Daniel Bell 229

The End of Ideology in the West, 230 W. W. Rostow 232

Modernization: Stages of Growth, 232 Talcott Parsons 237

Action Systems and Social Systems, 237 Sex Roles in the American Kinship System, 239

Robert K. Merton 241 Manifest and Latent Functions, 242

Claude Lévi-Strauss 245 The Structural Study of Myth, 246

x | Contents

Roland Barthes 249 Semiological Prospects, 249

Louis Althusser 251 Ideology and the Ideological State Apparatuses, 252

Doubts and Reservations 255 David Riesman 255

Character and Society: The Other-Directed Personality, 255 Erik H. Erikson 259

Youth and American Identity, 259 Edwin M. Lemert 261

Social Pathology / Societal Reaction Theory, 262 Erving Goffman 263

Presentation of Self, 264 Jacques Lacan 265

The Mirror Stage, 266

Others Object 268 Simone de Beauvoir 268

Woman as Other, 268 Aimé Césaire 270

Between Colonizer and Colonized, 271 Martin Luther King, Jr. 272

The Power of Nonviolent Action, 273 C. Wright Mills 275

The Sociological Imagination, 275 Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale 278

Black Panther Party: What We Want, 278 Betty Friedan 280

The Problem That Has No Name, 280 Frantz Fanon 283

Decolonizing, National Culture, and the Negro Intellectual, 283


Will the Center Hold? 1963–1979 Charles Lemert, 287

Experiments at Renewal and Reconstruction 298 Clifford J. Geertz 298

Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture, 298 Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann 301

Society as a Human Product, 301 Dorothy Smith 305

Knowing a Society from Within: A Woman’s Standpoint, 305 Immanuel Wallerstein 308

The Modern World-System, 308 Theda Skocpol 313

The State as a Janus-Faced Structure, 313

Contents | xi

Nancy Chodorow 315 Gender Personality and the Reproduction of Mothering, 316

Breaking with Modernity 319 Jacques Derrida 319

The Decentering Event in Social Thought, 319 Michel Foucault 322

Biopolitics and the Carceral Society, 322 C. L. R. James 326

World Revolution: 1968, 326 Herbert Marcuse 328

Repressive Desublimation of One-Dimensional Man, 328 Harold Garfinkel 330

Reflexive Properties of Practical Sociology, 330 Alvin W. Gouldner 333

The New Class as a Cultural Bourgeoisie, 334 Pierre Bourdieu 336

Structures, Habitus, Practices, 336 Audre Lorde 340

The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House, 340


After Modernity: 1979–2001 Charles Lemert, 343

The Idea of the Postmodern and Its Critics 355 Jean-François Lyotard 355

The Postmodern Condition, 355 Richard Rorty 358

Private Irony and Liberal Hope, 358 Michel Foucault 360

Power as Knowledge, 361 Jean Baudrillard 365

Simulacra and Simulations: Disneyland, 365 Arlene Stein and Ken Plummer 369

I Can’t Even Think Straight, 369

Reactions and Alternatives 371 Jürgen Habermas 371

Critical Theory, the Colonized Lifeworld, and Communicative Competence, 371 Anthony Giddens 375

Post-Modernity or Radicalized Modernity?, 375 Nancy Hartsock 380

A Theory of Power for Women?, 381 Randall Collins 384

Interaction Ritual Chains, 384 Mustafa Emirbayer and Ann Mische, 387

What Is Agency?, 388

xii | Contents

New Cultural Theories after Modernity 391 Cornel West 391

The New Cultural Politics of Difference, 391 Jeffrey C. Alexander 397

Cultural Codes and Democratic Communication, 397 Henry Louis Gates, Jr. 399

“Race” as the Trope of the World, 399 Donna Haraway 402

The Cyborg Manifesto and Fractured Identities, 402 Trinh T. Minh-ha 405

Infinite Layers/Third World?, 406 Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak 409

Can the Subaltern Speak?, 409 Patricia Hill Collins 413

Black Feminist Thought in the Matrix of Domination, 413 Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw 421

Dimensions of Intersectional Oppression, 421 Gloria Anzaldúa 424

The New Mestiza, 425 Judith Butler 429

Imitation and Gender Insubordination, 429 Paula Gunn Allen 437

Who Is Your Mother? Red Roots of White Feminism, 437 Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick 440

Epistemology of the Closet, 440


Global Realities in an Uncertain Future Charles Lemert, 443

Global Uncertainties 460 Immanuel Wallerstein 460

The Modern World-System in Crisis, 460 Stanley Hoffman 462

The Clash of Globalizations, 462 Zygmunt Bauman 466

Liquid Modernity, 467 David Harvey 469

Neoliberalism on Trial, 470 Manuel Castells 471

Informationalism and Networks, 472 Saskia Sassen 473

Toward a Feminist Analytics of the Global Economy, 473 Amartya Sen 477

Asian Values and the West’s Claims to Uniqueness, 477 Ulrich Beck 481

World Risk Society, 482 Achille Mbembe 485

Necropower and the Late Modern Colonial Occupation, 485

Contents | xiii

Rethinking the Past that Haunts the Future 488 Avery Gordon 488

Ghostly Matters, 488 Edward Said 492

Intellectual Exile: Expatriates and Marginals, 492 William Julius Wilson 495

Global Economic Changes and the Limits of the Race Relations Vision, 495 Elijah Anderson 497

The “Nigger Moment” in the Cosmopolitan Canopy, 497 Waverly Duck 500

Benita’s Story: Coping with Poverty, 500 Charles Tilly 502

Future Social Science and the Invisible Elbow, 503 Julia Kristeva 504

Women’s Time, 505 Raewyn Connell 508

Southern Theory: Gender and Violence, 508 Slavoj Žižek 510

Cynicism as a Form of Ideology, 511 Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari 513

The Rhizome/A Thousand Plateaus, 513 Giorgio Agamben 514

Sovereign Power and Bare Life, 515

Social Theory at the Limits of the Social 518 Bruno Latour 518

Spheres and Networks: The Spaces of Material Life, 518 Thomas Piketty 521

The Central Contradictions of Capitalism: r > g, 522 Owen Fiss 524

The Perils of Constitutional Minimalism, 524 Oliver Sacks 526

Urge, 526 Ta-Nehisi Coates 528

Prison and Gray Wastes, 529 Eula Biss 531

White Debt, 531 Marilynne Robinson 533

Fear, 534 Robert Pogue Harrison 535

The Dominion of the Dead, 535

Name Index, 537


Preface/2016 Edition

When a book enjoys nearly a quarter-century of life, as this one has, it becomes a kind of mon- ument to the time covered. The problem with historical time is that it has its own mysterious manners, too often changing its direction in ways few saw coming. When this book first ap- peared in 1994 no one had the kind of lightweight personal computers that today seem to be everywhere. No one, except science fiction readers, could have then imagined the global smart phone that today links anyone anywhere to others elsewhere. More importantly, who then could have imagined the attacks on the World Trade Towers on September 11, 2001. Nor, even after 9/11, was it thinkable that the world would become involved in wars in the Middle East, Central Asia, and North Africa that would tear apart the then seeming stable global order. A good quar- ter-century ago the then long-enduring modern world order started to come undone in the wake of the collapse of the Cold War. Ever after, the spiral spins faster and faster.

In the past few years, the vicious atrocities of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria make Osama bin Laden’s Taliban seem tame by the contrast. Even in the allegedly civil sphere, political leaders use violent gestures and language to intimidate their opponents. A president of Russia invades neighbors in an effort to turn back the clock to the worst days of the Cold War. American police officers shoot and kill with impunity, actions vaguely warranted by the fact the United States is unable or unwilling to limit the sale of the weapons of war used to kill the innocent. As I write, one grand old American political party is campaigning for the nation’s highest office as though the civil sphere were a playground if not a gangland.

If this, and more, take place in the wider global sphere, then it should be expected that the vibrations will resonate in the quieter realm of social thought. Social Theory, now in its 6th edi- tion, has not only lived during these events, it has also come into its own in a time when the very meaning of “social theory” has taken on a broader meaning. It wasn’t all that long ago in the second half of the twentieth century that social thinkers were more likely to identify what they did as, say, sociological or literary theory, feminist or critical race theories. Though this narrower disciplinary names still have a currency, more and more their proponents are likely to view what they do in the broader sense of social theory. For one instance, critical race theory began and was once mostly confined to legal studies. Now, through the work of writers like Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, whose essay on intersectionality is included in this edition, is a thoroughly social the- orist of the kind that enjoys a close kinship to Patricia Hill Collins’s matrix of domination. Collins herself would once have been judged to be a black feminist theorist. Today she is well known as a major social theorist and past-president of the American Sociological Association.

One of the seldom recognized consequences of this new recognition of social theory’s perva- sive value is the realization that social theory has long been, and still is, a normal practical work of writers and thinkers who are not necessarily academics. One of the sad attitudes of many in sociology, my field, is the claim that sociology must never be mere journalism as if to say that those who dig deeper into the facts in order to report important public stories are somehow less serious than academics. The truth is that a great deal of journalism, but also literary non-fiction, even fiction on occasion, is very often both more true and more readable than academic social science. Paul Krugman, the New York Times columnist, is an excellent reporter on the global economic situation not because he is a Princeton professor and Nobel Prize winner but because

xvi | Preface/2016 Edition

over time he has learned to write out of his academic knowledge in a way that makes sense to a general public.

In this edition of Social Theory, I defend the claim that good social theory works at the limits of traditional common sense and academic formalism. This is not an insistence that academics know nothing. I am an academic and some people, it seems, think I know at least something— otherwise they wouldn’t read this book. But in this day, more than any before it, social theorists can relax into the realization what we do, whatever our calling in life, is the practical work of trying to understand, even to explain, the world as it is. One consequence of my claim is that the sixth edition of the book includes a new concluding section, Social Theory at the Limit of the So- cial. Here readers will find selections from, among others, writers like Oliver Sacks, Eula Biss, and Ta-Nehisi Coates who have written seriously for the general reader. Then too there are aca- demics who have written at the limits of their disciplinary fields—Robert Pogue Harrison on the dead and Owen Fiss on the limits of the normal understanding of constitutional law; and, too, Marilynne Robinson who, though known for her brilliant fiction is able to write convincingly about the fears that shake ordinary lives in our day.

There are other additions to the earlier sections of the book meant to account for changes of another sort. Harriet Martineau the earliest feminist theorist is here at this late date because her omission previously was a mistake more obvious now that the long history of feminist social theory is better known. Likewise John Stuart Mill is added because his classic book On Liberty represents the most coherent essay on liberal theory as it came to be in the nineteenth century. In the 1990s many social theorists assumed that liberalism was dead. A quarter-century later this is far from the case even if the bastardized liberal ideas in neoliberalism are a curse to real eco- nomic freedom. Readers will find, if they look closely, that some authors in previous editions have been dropped for the reason that their theories have not endured the test of time. These have been replaced by selections that, even if written some time ago, seem ever more current today. Then too, writers who were introduced in recent editions remain in place even though the day of their original popularity is long past. Bruno Latour, Achille Mbembe, Giorgio Agamben, Gilles Deleuze, and Slavoj Žižek remain, notwithstanding the fact that some finding their writ- ing difficult, even obscure. They are trying to say something of special social importance, often in a manner meant to reflect their view of the times.

There is a cautionary note in all this. We who are older and believe we have figured the hard stuff out, should remember that social theory is first and foremost an attempt to explain or de- scribe social riddles that occur in daily life before anyone bothers to make a theory of them. The young, even the young who are genuinely busy in their lives, understand a text we might find too hard because they are living the reality.

Social Theory as Practical Theories of Unsettled Worlds

When do very big things in life start to change? This is surely one of the more gripping questions anyone can ask. What were the first signs that the love of your life was about to leave? Or when do kids begin to realize that their parents are going to split up? Or, in the larger frame of human events, when exactly did Rome start to decline, or capitalism begin to change how business is done, or the British first realize they were losing their empire, or the telephone first become a cellular body part? Whether the questions are personal or global, people have good reason to wonder when changes of all kinds got under way. Perhaps we worry about this because we want to know why things must change. In the absence of good answers to the why, we settle for a when.

No question is more basic to social science than “why?”; and none is harder to answer than the why of social changes. It is likely that there would be no social science at all without ordinary people asking why things are as they are. Why do apples, ripe but unpicked, fall to the ground? Gravity is the answer everywhere except in outer space. But “gravity” is merely a name for less than self-evident laws of nature. Why, for another example, do people in large groups get along as well as they do? This, it turns out, is a question still more difficult to answer because, as anyone

Preface/2016 Edition | xvii

honest with herself knows, to live with others is to be impressed by how impossible they are and how little they respect our perfect social manners. Social scientists would be more than pleased were they able to agree on a term like “gravity” that would explain why, in spite of the countless troubles and conflicts of social life, people in groups do as well together as they do. That it hap- pens, we know. How things happen as they did or do is hard to know because social things are tricky, even devious. If how people live together changes, then why they get along more than you would suppose also changes.

Hence, asking when important social relations and structures begin to change is a central ques- tion of any social science. We want to know the why, we are dimly aware of the how, but we will settle for the when. None of the three types of questions is easily answered but at least the when question has the merit of being as common to everyday life as it is to academic social science.

Herein is found the special role of social theory. The first duty of social theorists is to ask fresh why questions. Knowing when the love of one’s life may have decided to quit the relationship is some solace to the jilted lover. Was it at that party when she seemed so happy to see that new guy? Is she with him now? Popular music, from country to rap, would be more bereft of coherent lyrics than already they are if it were it not for the devastations love can visit upon the young at heart. At the other extreme, social studies might not have become sciences if people had not wondered, from the start, just when this modern world came into its own, thus to change how people lived together. Anyone who loses a love may doubt his or her self-worth. The people who lose their traditional ways may wonder what will become of them without the old, familiar ways.

Social theories are often able to propose a why, sometimes a how, and even a when to solve these mysteries. Still, when social theories suggest answers to any or all of these questions, they usually start arguments that can last for years to come. The lover who loses out usually gets over it. Social theorists never get over the whys and wherefores they are obliged to ask, even when they admit that answers are hard to come by.

Social theory is the art, if not always the science, of asking the right questions at the risk of irritating the hell out of those who, in their own minds, have already settled the matter. Social Theory is a collection of readings that is not meant to be an answer book so much as a compen- dium of the struggles of modern social theory to ask and answer the why, how, and when of the unthinkable nature of social worlds. The answers once thought convincing may still be. When it comes to social theory, few answers are completely right or wrong, which gives them a good shelf life and makes them worth reading even today. To be a social thinker, if not a professional theo- rist, is to live with uncertainty—in respect to which the most certain social thing in the modern world is that sooner or later everything changes. This may sound a bit daunting, but when you stop to think about it, most things in life that we consider absolutely certain are not. In life with others the important thing is to accept the changes that cannot be prevented, and to understand them. The social theories you will read here are more than that, to be sure, but they are at least that, which is what makes them interesting, even exciting.

Teaching and Reading Social Theory

If, as I think, social theory is inherently exciting because, when it is good, it tries to identify and explain the big questions that all individuals and collectivities must face, then what might be the corollary to this assumption in respect to reading it? I have already stated my first assumption, learned slowly over the years of teaching the subject while also writing it as best I can. The single most touching letter I have received from a reader of this book was written by a woman in mid- life, with kids still at home, working a full-time job, attending a community college in Florida. She claimed that what she read in the book changed her life. She didn’t say which texts had this effect, nor did she explain how she found time to read amid all else she was dealing with in life. But it was a sincere message that, over the years, has been repeated many times by others. Let all teachers remember that much of what Karl Marx wrote was written for the working class, or that Max Weber’s famous essays on science and politics as vocations were given as public lectures, or

xviii | Preface/2016 Edition

that Èmile Durkheim was the leading public intellectual of his day, or that no one was more in- fluential in the development of American public education than John Dewey. On it goes. So rule number one is: Don’t be afraid!

When it comes to teaching, I am sure that some teachers look at this book and say, “interest- ing stuff but the selections are way too short for what I do.” A few have said just this to me; to which I reply, “fair enough.” On the other hand, one thing I have learned both as an editor and teacher is that it is amazing how quickly it is possible to go to the core of an argument if that is what you are required to do. I do not claim to have gotten this right in every case. A few times I’ve gotten it quite wrong and have tried to correct the selections when the time came. I do not claim any special genius at this. If there is a skill here it is to take seriously the practice of Ralph Waldo Emerson who, in his day, read nearly everything (almost literally), but who claimed that he never read any book from cover to cover. He was a philosopher. Nonfiction works are easier to treat this way. I would not recommend this approach for the reading of fiction. But for social theories, like philosophies and similar writings, there is wisdom in Emerson’s method. There is always a core idea and, in my experience, only the very best have more than one of them, revised and elaborated on. Some of my friends and colleagues in the field will think ill of me for saying it, but Marx’s Capital is the only classical book of social theory that has quite a few ideas. Hap- pily, they are all in a single section near the start of the argument. By the time he gets to the long chapters on the working day, a good reader will have already gotten his point. By contrast, there are few books, still read today, that are very long but with not much more one than one idea. Durkheim’s Elementary Forms of the Religious Life is an example—though quickly I add what an idea it was to conclude that Kant’s theory of knowledge was wrong because knowledge belongs to the collective life, not the categories of mental life.

It may seem either a conceit or foolishness on my part to suggest that shorter selections can often get at the heart of a social theory (the conceit being that I have been able to do this well). Teachers who do not want to teach shorter selections from a big book are not wrong to think this way. A good many of them (myself included) get around the problem by assigning whole books to provide what Social Theory does not or cannot. I have regularly assigned the whole of Weber’s Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (while excusing college students from responsibility for the footnotes, which constitute more than half the book’s mass). Why this book? One reason is that I love the challenge of encouraging students to learn to follow a long and sometimes way- ward argument that covers what, to them, can be weirdly obscure subjects like extra ecclesium nulla salus. But also because, Emerson notwithstanding, I do believe that reading books is im- portant and that everyone should do it often. I happen also to think that Weber’s book is one of the few from which it is very difficult to snatch a few pages to make the main points.

This brings me to another generic point that, to me, has never been more important than now: Read! We all know that not many kids today read books. This does not mean they are stu- pid. But it does mean that when they become students pursuing higher degrees, they are often ill equipped to do the work. Social theory and other kinds of writing can be difficult if readers have not spent a lifetime facing the daunting task of reading long and complicated books, whether fiction or nonfiction. I am not actually a gifted reader. I grew up in a home without books. My wife, on the other hand, has been reading since she was a child when she locked herself in the only family bathroom to read War and Peace. I am seventy-five and that book is still on my list. Very long. I have tried to read Dickens’s Bleak House. It drives me crazy. Last summer I gave up. At my age, I must save time for War and Peace. On the other hand, Dickens’s Great Expectations is also long and I could hardly put it down. Tastes are always involved in what one reads. In school, teachers usually determine what is required according to their own tastes. But students and other readers just getting into the habit serve themselves very well if they take what is re- quired then follow it by spending time in a good library wandering through undiscovered stacks. If you browse, you will find all manner of mysteries.

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