Watch the following videos:
Wedding Venue Setup
Muse: Time-Lapse Video of the 2nd Law Stage
Think about the events depicted in the videos. One is relatively small. The other is quite large. But there are elements of the planning and setup that are common to both. Every event has an overall concept or theme. All events have goals and objectives. Events are planned for a specific date, time, and location. Events need participants or attendees. Events require promotion, marketing, or some way to inform potential attendees. Events need an agenda to organize activities in a specific order. After viewing the videos above, share your thoughts in response to the question below:
• What did you find interesting or surprising about the videos?
Think of an event you have planned or attended, and describe your experience. Have you ever planned an event? If so, discuss the following:
• What was the goal or purpose of this event?
• Who was the intended audience for this event?
• How did you let the intended audience know about it?
• How did your intended audience affect the way you informed them about it?
• Did you feel like the event went well? Why? Or why not?
If you have never planned an event, choose an event you have attended, and discuss the following:
• What type of event did you attend?
• What was the goal or purpose of this event?
• Who do you think was the intended audience for this event?
• How did you find out about it? How do you think the intended audience for this event determined how it was marketed and promoted?
• Do you think the event was well organized? Why? Or why not?