Q1: What does IMA stand for and explain two of its many functions (2 sentences maximum).
Q2: How does management decide whether a cost is direct or indirect? Give an example of a cost object. (Three sentences maximum.)
Q3: What is the difference between contribution margin and gross margin (two sentences maximum)?
Q4: How do you distinguish actual costing from normal costing? (3 sentences maximum.)
Use the guidelines below.
Formatting: Format your discussions in the following ways:
Times New Roman font, size 12
Include your name
Include references to credit any text, video, or other materials that you used as sources (including your textbook).
Content: Your discussions will be graded based on the discussion rubric as well as the style of your writing.
Mechanics: You are expected to use proper mechanics, and you will lose points for grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.
Discussion Board Grading Rubric
for AC 401
Format and Mechanics (4 points maximum) Formatting as described above including font, name and reference(s). (4 points maximum)
Connectedness (2 points maximum)
Citations from the readings, lectures, and other course materials are included that support postings and response to peer’s post. (2 point maximum)
Content (2 points maximum)
Posts are factually correct, rich in content, full of thought, insight, analysis, depth, and detail. Postings clearly advance the discussion. (2 point maximum)
Respect (2 points maximum)
Offers an opposing view in a respectful and professional manner; avoid sarcasm. (2 point maximum)