Exercise Ch3-1: Level 1 – Industry Trend Charts In these steps, you need to prepare some charts showing trends in the sporting goods industry. A workbook containing a variety of information on industry-wide trends has already been created. You will begin with data showing the number of people who participate in a variety of sports and activities. Complete the following: 1. Open the workbook named Trends-1.xlsx attached with the data of the assignment, and then
save the file as 3-1- Industry-Trends-YourName.xlsx. Review the data sets on the four worksheets. You need to determine the most important information in each worksheet and select the best method for displaying that information in a chart. Remember that you can use charts to display single data series, compare multiple data series, show trends, and compare the percentage contribution to the whole. 2. The 2017 Participation worksheet contains participation data for a variety of sports, ranked in descending order by the values in the Total column.
a) Create a column chart, a bar chart, and a line chart from the data. Place each chart on the same worksheet as the source data.
b) In an area below each chart, explain what the chart type emphasizes about the data. Decide which chart is the best choice for comparing each sport’s participation level.
c) Re-create the chart selected and place it on a separate chart sheet named 2017 Participation Chart as the first worksheet in the Industry Trends workbook, and add appropriate y-axis and chart titles to finalize the chart.
d) Return to the 2017 Participation worksheet, and in an area below the chart you selected to place on the chart sheet, explain the advantages and any disadvantages of this chart.
3. The 10-Year Participation worksheet contains sports participation data over a 10-year period, with values shown for every other year, for a variety of sports.
a) Add Sparkline’s for each sport category in the worksheet. Highlight the high, low, and last data point in each of the Sparkline’s.
b) Insert the chart that best illustrates the participation changes in each sport over the 10-year period. Place this chart on the same worksheet as the source data. Add appropriate titles and a legend to finalize the chart.
c) To the right of the chart, compare the information provided by the Sparkline’s with that provided by your chart.
d) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of these visual presentations in this specific instance.
4. The Female Sports Participation worksheet shows the changes in female sports participation between 2011 and 2017.
a) Create a chart that shows the changing trends in the percentage of female participation in each sport.
b) Place this chart on the same worksheet as the source data. Add appropriate titles to finalize the chart.
c) In a cell below the chart, explain the advantages and any disadvantages of the chart type you chose.
5. The Purchases by Sport worksheet shows the dollar amount of consumer equipment purchases for 2015, 2016, and 2017.
a) Create an appropriate chart to compare the contribution of each sport and illustrate the changes in consumer purchases from year to year.
b) Place this chart on the same worksheet as the source data. c) Add appropriate titles and a legend to finalize the chart. d) To the right of the chart, explain the advantages and any disadvantages of the chart type
you chose. 6. Add your name and date at the end of the exercise
7. Save and close the 3-1- Industry-Trends-YourName.xlsx workbook.
Exercise Ch3-2: Level 2 – Customer Purchases Charts In these steps, you will work with the same consumer equipment purchasing data used to complete the Pie of Pie chart that Michelle worked on earlier. This data and the Pie of Pie chart are contained in the Excel workbook named Purchase.xlsx. You’ll use this data to create a Bar of Pie chart. This same workbook contains detailed purchasing data broken out by age and gender for the following: footwear, camping, fitness, and golf. You’ll use this data to create charts that illustrate the relationship between age and gender. The goal is to apply Tufte’s principles to effectively present this quantitative information. Complete the following: 1. Open the workbook named Purchases-1.xlsx attached with the data of the assignment, and then
save the file as 3-2- Consumer-Purchaser-YourName.xlsx. Review the data sets on the six worksheets. You need to determine which chart sub-types covered in Level 2 will best illustrate the most important information in each worksheet. 2. The Pie of Pie worksheet contains the consumer purchase data organized by sport that Michelle used to create the Pie of Pie chart earlier. Use this data to create a Pie of Pie chart for the 2015 data. Place this chart on the same worksheet as the source data. Format the chart to look like the chart shown in Figure 3.24. Include the chart title 2015 Consumer Purchases by Sport on your chart.
3. Use the data found on the Purchases by Sport worksheet to create a Bar of Pie chart that illustrates the percentage contribution by each sport to the total purchase amount. Create one Bar of Pie chart for each year. Place the three charts on the same worksheet as the source data. Include a chart title and data labels for each chart that are similar to the ones you included in the Pie of Pie chart in Step 2. 4. The Footwear Purchases worksheet contains percentage data for footwear purchases organized by age groups and gender. The data also includes a breakout of the age and gender of the U.S. population by percentage. Create a clustered column chart, a stacked column chart, and a 100% stacked column chart to compare the purchases by different age groups each year with the U.S. population.
Place the three charts on the same worksheet as the source data. Include appropriate titles and a legend in each chart. In a cell below each chart, explain what you think the chart illustrates. 5. The Camping Purchases worksheet contains percentage data for camping purchases organized by age groups and gender. The data also includes a breakout of the age and gender of the U.S. population by percentage. Create an area chart, a stacked area chart, and a 100% stacked area chart to compare the purchases by different age groups each year with the U.S. population. Place the three charts on the same worksheet as the source data. Include appropriate titles and a legend in each chart. In a cell below each chart, explain what you think the chart illustrates. 6. The Fitness Purchases worksheet contains percentage data for fitness purchases organized by age groups and gender. The data also includes a breakout of the age and gender of the U.S. population by percentage. Create a line chart, a stacked line chart, and a 100% stacked line chart to compare the purchases by different age groups each year with the U.S. population. Place the three charts on the same worksheet as the source data. Include appropriate titles and a legend in each chart. In a cell below each chart, explain what you think the chart illustrates. 7. The Golf Purchases worksheet contains percentage data for golf purchases organized by age groups and gender. The data also includes a breakout of the age and gender of the U.S. population by percentage. Create a doughnut chart and one other chart of your choice to compare the purchases by gender each year with the U.S. population. Place the two charts on the same worksheet as the source data. Include appropriate titles and a legend in each chart. In a cell below each chart, explain what you think the chart illustrates. 8. Add your name and date at the end of the exercise
9. Save and close the 3-2- Consumer-Purchaser-YourName.xlsx workbook.