Microscopic Structure of the Blood Vessels l views of an artery and of a vein are shown here Identily each, on the lines to the sides, note the structural details that enabled you to make these identifications (vessel type) (vessel type) Now descibe each tunic more fully by selecting ts characteristics from the key below and placing the approprate key lettes on the answer lines Tunica intima Tunica media Tunica externa Key: a innermost tunic b. most superficial tunic regulates blood vessel diameter contains smooth muscle and elastin f. has a smooth surface to decrease resistance to blood flow d. e. c. thin tunic of capillaries 2. Describe the role that valves play in returning blood to the heart 3. Name two events occurring within the body that aid in venous return. and 4. Considering their functional differences, why do you think the wals of arteries are proportionately thicker than those of the corresponding veins?
Review Sheet 32 Major Systemic Arteries and Veins of the Body 5. Use the key on the right to identify the arteries or veins described on the left 1. vessel that is paired in the venous system, but only a singe vessel is present in the arterial systenm Key a anterior fibial b. basic t brachial these arteries supply the myocardium 2, two paired arteries serving the brain 3. e. celac trunk vein that runs between the cephalic and basilic 4 f cephal 5. artery on the dorsum of the foot g common carotid 6 main artery that serves the thigh muscles common fa supplies the diaphragm 7. i, coronary 8 formed by the union of the radial and ulnar veins 9. two superficial veins of the arm deepanery od the trigh k dorsalis pedis . external carotid artery serving the kidney 10 ㅡㅡ ㅡㅡㅡ ㅡㅡ ㅡ m. femoral 11. veins draining the liver fbular 12. artery that supplies the distal half of the large intestine great saprerous 13. divides into the external and internal carotid arteries p. hepatic what the external iliac artery becones on entry into the thigh q inferior mesenterc 14 drains blood from the spleen, pancreas, and part of the stomach internal carotid 15. s med an cubital 16. supplies most of the small intestine t phrenic join to form the inferior vena cava 17, ts the u posterior tibial 18. an arterial trunk that has three major branches, which run to the liver, spleen, and stomach radial w renal 19. major artery serving the tissues external to the skull x splenic 20. four veirs serving the leg y superior mesenteric z vertebral artery generally used to take the pulse at the wrist 21. 6. What is the function of the cerebral arterial circle? artery 7. The anterior and middle cerebral arteries arise from the of the brain They serve the rom the aorta to the left occpital obe of the brain, notin all sructures hrough 8. Trace the pathway of a drop of blood f which it flows.
Renew Sheet 32 481 the next identify all indicated blood vessels s. The human arterial and venous systems are diagrammed on this
s Review Sheet 32 483 10. Trace the blood flow from the mitral valve to the tricuspid valve by way of the great toe. Pulmonary Circulation 11. Trace the pathway of a carbon dioxide gas molecule in the blood from the inferior vena cava until it leaus Name all structures (vessels, heart chambers, and others) passed through en route 12. Most arteries of the adult body carry oxygen-rich blood, and the veins carry oxygen-poor blood How does this differ in the pulmonary arteries and veins? 13. How do the arteries of the pulmonary circulation differ structurally from the systemic arteries? What condtion is indicated Dy this anatomical difference? Fetal Circulation function in the fetus; then, note its fate (what happens to it or what it s 14. For each of the following structures, first indicate its converted to after birth). Circle the blood vessel that carries the most oxygen-rich blood. Fate and postnatal structure Function in fetus Structure Umbilical artery Umbilical vein Ductus venosus Ductus arteriosus Foramen ovale
seview Sheet 32 epatic Portal Circulation 15. Why is the blood that drains into the hepatic portal circulation nutrient-rich? 16. Why is this blood carried to the liver before it enters the systemic circulation? 17. The hepatic portal vein is formed by the union of the and the Thev vein carries blood from the The vein drains the and The __ vein empties into the splenic vein and drains the and 18. Trace the flow of a drop of blood from the small intestine to the right atrium of the heart, noting all structures encountered or passed through on the way 19. +A peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) line involves the use of a long, thin tube to deliver medications or nutrients to a patient. For adult patients, it is usually inserted into the right cephalic vein. Trace the route that a medication would take to reach the right atrium. List all vessels on the route 20. +A patient with iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis (FDVT) has a blood clot located in the femoral or external liać vein, Such a patient is at risk of the clot traveling to the lungs, resulting in a pulmonary embolism. Trace the route of the clot from the femoral vein to the pulmonary artery. List all vessels on the route.