write a paragraph for Project Description (Final Project)
This is the requirements, and I choose the topic to talk about the water resources in the United stated, I want you to talk about how that affects people's health and global warming,and the government resection on water quality, especially the quality of water is known as really bad in California.(Los angles)
1) Project Description: A brief paragraph summarizing your paper subject area, topic and preliminary question(s) that you will use to formulate a thesis.
O1A: Individual paper. Write an 8-10 page paper on almost any topic addressing a course-related theme in the United States or in an area of U.S. imperial influence.
Assignment: Write an 8-10 page paper (excluding images and bibliography) on almost any topic addressing a course-related theme in the United States or in an area of U.S. imperial influence. You are encouraged, but not required, to focus on the Bay Area of California.
Resources: See “Getting started and following through”, annotated bibliography guidelines, and example papers in the FP folder on bCourses.
You just need to write a project description but please make sure that you have read the requirement below