Family-Centred Practice for Inclusive Early Years Education
Loraine Fordham and Christine Johnston
The focus of this chapter is describing family-centred practice and explaining how it can be successfully integrated into the work of early years professionals in all inclusive early years settings.
Learning goals for this chapter include:
› Defining family-centred practice;
› Understanding the fundamental components of family- centred practice;
› Examining the effect of family-centred practice on families;
› Determining the place of family-centred practice in the Early Years Learning Framework;
› Considering what it means to be family-centred early years professionals.
effective help-giving
family-centred practice
family–professional partnership
individualised practice
social support
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Cologon, K. (2014). Inclusive education in early years : right from the start. Retrieved from Created from csuau on 2018-05-07 18:49:03.
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1 7 2 S E C T I O N 3 : W O R K I N G T O G E T H E R F O R I N C L U S I O N
Introduction Since the publication of the seminal work Enabling and Empowering Families
(Dunst, Trivette & Deal, 1988) family-centred practice has been considered ‘best
practice’ in the fi eld of early childhood intervention for young children with
disabilities and their families. In this chapter we will make clear how family-
centred practice can be an integral part of inclusive early years settings for all
children and their families. In order to do this we will fi rst describe what is
meant by family-centred practice, outlining its fundamental components and
practices; in doing so we will refer to key international and Australian research
with children and families.
In the second section we will focus on how we do family-centred practice,
by outlining what inclusive family-centred early years education means
for families, by explaining how being family-centred relates to the national
curriculum, The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) (Department of
Education, Employment & Workplace Relations [DEEWR], 2009a), and, fi nally,
by describing what it is to be a family-centred early years professional. We
will use examples of children and families in inclusive early years settings to
illuminate our key points.
Family-centred practice The term family-centred practice arose in the 1980s from early intervention
programs in the United States and gradually spread to Australia. It refers to both
the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of service delivery and specifi cally it encompasses a
‘particular set of beliefs, principles, values and practices for supporting and
strengthening family capacity to enhance and promote child development and
learning’ (Dunst, 2002, p.139).
Family-centred practice is the hallmark of family support programs as it
implies that families have the ultimate control over decisions about their children
(Allen & Petr, 1996; King, King, Rosenbaum, & Goffi n, 1999). It recognises the
family as constant in the child’s life, expert on their child’s abilities and needs,
and as a unique and capable unit (Dunst et al., 1988: Rosenbaum, et al., 1998).
In his review of the conceptual and empirical foundations of family-centred
practice, Carl Dunst (1997) identifi ed ten ‘core practices most often described
as key features of a family-centred approach to practice’ (p.78). Intrinsic to
these practices is the notion that services are provided to families in ways that
are individualised, fl exible, supportive, sensitive and respectful (Palisano et
al., 2012). In sum, they specify the ‘what’ of family-centred practice. These
practices are summarised in Table 9.1 .
family-centred practice: A set of values, attitudes and approaches to providing services for children with disabilities and their families.
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Cologon, K. (2014). Inclusive education in early years : right from the start. Retrieved from Created from csuau on 2018-05-07 18:49:03.
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1 7 3C H A P T E R 9 : F A M I L Y - C E N T R E D P R A C T I C E F O R I N C L U S I V E E A R L Y Y E A R S E D U C A T I O N
Loraine Fordham and Christine Johnston
Fundamental components of family-centred practice Family-centred practice comprises a number of fundamental and unique
components. The four described in detail below are those we believe to be most
relevant for inclusive early years education. They are the family–professional
partnership ; the nature of help-giving ; individualised practice ; and mobilising
community supports and resources.
The family–professional partnership
At the heart of family-centred practice is the partnership between the family
and the professional. The collaborative nature of this partnership refl ects the
mutual, respectful and goal-driven cooperation between all people undertaking
the specifi c task.