CHAPIER 23 r DiSestive System
Using the CPT and ICD-10-CM/ICD-9-CM manuals, code the following:
19. Rigid esophagoscopy with removal of a foreigntody.
CPT Code:
Ligation of an intraoral salivary duct.
CPT Code:
21,. Transection of esophagus with repair of esophageal varices.
CPT Code:
,/22. Enterotomy of the small intestine for removal of a foreign body.
CPT Code:
23. Complicated revision of a colostomy.
CPT Code:
,t. Pr"notomy, labial.
CPT Code:
25. Excision of a
CPT Code:
palate lesion without closure.
n{u. *"^oval of a foreign body from the pharynx.
CPT Code:
27. Amy is an l8-year-old with severe snoring. She is having an adenoidectomy in order to treat her snoring.
,/CW Code: ./
/Zg. partial colectomy with cotostomy.
CPT Code:
Open repair of an incarcerated recurrent inguinal hernia.
CPT Code:
0. Surgical laparoscopic placement of a gastric band.
CPT Code:
Odd-numbered answers are located ln Appendix B, while the full answer key is only avallable in the TEACE rnstfuctor Resources on Evolve.
Copyright @ 2015 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
CHAPTER !l r Digestive System
31. Fuli-thickness repair of the vermilion of the lip'
i CPT Code: \'4, ,,,,,0,.,.,
CPT Code:
33. Bilateral Pa
CPT Code:
epair of 1.6-cm laceration of floor of mouth'
rotid duct diversion.
,i. s,ugicar laparoscopic repair of a paraesophageal hernia with fundoplasty
with imPlantation of mesh'
CPT Code:
Biopsy of the stomach by laparotomy'
*d6. Nontune open ileostomY'
CPT Code:
37. Coiorrhaphy for multiple perforations of large
-' auto accihent. No colostomy was required'
rzls. tncision and drainage of perirectal abscess'
CPT Code:
39. Diagnostic abdominal laParoscoPY'
fo. r*urRocEDURE DIAGNoSIS: Screening coionoscopy'
PREMEDICATIONS: Fentanyl 100 mcg and Versed 4 mg'
PROCEDURE: A colonoscopy was perform:q to th.:,:"cum' The scope
was advanced to the cecum urd.r'dir..t vision without any difflculty'
FINDINGS:Thececum,ascending'transverse',desc11ding'andsigmoid colon *r, t'o'-ui' r" trt" d""""8i"g colott' there was a Z-mm
that was biopsied and submitted for histoiogy'
ASSESSMENT Diminutive colon polyps'
odd-numbered answers are located rn Appendrx B, while the futl a'swer key is only avallable in
Instructor Resources on Evolve'
intestine sustained in
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CHAPTER 23 r Digestive System
In Appendix A of this workbook you will find a section titled Reports, which ,onfiins original reports. Read the reports indicated below and supply the appropriate cPT and ICD-L0-CMfiCD-9-CM codes on the following lines:
v42. Report 22
& rcp-ro-cM code(s):
.1& tco-l-cM code(s):
d+. xeport zz
& cvr code(s):
& Ico-ro-cM code(s):
(& tcp-g-cM code(s):
43. Report 31
& cpr code(s):
& cpr code(s):
& lco-ro-cM code(s):
(& ICD-g-cM code(s):
45. Report 33
& cpr code(s):
& rco-ro-cM code(s):
(& ICD-g-cM code(s):
d. v"port z+ CPT Code(s):
ICD-1O-CM Code(s):
ICD-9-CM Code(s):
& Ur"r to declde number of codes necessary to correctly answer the question. Odd-numbered answers are located ln Appendix B, while the full arlswer key is only available in the TEACfl Instructor Resources on Evolve.
Coppight O 2015 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. AII rights reserved.
CHAPTER 23 r Digestive System
47. Report 35
& crrr code(s):
& Icp-ro-cM code(s):
I& ICD-g-cM code(s):
\46. Report 39
& cpr code(s):
& rco-ro-cM code(s):
(& ICD-g-cM code(s):
& u"ur to decide number of codes necessary to correctly answer the questlon. Odd-numbered answers are located ln Appendix B, whlle the ftrll answer key is only avallable ln the TEACE Instructor Resources on Evolve.
Copyright @ 2015 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. A11 rights reserved.
APPENDIX A r Reports
and cltobrush was then used to obtain cervical curetting. The endocervical os was unable to be demonstrated by the Pipelle curette or the uterine sound. The cytobrush was then used to locate the central endometrial canal, and the Pipelle curette was then used to obtain endometrial curetting. Bimanual examination shows the uteruS to measure 4to 6 weeks, antevefted, smooth, mobile. Adnexa negative. Rectal declined. BUS within normal limits.
IMPRESSION: Clear cell carcinoma of unknown origin.
PLAN: Refer the patient to the University of Minnesota for diagnostic workup and treatment. The patient and University of Minnesota will be advised of the results of the biopsies when they become available.
PREOPERATM DIAGNOSIS: Atelectasis of the right lower lobe, suspecting either a mucous plug or obstructing cancer.
posToPERATM DIAGNOSIS: Mildly inflamed airways with some thick secretions. No definite mucous plug was seen, and certainly no cancer was noted.
PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Bronchoalveolar lavage, bronchial brushings, and bronchial washings.
For a detail of drugs used and amounts of drugs used, please refer to the bronchoscopy report sheet.
The patient was in the ICU on the ventilator, intubated, and so we simply used ICU sedation. We put the bronchoscope down the endotracheal tube. We could see the trachea, which appeared okay. The carina appeared normal. In the right and left lungs, all segments were patent and entered, and in the right lower lobe and middle lower lobe, there were increased, thick, tenacious secretions. No definite mucous plug. It did take a little suctioning to dislodge all of the mucus; however, it was not as bad as I thought it would be looking at the x-ray. The area was brushed, washed, and then, to be more specific, because of evidence on chest x-ray of something going on in the periphery/ a bronchoalveolar lavage of the right lower lobe is performed. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Specimens were performed. Specimens were sent for appropriate cytological, pathological, and bacteriological studies, and we hope to be able to follow up on that tomorrow.
PREOPERATM DIAGNOSIS: Chronic adenotonsillitis and chronic tonsillitis.
POSTOPERATM DIAGNOSIS: Chronic adenotonsillitis and chronic tonsillitis.
PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy.
OPERATM NOTE: The patient is a 1S-year-old woman who was seen in the offlce and diagnosed with the above condition. Decision was made in consultation with the patient to undergo the procedure.
She was admitted through the same-day department and taken to the operating room, where she was administered general anesthetic by
Copyright @ 2015 by Saunders, an impdnt of Elsevier Inc. A11 rights reserved.
intravenous injection. She was then intubated endotracheally' The Jennings
gug *r, inserted into the mouth and expanded; this was secured to a Mayo stand. TWo red rubUer catheters were pliced through the nose and
outthroughthemouth;theseweresecuredwithsnaps'Thiswasdoneto etevate th[ palate. A lar,rgeal mirror was placed in the nasopharynx' The
adenoid tissue was visuiliied. Using suction cautery, the adenoid tissue was
removed in systemic fashion. oncJthis was completed, the- red rubbers were
i"f"ur.a and |rought out through the nose. fhe iight tonsilwas grasped - with an Allis forceps and retracied mediatly using a harmonic scalpel, and
thecapsulewasenteredbilaterally.Thetonsilwasremovedfromitsfossain an inferior fashion, and one ,-uil ut"u was cauterized. The left tonsil was lfr"., grurp"d with u.r atnt forceps and retracted medially. Again, the capsule
was identifled laterally, and the.harmonic scalpel was used to remove the
tonsil from its fossa in an inferior to superior fashion' Once this was
.o*praraa, the bed was inspected, and -two
small areas wele cauterized here'
Three tonsillar sponges weie soaked in 1o/o Marcaine with epinephrine; one
was placed in the ,rulropt ury.r, and one in each tonsil bed. These were left
in p6sition for 5 minuier, at the end of this interval they were remcved'
The beds were inspected. No further bleeding was noted. The gag was then
removedfromthemouth.TheTMJjointwaschecked.Thepatientwas allowed to recover from a general anesthetic and taken to the post
anesthesia care unit in stadle condition. There were no complications during this Procedure'
PRE0PERATIVE DIAGN0SIS: Pleural fluid, unknown cause.
PoSToPE,RATIVEDIAGNOSIS:Loculatedpleuraleffusionwithremoval of 40 cc of bloodY Pleural fluid.
PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Diagnostic thoracentesis'- -o, ultrasound, the areas were lolulated by that method as well as by
attempting to draw out fluid. I had to do four different sticks to get 40 cc
of fluid and that was about the extent of each pocket' T,here were four
&i;;;;fi;.tJr r entered just in the one general area that was marked by ,iirurorrrrO. This, of courr., *u, done after marking it with ultrasound' the area with swabs to sterilize the area, and then using 20 cc of
ilOo.iii" for loca1 anesthesia. With a one-pass maneuver, we were able to get into some fluid. At flrst actually, we did not get anf f-igi{' We moved
overaboutlinch,andthen*"*t'"abletogetlOccoffluidbeforethe po.i."ipu*"red oui. The next one we got 5 cc, and I had to go to a different 'nocket io set that. Then in the fourth pocket we were able to get two
;rr;;;.fufit *irt 10 cc to get at least-4b cc of fluid' As this was such a tl*J"r area, I did not put"a chest tube in to drain it because I did not think we would get ffining that would amount to anything with the r* tube"I had at -y-.o-*und' I think we might need tfroir.oi.opy to break up adhesions and drain it right' Of course' the
differentiaiof Utooay pleural fluid includes tuberculosis, ttauma, cancer,
""Jp"f*"nary embol-us. A ViQ scan would probably be pointless in this
pu*i."fur effoit. I think I would wait to see *hat the cultures are before
i*.rt oo*n the pulmonary embolus tree. I wili have to get a hold of Dr. Marrot about CT surgerY'
Copyright O 2015 by Saunders, an imprint of Eisevier Inc' A1l rights reserved'
APPEND1X A r Reports
rNDrcATroN: This is a 46-year-old white male with rourette,s and some MR who has had some hematochezia. There are no risk factors with no other symptoms.
PREoPERlrrrvE MEDTGATTONS: Fentanyl 100 mcg I[ versed 4 mg IV. FTNDTNGS: The Pentax video colonoscope was inserted without difficulty to the cecum. The ileocecal valve was identified. The appendiceal orifice was seen. I could not enter the cecum. Just above the valve, there was a small 2- to 3-cm polyp. This was hot biopsied off. There was a sessile 3-mm polyp in the proximal ascending colon, hot biopsied off. Inspection of the remainder of the ascending colon, hepatic flexure, transverse colon, splenic flexure, descending colon, and sigmoid colon, revealed no erythema, ulceration, exudate, friability, or other mucosal abnormalities. The rectum showed a small Z-mm polyp that was hot biopsied off. The patient tolerated the procedure well.
TMPRESSTON: Three small polyps, two in the cecum ascending colon area and one on the rectum, hot biopsied off.
PLAN: If these polyps are adenomatous/ the patient should return again in 5 years for surveillance.
PREOPERATM DIAGNOSIS: Nonhealing duodenal ulcer. POSTOPERATM DIAGNOSIS: Nonhealing duodenal ulcer. PROCEDURES PERFORMED:
1. Exploratory laparotomy. 2. P artial gastrectomy (antrectomy). 3. Truncal vagotomy. 4. Gastrojejunostomy. 5. Cholecystectomy with intraoperative cholangiogram. rNDrcATroN: The patient is a 60-year-old female who presented with a nonhealing gastric ulcer. She has had symptoms for about a year. She complains of epigastric pain. Medical therapy with prilosec failed, as did therapy for H. pylori. Biopsy of the ulcer has been done, and it was benign. The patient had a negative workup for gastrinoma. calcium level was also normal. The patient now presents for exploratory laparotomy and partial gastrectomy. The risks and benefits were discussed with the patient in detail. She understood and agreed to proceed.
PROCEDURE: The patient was brought to the operating room. Her abdomen was prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. A midline umbilical incision was made. The peritoneal cavity was entered. Initial inspection of the peritoneal cavity showed normal liver, spleen, colon, and small bowe1. There was an ulcer along the first portion of the duodenum just beyond the pylorus with some scarring. There was also an ulcer in the posterior part of the duodenal bulb, which was penetrating to the pancreas. we started dissection along the greater curvature of the stomach. vessels were ligated wrth 2-0 silk ties. There was an enlarged lymph node along the greater curvature of the stomach, which was sent for frozen section. It proved to be a benign lymph node. This was the only enlarged node found during dissection. we then proceeded with truncal vagotomy. The anterior r,agus
Copyright @ 2015 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. A11 rights reserved.
APPENDIX A .r Reports
and posterior vagus were identifled. They were clipped proximally and
distaily, and a segment of each nerve was excised and sent for frozen
section, and a segment of both vagus nerves was excised and confirmed by
frozensection. An incision was made around the gastrohepatic ligament'
The mesentery along the lesser culvatule of the stomach was dissected.
The vessels were ligited with 2-0 silk ties along the lesser-curvatule of the
stomach. A Kocheimaneuvel was performed to aid mobilization. The
pancreas was completely normal. No masses were found in the pancfeas.
tfr"r. was penetraiion of the ulcer in the superior part of the head of the pancreas. iissection was continued posterior to the stomach. The adhesions
iosterior to the stomach were taken down. The ulcer was in the posterior
i"grrr.rrt of the duodenal bulb iust beyond the pylorus and it had pJnetrated the pancreas. All the posterior layer of the ulcer that was left
idherent to the pancreas was shaved off. The stomach was divided with
ift" Cn stapler * tttut the complete antrum would be in the specimen. The duodenum was divided betweert clamps. The stomach pylorus and
f,rst part of the duodenum were sent to pathology for-examination' Then
the duodenal stump was closed with running suture. Using 3-0 Lembert
sutures, the posterior wall of the ulcer was incorporated for duodenal
closure. The^base of the duodenum was rolled over the ulcer, and it was all-incorporating to the duodenal closure. Our next step was to proceed
with cholecysteitomy. The galibladder was separated from-the liver,
reflected, and taken do*r, ind the gallbladder was divided from the liver with blunt dissection and cautery. The cystic altely was doubly ligated
with silk. The cystic duct was identified. The cystic duct and gallbladder junction and gittbtadder ducts were identified. Intraoperative thoiangiogram was performed showing free flow of bile into the
intrahJpatlc duct ur'd i.rto the duodenum. No leaks were seen. The cystic
duct wis doubly ligated, and the gallbladder was sent to pathology. The
staple line in the pioximal stomaih was oversewn with 3-0 silk Lembert ,rtirr.r. A retrocoiic isoperistaltic Hofmeister-t)?e gastrojejunostomy was performed on the remaining stomach and loop of ieiunum. This was an
isoperistaltic end-to-side two-layer anastomosis with 3-0 chromic and 3-0 silk. The stomach was secured to the transverse mesocolon with several interrupted silk sutures to prevent any herniation along the retrocolic space. The anastomosis had a good lumen and good blood supply. There was no twist along the anastomosis. Before the anastomosis was finished, a nasogastric tube was placed along the afferent limb of the jejunum to decompress the duodenum and prevent blow out of the duodenal stump. Extra holes were made in the NG tube to provide adequate drainage. The anastomosis was marked with two clips on each side, and a Jackson-Pratt drain was placed over the duodenal stump. The peritoneal cavity was irrigated until clear. Hemostasis was adequate. The fascia was then closed with interrupted 0 Ethibond sutures. Skin edges were approximated with staples. Subcutaneous tissues were irrigated before closure. Estimated blood loss throughout the procedure was 200 ml. IV fluids: 3400 mI. Urine output: 840 ml.
FINDINGS: 1. Nonhealing benign ulcer in the posterior duodenal bulb penetrating into
the head of the pancreas. 2. Pafiial gastrectomy (antrectomy performed) and excision of the pylorus,
flrst portion of the duodenum along with ulcer. 3. Hofmeister-type retrocolic isoperistaltic gastrojejunostomy. 4. Posterior wall of the ulcer that was penetrating into the pancreas
incorporated into closure of the duodenal stump.
Copyright @ 2015 by Saunders, an imprint of Eisevier Inc. AII rights reserved,
APPENDIX A r Reports
Truncal vagotomy performed with intraoperative frozen section conflrming both vagus nerves. Cholecystectomy pedormed due to chronic cholecystitis with normal intraoperative cholangiogram. Jackson-Pratt drain placed over the duodenal stump.
The items that are to be coded are listed below:
Partial gastrectomy (antrectomy) with gastroieiunostomy Truncal vagotomy Cholecystectomy with intraoperative cholangiogram
PATHOLOGY REPORT LATER INDICATED: TiSSUC ShOWCd NO CV1dCNCC of carcinoma. The radiologist reported the x-ray with 74300.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Fournier's gangrene.
POSTOPERATM DIAGNOSIS: Fournier's gangfene, gastric foreign bodies.
2. 3.
Exploratory laparotomy with gastrotomy and removal of gastric foreign body. Placement of 1S-French Moss gastrojeiunostomy feeding tube' Diverting end-sigmoid colostomy (Hartmann's procedure).
INDICATIONS: This is a 33-year-old patient with Fournier's gangrene who presents today for a diverting colostomy due to wound care and placement of a gastrostomy tube for help with further follow-up feeding.-He
presents today for exploration. The family understands_the risks of bleeding, infection, and postoperative fluid collections and wishes to proceed.
PROCEDURE: The patient was brought to the operating room, placed under general anesthesia, and prepped and draped with Betadine solution. A midline incision was made with a #10 blade and dissection was carried down through subcutaneous tissues using electrocautery. The midline fascia was identified and divided. The posterior sheath and peritoneum were sharply incised, thus allowing ently into the peritoneal cavity. There was some free fluid within the peritoneal cavity but no evidence of any abnormalities. We first identified the stomach and could feel what we felt were some polyps in the stomach. We first placed concentric purse-string , sutures along ttre greater curvature of the stomach, opened up the stomach, and then paised an 18-Frettch Moss gastrojeiunostomy tube but were unable to get it down through the pylorus. We could feel these multiple masses in the stomach. We tied the purse-stfing sutules and inflated the balloon. we then made a small opening in the stomach with electrocautery and retrieved about 20 large what appeared to be vegetable matter and partially digested peppels and pickles. We irrigated with saline and then were able to pass the voss gastroieiunostomy tube, the distal end, down through the pylorus. we closed the gastrotomy with a running 3-0 vicryi and an outer iayer of 3-0 silk Lembert sutures. We irrigated this area well. We then identified the sigmoid colon, fired a TLC-75 stapler across the sigmoid/ descending colon, and then placed a 3-0 Prolene on the rectal stump. We
Coplright @ 2015 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. A11 rights reserved'
CHAPTER 24 t lJtinaty and MaIe Genital Systems
using the cPT and ICD-10-CM/ICD-9-CM manualq code the following:
{8. Erdorcopy for resection of primary malignant renal pelvis tumor through an established stoma.
ICD-10-CM Code:
(ICD-9-CM Code:
59. Aspiration of a solitary, non-congenital renal cyst through Percutaneous needle.
CPT Code:
ICD-1.0-CM Code:
(ICD-9-CM Code:
/60. ,Jr"teroureterostomy performed for urinary tract obstruction.
CPT Code:
(ICD-9-CM Code:
61. Transurethral incision of the prostate to fteat benign hypertrophic prostatitis.
CPT Code:
(ICD-9-CM Code: )
,d. Cyrtourethroscopy due to intermittent hematuria'
CPT Code: 5TNO Q ICD-10-CM Code:
(ICD-9-CM Code:
63. Abdominal orchiopexy to release undescended intra-abdominal
CPT Code:
ICD-10-CM Code:
(ICD-9-CM Code:
odd-nunbered answers are located in Appendlx B, while the ftrtl answer key ls only available tn the TEACE
Instructor Resources on Evolve.
copyright @ 2015 by Saunders, an impdnt of Elsevier Inc. A11 rights reserved.
CHAPTER l,Q t Uinary and Male Genital Systems
/ & CPr code(s); '1121 O JrO. *Uu,"ral shunt of corpora cavernosa-saphenous vein for priapism.
& cpr code(s): St{L{ >0 Vasovasorrhaphy.
& cpr code(s):
Exposure of the prostate for insertion of radioactive substance.
& cpr code(s): sLB 6 0 73. Surgical reduction of torsion of testis with fixation of contralateral
& cpr code(s):
& U""r to decide number of codes necessary to cofrectly answer the question. Odd-numbered answers are located ln Appendlx B, while the full answer key is only available in the TEACE
Instructor Resorrrces on Evolve.
,C. ao nlicated prostatotomy of prostate cyst.
CPT Code: -q514-5 ICD-1O-CM Code:
(ICD-9-CM Code:
65. Closure of nephrocutaneous fistula.
CPT Code:
I JOe . L steroid injection for urethral stricture using a cystourethroscope.
& cvr code(s): 5.:'aB 3 Total urethrectomy of a 44-year-old male.
& cpr code(s):
Circumcision using clamp, routine.
& cpr code(s): 5Lil m-5; & tco-ro-cM code(s):
1& rco-o-cM code(s):
69. Excision of Skene's glands.
Copyright @ 2015 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc' All rights reserved'
,r' CHAPTER 24 : Utinary and MaIe Genital Systems
t/+. Oittut hypospadias repair with chordee using a V-flap advancement,' completed in one stage.
& cprcode(s): 5Y);L>- 75. Simple destruction of four lesions of the penis using cryosurgery'
& cpr Code(s):
46. Repair of an incomplete circumcision.
& cpr code(s): 5ttt f 3 77. Drainage of a scrotal wall abscess.
,& cpr code(s):
4f . ,r"r"rectomy, with repair of the bladder cuff. & cpr code(s): 50b 50
9 User to decide number of codes necessary to correctly answer the questlon. Odd-numbered answers are located in Appendlx B, while the full arlswer key is only available ln the TEACE Instnrctor Resources on Evolve.
Coplright O 2015 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. A1l rights reserved.
CH.\PTER 2-1 r Lrinar)' and \fale Genital Systems
In Appendix A of this workbook yolt wilr find a section titlecl Reports, which contains original reports. Reod the reports indicated below and sttpply the appropriate cPT and ICD-10-]M|ICD-9-]M codes on the followiig lines:
79. Report 36
., d, Cf,f Code1s.1: r'Bo. Report 37
sb CpT Code(s):
& tco-to-cM code(s):
(& rcD-g-cM code(s):
81. Report 38
CPf Code(s):
.B ICD-10-CM Code(s):
(,:s ICD-9-CM Code(s):
Report 81
bb cpr Code(s):
Report 82
& cpr code(s):
Report 83
&, CPf Code(s):
&, ICD-iO-CM Code(s):
(&'] ICD-9-cM code(s):
85. Report 84
& cpr code(s):
i-*' ur"" to decide numtrer of codes necessary to correctly answer the question. odel-numbered answers are located in Appendix B, while the full answer key is only available in the TEACH Instructor Resources on Evolve.
Copyright @ 2015 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. Al1 rights reserved
without any complications. KUB was then done demonstrating the tip of the CORFLb i., ttt. third portion of the duodenum' After confirmation of postpyloric position of the CORFLO, the patient was started on Ultracal at 10 cc/hr.
1. Expressed desire of the operating gynecologist to insert indwelling ur6teral stents for ease of dissection of the anticipated enlarged adherent uterus.
2. Gynecologic diagnosis of pelvic endometriosis.
POSTOPERATM DIAGNOSES: Same. pRocEDURE PERFORMED: Cystourethroscopy, insertion of bilateral ureteral catheters.
PROCEDURE: After general anesthesia and after the abdomen and genitalia had been prepped and draped in the usual fashion, the patient was
itaceA in the Aorsotitfrotomy position. The genitalia were examined and proved to be essentially unremarkable. The urethra was instrumented with a 2q-French panendoscope sheath, and, using the foroblique and right-angle lenses, insfection of the entire vesical cavity showed no indication of any pathologiC lesion. There is slight indention and some of the bladder incidenito the uterine impression. The two ureteral orifices appear to be essentially unremarkable. The left ureteral orifice was catheterized with a 6-French Whistle Tip catheter with ease. The catheter was advanced to approximately 25 cm on the left side. Attention was then directed to the ,igit tid", and the right ureteral orifice was catheterized with a 6-French V,ifrlrtt. Tip catheter. The catheter was placed at approximately 24 cm. The bladder wis then entered, Panendoscope sheath was withdrawn' A 18-French 5-mt balloon Foley catheter was then inserted into the bladder and left indwelling to the Foley catheter. The two uleteral catheters were anchored with 4o- t black silk. The two ureteral catheters and the Foley catheters were then connected to straight drainage and the patient was removed from the dorsolithotomy position. Dr. Weasly, the patient's gynecologist, then proceeded with a total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.
PREOPERATM DIAGNOSIS: Recurrent transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder.
PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Cystoscopy; multiple random bladder biopsies.
CLINICAL NOTE: This patient has recurrent transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. He has had BCG bladder instillation to help prevent recurrence. His last instillation was 6 weeks ago. The patient is doing welI. He denied any complaints.
PROCEDURE: The patient was given a general endotracheal anesthetic and prepped and draped in lithotomy position. A 24-French resectoscope
Copydght @ 2015 by Saunders, an impdnt of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved'
waspassedintothebladderunderdirectvision.Theurethrawasnormal. prostate was nonobstructed. Inspection of the bladder demonstrated
areas of
hyperemia that would be most ionsistent with BcG changes but might also
represent recunent ICC. These afeas wele biopsied using a cold-cup biopsy'
A 24-French ,es"ctoicope ioupe was then used to cautedze these areas.
Ureteric oriflces were identified. Clear urine could be seen effluxing
bilaterallY. The patient tolerated the procedure well' A B&O suppository was
,".iuiry uft"r the end of the irocedure. An 18-French Foley catheter was
prr."i," r,raight o*i"ug". Bimanual examination showed no significant itrnormality and the prostate felt normal'--ifru
prti"nt will bJscheduled for recheck cystoscopy in three months
time providing pathology shows no evidence of recurrent tumor'
ADDENDUM:TotalresectedandfulguratedareaofthebladderwasT square centimeters.
PREOPERATM DIAGNOSIS: Urinary incontinence'
pRocEDURE PERFORMED: Insertion of double cuff artificial urinary
iphincter with 25 cc reservoir (multicomponent)'
CLINICAL NOTE: This patient has had radiation for prostate cancer' This
recurred.Hethenrradcryothelapy.HisPSAisundetectablebuthehas significanturinaryincontinenceunresponsivetopharmacotherapy.External climp devices have been unsatisfactory'
pRocEDURE, NOTE: The patient was given a spinal anesthetic, prepped
and draped in a supine position. A penoicrotal incision was made' A l-6-
F;;.h ioley was ptaced in the bladder to straight drainage.-The urethra was dissected to the level 0f the bulb. The bulbocavernous muscle
was very
atrophic and was not dissected off the urethra. A double cuff placement was
selected. The urethra was mobilized in two places with a small bridge of
tissue between them. These cuffs were incised. Both were incised at 4'5 cm'
A reservoi*pu." *u, .r"rl"A by manual dissection in the left inguinal canal into the retropubic space. The ieservoirr'vas placed' cycle.d, and
filled with
25 cc of sterile saunll Both cuffs were placed in the usual fashion. The
,"rp was then placed in the mid-scrolal pouch. connections wete made
usingaYConnectorandstraightconnectorsintheusualfashion.The ;y;,.h was cycled; it worked iarell. Foley catheter was withdrawn to insure .y.ri"g appropriateiy. Subcutaneous tisiues were closed with 3-0 chromic and skin with a 4-O'subcuticular Vicryl stitch' The pumprvas cycled
,g"i" ""a then deactivated; the Foley catheter replaced. The patient
tolerated the procedure well and wai transferred to the Iecovery toom in
s;J.."oition. rrre wounds were thoroughly irrigated with Baciftacin
Copyright @ 2015 by Saunders, an impdnt of Elseviet Inc' A11 rights resewed'
APPENDIX A r Reports
This 49-year-old presents with dyspnea. He has previous cigarette smoking history.
COMPLETE PULMONARY FUNCTION STUDY: Forced vital capacity is 4.87 L, \l2o/o of predicted. FEV1 is 4.O2 L, 713o/o of predicted. FEV1 is 830/0. FEF 25o/o to 7 5o/o is normal. There is no significant response to bronchodilators. Flow volume loop shows a well-preserved inspiratory limb.
Total lung capacity by plethysmography is 6.82L,1,1,1,o/o predicted. RV/ TLC ratio and airway resistance are normal. Corrected DLCO was 18.99, 7Oo/o of predicted.
1. Normal expiratory flow rates. 2. Normal lung volumes. 3. Mild reduction of DLCO is noted. The cause of decreased diffusion capacity is unclear in this patient. Possible causes could include heart disease, pulmonary embolism, anemia, obstructive sleep apnea. Clinical correlation is advised for cause of abnormal diffusion. There is no evidence of coexisting obstructive or restrictive pulmonary disease.
Note: The items to be coded listed below: . Spirometry before and after bronchodilator . Respiratory flow volume loop o Functional residual capacity . Carbon monoxide diffusing capacity . Bronchodilator supply
PREOPERATM DIAGNOSIS: History of adenocarcinoma of the prostate.
POSTOPERATM DIAGNOSIS: History of adenocarcinoma of the prostate.
1. Transrectal ultrasound performance with: 2. Volume study. 3. Needle iocalization. 4. Needle implantation 5. Cystoscopy. ANESTHESIA: General.
PROCEDURE: Please see the preoperative note for indications of the procedure, as well as full informed consent. The patient underwent a general anesthetic and was put in the extended dorsal lithotomy position. The table was decanted or in Trendelenburg 5 degrees. He was prepped and draped in the usual fashion, which included a 14-French Foley catheter with 72O ml of sterile saline in his bladder. The testicles and scrotum had been taped back and away. We irrigated the rectum with sterile saline, performing
Copyright @ 2015 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. A11 rights reserved.
APPENDIX A r Reports
a pseudo-enema. The patient underwent transrectal ultlasound placement. Tliis was connected to the gantly. The placement of ultrasound and the grid work were set up so that the base of the plostate is noted at #1 on the grid work. The anterior most component at approximately 4.5-5, prostate extended from side-to-side from A to F.
Five-mm increment imaging slices were obtained, starting at the base of the prostate, carrying it back for a total of 3 cm to 30. Volume of the prostate is approximately 33 ml.
The outline of the prostate was drawn during the volume study. This information was given to the computer electronically so that a plan could
, be developed. Once the plan had been completed, the placement of the needles was performed in the usual fashion. The dose was delivered via \25 seeds afLer placement of the needles.
The total number of needles was 41 for 107 seeds (radioelements) placed with ultrasound guidance. The patient tolerated this well. At the conclusion, the patient was re-prepped and draped with the Foley catheter being removed and a cystoscopic evaluation was performed. There is no evidence of perforation of the urethra, bladder neck, or bladder. Urine within the bladder was clear. No seeds oI spacers could be identified. An 18-French Foley catheter was then placed along with Triple antibiotic salve to the perineum and mesh panties. He tolerated the procedure well overall. Estimated blood loss minimal.