Control Chart Forms and Templates
You will learn the most if you do all the math by hand and draw the charts by hand.
Standard graph paper is adequate to help you lay out the various control charts.
I would not use Excel to perform calculations or draw the charts unless you already know how to use Excel to do those things.
Various web sites provide templates for calculating and drawing control charts. The downside of using such charts is that you might get the right answer by accident and neither you nor I would know that—thereby you would not have learned anything (which is my primary focus, as it should be yours). I have Excel files at the course web site (but they are not templates.
Following is one site that has an X-bar and R chart template.
Control Chart Template - ASQ
Following is one site that has attribute chart templates.
You can search online for other templates and blank forms (but graph paper is good enough and you will learn more)
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