Professional Behavior And Communication Development Course 2-Page Summary/Reflection Of Class
Professional Behavior and Communication Development
Course Syllabus
Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room. -- Jeff Bezos
14 E. Jackson - Room 602
Thursday - 5:45pm to 9:00pm
Instructor: Troy Kane
Office: DePaul Center, 1 East Jackson Blvd, Suite 5500
Office number: (312) 362-8826
Office Hours: By Appointment
Course Description:
This course is designed to help you articulate your specific goals and implement strategies to
successfully pursue opportunities as a Driehaus College of Business graduate and modern professional.
You will explore careers in Finance, begin to establish your personal brand, refine your professional
resume, practice a variety of professional communications, and sharpen your professional interviewing
skills. Students will participate in a variety of activities including practice (elevator speech,
interviewing) lectures, assignments (written and oral), and group collaboration.
This is a skills practice course. This course addresses some of the key business, social and personal
aspects of “corporate-ladder-climbing,” including post-graduation thinking of how to blend your full-
time employment with entrepreneurial activities. Your personal presence and professional “style” have a
huge impact on how you are viewed by your colleagues. This course is designed to help you develop
your professional persona.
Required Texts:
Mobray, K. (2009). The 10Ks of Personal Branding. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse.
Pollak, L. (2012). Getting from College to Career: Your Essential Guide to Succeeding in the Real
World. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publisher.
Course Objectives:
1. Learning Goals
• Students will improve writing skills for the preparation and/or updating of resumes, cover letters, and emails. Importance will be placed on building a professional LinkedIn profile and
the criticality of image in the business world.
• Students will have the opportunity to communicate their professional goals, understand the importance of business etiquette, and learn key strategies for a successful interview.
2. Learning Outcomes
• This course is designed to help students obtain an internship before and full-time employment after graduating with a Finance degree from DePaul University. Dress code, how to present
oneself, deliver an elevator speech, interviewing practice, and resume skills will be discussed.
• We will also discuss how to develop quality LinkedIn profile.
3. Professionalism Outcomes In the professional world, much of your career potential will be assessed through your self-
management skills. Your self-management skills will be assessed through specific behaviors:
• Organization: Computers and printers are unreliable and can break down. Therefore, you need to PLAN AHEAD and make sure you complete and turn in your assignments on time. All late
work, at the Instructor’s discretion, will be penalized up to 50%. Don’t be late!
• Attendance & Participation: Because this is a career development class, proper business etiquette and participation is expected. This class meets for five weeks on Thursdays,
attendance is mandatory. Grade deductions will be made for each absence. Each meeting (5
classes) is worth 15 points.
• Confidentiality. In classroom exercises, you will be practicing your elevator speech, conducting mock interviews and other exercises in which you and your classmates will be
sharing your stories and work preferences. In order to realistically practice for actual
interviews and networking, I require confidentiality with respect to what participants say in this
class. Individuals’ stories, work preferences, skills and experiences should not be shared with
others outside of the class.
• Writing Skills and Assignment Quality: All assignments for this class are considered predictors of the quality of work you will produce as a Driehaus graduate. Any written
assignments are expected to be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with
one inch margins. Every assignment is expected to be proofread and edited. Incorrect
formatting, spelling, grammar, etc., will result in significant deductions.
• Professionalism: Any behavior that diminishes the class experience will be sanctioned by a 50% deduction of participation points or dismissal from the class. This includes texting,
unrelated conversations, other class work, or anything else that would be deemed disrespectful
to your instructor or peers.
Academic Integrity: DePaul University is a learning community that fosters the pursuit of knowledge
and the transmission of ideas within a context that emphasizes a sense of responsibility for oneself, for
others and for society at large. Violations of academic integrity, in any of their forms, are, therefore,
detrimental to the values of DePaul, to the students’ own development as responsible members of
society, and to the pursuit of knowledge and the transmission of ideas. Violations include but are not
limited to the following categories: cheating; plagiarism; fabrication; falsification or sabotage of
research data; destruction or misuse of the university’s academic resources; alteration or falsification of
academic records; and academic misconduct. Conduct that is punishable under the Academic Integrity
Policy could result in additional disciplinary actions by other university officials and possible civil or
criminal prosecution. Please refer to your Student Handbook or visit Academic Integrity at DePaul
University ( for further details.
Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD): Students who feel they may need an accommodation
based on the impact of a disability should contact me privately to discuss their specific needs. All
discussion will remain confidential. To ensure that you receive the most reasonable accommodation
based on your needs, contact me as early as possible in the quarter (preferably within the first week or
two of the course) and be sure to contact one of the CSD offices for support and additional service.
Lincoln Park: Student Center 370, (773)325-1677; Loop: Lewis Center 1420. (312)362-8002.
Dean of Students Office: The Dean of Students Office (DOS) helps students in navigating the
university, particularly during difficult situations, such as personal, financial, medical, and/or family
crises. Absence Notifications to faculty, Late Withdrawals, and Community Resource Referrals, support
students both in and outside of the classroom. Additionally, we have resources and programs to support
health and wellness, violence prevention, substance abuse and drug prevention, and LGBTQ student
services. We are committed to your success as a DePaul student. Please feel free to contact us
Desire2Learn (D2L): Relevant information on the course will be available via the Desire2Learn platform
at The lecture slides, handouts, announcements, frequently asked questions (and
answers) and supporting material will all be posted there. I do use D2L to calculate grades and will collect
written assignments to provide feedback on written assignments on the platform.
Course Calendar:
Class Topic Homework Assigned
Week 1
Mar 29th
➢ Course Overview
➢ Careers in Finance
➢ Target Industry, Field, & Employer
➢ Personal Branding
➢ Self-Awareness & Professional
Intelligence (Mobray 10Ks Chapters 1-3)
Read Mobray, 10Ks (Chapters 4-7)
Identify a Target Employer. Write a one-page paper on your
reason for selecting this industry, field, and employer. Submit
on D2L by April 5 th .
Set up a Handshake Account and InterviewStream Account.
(Instructions on p. 6 of this syllabus)
Week 2
Apr 5th
➢ Business Dress Code
➢ Networking
➢ Elevator Speech
➢ Mentors - Guest Speaker from
Alumni Sharing Knowledge (ASK)
Read Pollak, Getting from College to Career (Chapters 2-4)
Build Resume – use online resources from the DePaul Career
Center. Bring hard copy to class on April 12 th .
Prepare Elevator Speech to be presented on April 12 th .
Reach out to an ASK mentor to set up a phone call or in
person meeting. Completed by June 1 st .
Week 3
Apr 12th
➢ Resume
➢ Cover Letter
➢ Job Fair Behaviors
➢ Elevator Speech Presentations
Read Mobray, 10Ks (Chapters 8-10) and Pollak, Getting from
College to Career (Chapters 7-8)
Refine Resume – Submit on D2L by April 19 th and bring 2
copies to next class.
Create LinkedIn Account and build profile, Due by April 26 th .
Week 4
Apr 19th
➢ Resume/Cover Letter Workshop
➢ LinkedIn Workshop
➢ Successful Interviewing
➢ Thank You Notes
Read Mobray, 10Ks (p137-p187) and Pollak, Getting from
College to Career (Chapters 5, 6 & 9)
Select a Target employer & job, then develop a cover letter.
Submit on D2L by April 26 th .
Conduct a mock virtual interview on InterviewStream, Due by
May 4 th .
Week 5
Apr 26th
➢ Etiquette in the Workplace
➢ Professional Writing (Emails,
Reports, Presentations)
➢ Own Your Career
➢ Financial Industry Feedback
Prepare a 2-page summary/reflection of class, guest speakers,
and meeting with ASK mentor. Submit on D2L by June 1 st .
Required Assignments:
1. Homework Assignments – Assignments consist of various documents and tools that will help you build your personal brand and prepare for the business world.
2. Identify a Target Employer – Write a one-page paper on a target industry and field in Finance along with a target employer. Explain your reasoning for selecting this industry, field, and
3. Elevator Pitch Assignment – Everyone is required to give a 25-30 second Elevator Pitch to the class. An elevator pitch is a concise rehearsed description of you or your company.
4. Resume and Cover Letter Development - Create your resume and bring it to the writing workshop class for feedback. After handing in your resume, the next assignment will be your
cover letter. Your cover letter should be addressed for a current open position you have
researched. You will not actually apply for the position, but creating a mock cover letter is an
opportunity to showcase yourself and describe why you should be hired. Your resume and cover
letter should follow the writing instructions above. Please refer to examples from the Career
Center and that I post on D2L if you have any questions.
5. LinkedIn Profile – You’ll learn the key steps in the process of networking, such as identifying opportunities, refining your message and reaching out/following up with your target audience.
You will prepare a LinkedIn profile.
6. Interview Process – After covering the topics of interviewing, professional writing and etiquette in class, sign-up for an interview with the Career Development Office. Bring your resume, cover
letter and any additional documents that have been created in class. Set up an InterviewStream
account. This will be helpful practice for future interviews. InterviewStream instructions below.
7. ASK Mentor and Guest Speakers – Each student is expected to reach out to an ASK mentor for a phone or in person meeting. Each week a guest speaker from different areas of finance will
come and speak to students. Students are expected to ask at least one question of at least one
speaker. At the end of the 5 weeks session, students will complete a two-page, double-spaced
reflection on a lesson or question discussed by the speakers and recap of ASK mentor meeting.
8. Etiquette in the Workplace – Extra credit if you come to the final class dressed in business attire. This final class will be the culmination of everything that you have learned over the course
of the quarter.
Course Grade: Students’ course grades will be determined on a scale of 300 points. The distribution of
points and the grading scale are as follows:
Component Points
Attendance 75
Target Employer Statement 25
Elevator Pitch 25
Resume 50
Cover Letter 30
Mock Interview 50
LinkedIn Profile 15
2-page summary/reflection 30
Total Points 300
Grading Scale:
Points Earned Pass/Fail
101 - 300 Pass
Below 100 Fail
Grade Points
A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F
InterviewStream: an online interview preparation tool for DePaul students that simulates a live
interview using your computer and a webcam. The video ‘interviewer’ will ask predetermined questions
similar to what you will experience in an actual interview for an accounting internship or job. After
answering their questions, you can replay your responses to evaluate your performance. Your practice
interview will automatically be sent to the instructor for review. Go to and
click “Create Account”. More detailed instructions can be found on D2L.
Assignment Code is sxu3GWcpEBtw