SOUTHAFRICA'S CLIMATEKEYCONCEPTS:Physicalmap:A map thatuses thephysicalcharacteristicsto indicate what the area looks like. Physicalfeatures include:oHeight above sealeveloRivers, lakesanddamsoMountainsoSeasandOceansCoastalzone:Anarea along the coastline.Plateau:A highland consisting of a relatively flat terrain.Escarpment:A steep slope or long cliff that occurs from erosion or faulting and separates two relativelylevel areas of differing elevations.FIGURE1: PHYSICALMAPOFSOUTHAFRICA (Note-seeexample on page82)SOUTH AFRICA CAN BE DEVIDED IN TO THREE PHISYCAL CHARACTERISTICS:1.Coastal Zone–SA’s coastline is narrow andlow-lying, the temperature andrainfallis mainly influenced bythe ocean currentsandwind. Ontheeast coast(e.g.Durban) we get thewarm Mozambiquecurrent, which causeshightemperature andhighrainfall. On the west coast flows thecold Benguela current,which causes lownighttemperaturesand lowrainfall.Thecoastal areaisdrainedby shortfast flowingrivers(Look atFigure 3)2.Escarpment-Stretchfrom theRoggeveld MountainsintheWesternCape(1500m above sea level) tothe Drakensbergmountains in Kwazulu-Natal (3500m above sea level) and to theTransvaalDrakensbergmountains inLimpopo(2800m above sea level). Temperature andrainfallare influenced bymountains, altitude (meters above sea level) and distance fromthe sea.3.Plato–In the inside of the escarpment 9centre of SA) is the plateau. SouthAfrica's plateauisa relativelyhigh-lyingflat areabetween600m(Kalahari) and3000m(Lesotho) above sea level. Theplateau isdrainedbylonggently rivers. (Look at Figure 3)