Final Research Paper Feedback:
Available Points
Option One: Select a Leadership Model from our Leadership, Theory, Application, and Skill Development textbook. Select a contemporary leader (one who was born after 1950). Write a research paper describing the leadership model using your contemporary leader to illustrate the model. Option Two: Use the self-assessments from our Leadership, Theory, Application, and Skill Development textbook and write a Leadership Assessment of your personal leadership style. Option Three: For your research paper, develop your own essay question. However, if you decided to take this option, please let me review the question with you before you begin writing. E-mail me the question for approval.
Paper Organization
* Your paper should have a clear and focused purpose and strong supporting paragraphs that use plenty of details to develop and prove your thesis.
Proper use of grammar, proper spelling of words, and appropriate use of punctuation.
* Incorporate a minimum of 10 sources, using APA documentation style. Purdue University's online style guide is a good writing resource.
Writing Commons: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Purdue OWL (APA Format):
Son of Citation Machine: (Links to an external site.)
Why Cite? (Links to an external site.)
Try to keeping your matching percent at 15% OR LESS.
* Please give your paper a title page, abstract, and reference page.
Automatic 5% deduction if is not turned in by Sunday at midnight, week 13. Another 5% deduction if it is not turned in by Tuesday, midnight. Another 5% deduction if it is not turned in by Thursday, midnight. No work will be accepted after 5:00 central time, Friday, of week 14. This is to encourage you to complete the work on time.