Below is the grading rubric and an old powerpoint that has some information that you may be able to use. The topic is "Lack of lactation education/resources for women in underserved Los Angeles areas. Utilize Nola Pender for section #3- conceptual framework. Let me know if you have any questions.
Group Community Health Promotions Paper
Guidelines and Grading Criteria
Select a community health problem and design a health promotions project
1. Introduce the topic for analysis and the potential impact for public health nursing, include
background for the issue and the purpose of the paper 10%
****TOPIC: Lack of lactation education/resources in underserved areas of Los Angeles
2. Identify current publications concerning the issue being analyzed – literature review 30%
In this section the team must demonstrate analysis and synthesis of the extant literature.
The review should include information published in refereed journals, authoritative websites, government and other publications. References should be current and reflective of
contemporary thought with regard to the selected issue
****Current references 2015 and after
3. Conceptual Framework 10%
Identify the theoretical model the team will use to support the conceptual framework
that guides the constructs of your paper ( Milio’s Framework for Prevention, Health
Belief Model, Pender Health Promotion Model, Critical Social Theory, Orem Self
Care Deficit Theory, Leventhal’s Self-Regulation Model, Precede-Proceed Model, etc)
****Nola Pender Health Promotion Model (in slides)
4. Project Plan 30%
This section should include an identification and review of the health information
needed, description of the manner by which the data will be collected and analyzed,
presentation of possible solutions to the problem, identification of key community
partnerships, and the plan for monitoring, assessing and evaluating.
5. Conclusion 15%
This section should include how the team perceives a potential resolution for the
problem addressed and how that resolution might contribute to the advancement of
primary care nursing practice
6. Scholarly writing style 5%
The writing style for the paper should adhere to APA guidelines with regard to
format, citations, spelling, and correct use of grammar and punctuation. Length of the
paper should not exceed 20 double-spaced pages, including reference list.