This is where you submit the Excel document containing your work on the SPC project. All answers should be recorded in the Excel document, or you may type the memos and the answers in a separate Word document.
There are two cases in this project. Below are the details on the two cases in the SPC Project (Based on Chapter 6S Statistical Process Control). In this module, there is an Excel spreadsheet labeled SPC Project - BLANK New_2019 that has the sample data and includes spaces to add your SPC Control Chart data (for Case 1) and includes the data to build the SPC Charts in Case 2. That Excel file should be submitted during Week 5. Make sure to substitute your name for the word BLANK when you save the Excel file.
Case 1: Frito-Lay Salt Test
A. Read the first case (Frito-Lay) description below.
B. Watch the video in this module for the Frito-Lay case (the video must be watched in its entirety to get full credit).
C. You must also submit a Word document containing a memo to Angela McCormack and answering the additional two questions.
Case 1 Description
Frito-Lay, the multi-billion-dollar snack food giant, produces billions of pounds of product every year at its dozens of U.S. and Canadian plants. From the farming of potatoes-in Florida, North Carolina, and Michigan-to factory and to retail stores, the ingredients and final product of Lay's chips, for example, are inspected at least 11 times: in the field, before unloading at the plant, after washing and peeling, at the sizing station, at the fryer, after seasoning when bagged (for weight), at carton filling, in the warehouse, and as they are placed on the store shelf by Frito-Lay personnel. Similar inspections take place for its other famous products, including Cheetos, Fritos, Ruffles, and Tostitos.