Assignment 2: Properly-formatted Memo with S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Estimated time to completion: approximately 1.5 hours total to complete
Submission format: A properly-formatted memo in doc, docx, or pdf format uploaded to
In this assignment you will have an opportunity to construct a SMART Career Goal defining your
interests and educational/experience aspirations and communicated to the instructor in memo
Based on the reading from Servan-Schreiber, “The Art of Time”, you are aware that time is a
scarce resource and it is non-renewable. How are you going to define your career goals and
spend your time (life) to build your career while at university?
Refer to the SMART Goals for this assignment as well as the elements of a properly-formatted
Based on the learning material provided in Canvas, create a properly-formatted memo from
you, to the instructor, that clearly communicates the criteria of a SMART career (or internship)
goal that you would like to be able to achieve in 1 – 3 years.
Be sure to think about each of the following elements as a complete sentence since you will be
asked to include each element in your memo: Goal, Objective, Benchmark, and Milestone.
Refer to the Example: Career Goal in Lesson 3 (slides 8-9 Lecture video & PPT) for a complete
example including a discussion of these elements. The example is also included as an image on
the last page of this assignment.
*Note: Don’t just copy and paste from my example, but try to identify specific opportunities you
would actually like to pursue during your academic progress towards your degree (e.g., join a
club, service project, part-time job, speak a foreign language, learn to _________). The effort you
put in now will benefit YOU in the future. Later in the semester you’ll be asked to address your
progress towards your identified SMART Goal benchmarks and milestones so that you can self-
reflect on your progress.
Refer to information below for formatting instructions related to the grading rubric.
Memo format
Use the “Parts of a Memo” link to reference as you create a One-Page Memo (points deducted
for any memo longer than one page.
AEB 3133 Principles of Agribusiness Management
2 | P a g e
1. Heading Segment: include identifying information in the heading (e.g., Your name in
“FROM”, instructor name in “TO”). Include a descriptive subject line
2. Opening Segment: write your purpose statement as the first sentence (e.g., “I’ve been
thinking about my SMART career goals and want to obtain a position as...)
3. Context: You are trying to identify what skills and abilities you need to gain/improve
upon in order to receive a job offer related to your career goal. This is the section in
which you write your SMART Goal including Objectives, Benchmarks, and Milestones
elements (see last page of this assignment for Example). Each of the elements must be
written as a complete sentence and the entire Context section should be formatted as a
4. Task segment: Identify a business or organization that you would like to work for as part
of the “Task Segment” to motivate you to work toward your SMART Goal. Be sure to
a. A description of the business or organization (e.g., what do they sell, provide?)
b. The name and email contact information of a representative of the organization
5. Save your file as the following file type and file name:
a. doc, docx, or pdf format
b. Lastname_Firstname_02GoalMemo
Additional information:
A “Sample Memo” is provided for reference.
You can use the UF Business Library LibGuide or a simple Google search to find information
about a company, business, or organization of interest.
Grading rubric
Heading 2 possible points
Opening Segment 3 possible points
Context 10 possible points
Task Segment 5 possible points
Spelling & grammar 5 possible points
Overall impression 5 possible points
Ask in Canvas > Piazza if you have questions about this assignment including questions about
formatting in MS Word. Use this opportunity to become more professionally competent in
technical writing skills. No question is insignificant!
Verify that your discussion was uploaded to canvas; students are responsible for checking their
submissions. Assignments submitted after 11:59 pm on the due date will not be graded.
AEB 3133 Principles of Agribusiness Management
3 | P a g e
Lesson 3 Example: Career Goal
1. Cothran, H, Wysocki, A, Farnsworth, D. and Clark, J. (2015) "Developing SMART Goals for
Your Organization ", EDIS document FE577, UF|IFAS, Food and Resource Economics
Department, Gainesville, FL.
2. Markel, M. (2001) Technical Communication, 6e, Bedford/St. Martin’s, Boston, MA,
Chapter 15 “Writing Letters, Memos, and Emails”, pp. 412 – 442.
3. Purdue Online Writing Lab, Professional, Technical Writing, “Parts of a Memo”,
4. Purdue Online Writing Lab, Professional, Technical Writing, “Sample Memo”,
5. Purdue Online Writing Lab, Academic Writing, Paragraphs and Paragraphing, “On