Development Cluster
Early Childhood Education and Care
Off-the-Job Assessment
Please note that all four units in the Development Cluster are now co-assessed. This is the only written off-the-job assignment to be completed for all four units. Please ensure that you have read the learning materials for all four units and completed the online tests for CHCECE017 and CHCECE023 units prior to commencing this assessment.
□ I have read the learning resource CHCECE017
□ I have competed the online tests for CHCECE017, LA017362
□ I have read the learning resource CHCECE018
□ I have read the learning resource CHCECE022
□ I have read the learning resource CHCECE023
□ I have competed the online test for CHCECE023, LA017363
□ I have attended a live/recorded Connect Session for this cluster of units (optional)
□ I have accessed the forums for assistance with this unit (optional)
You are NOW ready to start this assessment. Good luck!
Assessment Summary
This assessment is graded. Learners will receive a Distinction or Credit or Competent or Not yet Competent in accordance with TAFE NSW Assessment Guidelines.
Weighting: 25%
Marks out of 100
What you have to do
Before beginning your assignment, it is important that you have all required formats and documents that were part of the download for this assignment.
Also check in the ‘Assessment tips’ section under this assessment tab in the OLS for this unit for any helpful fact sheets and web-links.
Task 1 involves completing a series of observations on a three (3) year old child, ‘LiLu’
Task 2 involves completing a developmental summary of the child’s interest, strengths and emerging skills
Task 3 involves creating planning suggestions for the child based on the observations and developmental summary and identifying appropriate educator interactions
Please read through all tasks very carefully.
Task 1: Observations
Watch the following video sequences of ‘Lilu’ (3 year old child).
Video clips can be accessed from the OLS under the Assessment Information tab; Resources Required tab; click on Notebook icon and this opens up a new screen.
Complete 4 observations (as detailed below) based on the clips provided:
Observation 1 – Anecdotal Observation – Sequence 1: Lilu and puzzle
Observation 2 – Learning story- Sequence 2: Drawing puppets at home
Observation 3 – Jotting – Use Sequence 3 – Lilu and Dad walking into service and
Use Sequence 4 – Lilu saying goodbye to Dad
Observation 4 – Jottings - Use Sequence 5 – Lilu at the park – Part 1 and
Use Sequence 6 – Lilu at the park – Part 2
The following observation templates
Your four (4) completed observations must cover the developmental domains;
Physical; Social; Emotional; Cognitive; Communication
Each observation must include:
· interpretations
· links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) Learning Outcomes and sub elements
· future planning ideas for each observation
Your observations must cover the following five (5) developmental domains:
· Physical
· Social
· Emotional
· Cognitive
· Communication
The following observation proformas have been developed to use for this task
Child’s name:
Interpretation, including developmental skills, concepts and dispositions/links to theory:
Relevant Approved Learning Framework Links:
Possible future planning:
What happened and who was involved:
Interpretation, including developmental skills, concepts and dispositions/links to theory:
Relevant Approved Learning Framework Links:
Possible future planning:
JOTTING PROFORMA 1 (sequence 3 and 4)
Child’s name:
Interpretation, including developmental skills, concepts and dispositions/links to theory:
Relevant Approved Learning Framework Links: