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Unit Booklet
Qualification Pearson BTEC HND in Travel and Tourism
Unit 7 Sustainable Tourism Development
Level 5
Unit code D/601/1746
Unit type Core
Block start date 26th February 2018
Issue date 26th February 2018
Assignment submission date 05th August 2018
Lecture and formative assessment 20 weeks
Guided learning hours 60
Module Leader Dr. Joanna Voulgaropoulou
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Table of Contents Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Aim:................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Unit Abstract: ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Learning Outcomes and assessment criteria: ........................................................................................................... 3
Unit content: .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Scheme of work ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Recommended text and links: ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Teaching and Learning ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Methods of Delivery: .................................................................................................................................................... 10
‘Academic Misconduct’ Statement ......................................................................................................................... 11
‘Contract Cheating’ Statement: .............................................................................................................................. 11
Assessment: .................................................................................................................................................................. 11
ASSIGNMENT BRIEF ................................................................................................................................................. 12
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Being green, being environmentally sound, seeking a sustainable lifestyle,
embarking on eco-tourism holidays – those are just a few examples of the
language of sustainable tourism. But what do they mean? How do we come to a
definition of sustainable tourism? Sustainability is now one of the most common
concepts used in tourism development discussions both academically and in
travel and tourism industry (Weaver 2007). More and more travel agencies and
tour operators are embracing travel projects which are sustainable and which
have a positive impact in the communities travelled and visited. The analytical
framework of sustainability is broad encompassing both economic, environmental
and socio-cultural impacts (see Sharpley 2003). Sustainable development is now
part of the agenda of both nations, travel organisations, airlines and also in the
accommodation sector.
The aim of this unit is for learners to gain understanding of the rationale and
different approaches to tourism planning and development, sustainable tourism,
current issues and impacts of tourism.
Unit Abstract:
This unit aims to increase learners’ awareness of the need to plan and manage
tourism at all levels within an international, national, regional and local
frameworks. Emphasis is placed on current trends in planning for tourism
development in a range of destinations. The stages in the planning process are
identified and learners will be encouraged to apply theoretical models to practical
case studies and site visits.
The principles and philosophy of sustainable development are introduced in this
unit and learners will be required to show an in-depth understanding of issues
such as carrying capacities, environmental impact and the guest-host
relationships as they relate to current tourism initiatives, e.g. access,
conservation, enclave tourism.
Learning Outcomes and assessment criteria:
On successful completion of this unit a learner will be able to:
1. Understand the rationale for planning in the travel and tourism
1.1 discuss how stakeholders can benefit from planning of tourism
developments with reference to a current case study
1.2 discuss the advantages and disadvantages of public/private sector
tourism planning partnerships drawing on a current example
2. Understand different approaches to tourism planning and
2.1 analyse features of tourism development planning at different levels
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2.2 evaluate the significance of interactive planning systems and processes in
tourism developments
2.3 evaluate different methods available to measure tourist impact
3. Understand the need for planning for sustainable tourism
3.1 justify the introduction of the concept of sustainability in tourism development
3.2 analyse factors that may prevent/hinder sustainable tourism development
3.3 analyse different stages in planning for sustainability
4. Understand current issues related to tourism development planning
4.1 evaluate methods of resolving a conflict of interests to ensure the future
wellbeing of a developing tourism destination
4.2 analyse the implications of balancing supply and demand
4.3 evaluate the moral and ethical issues of enclave tourism
5. Understand the socio-cultural, environmental and economic impacts of
tourism in developing countries and emerging destinations
5.1 compare current issues associated with tourism development in a developing country and an emerging destination where the impacts of tourism are different 5.2 evaluate, with recommendations, the future development of tourism in these destinations
Unit content:
1. Understand the rationale for planning in the travel and tourism
Rationale: to achieve the determined objectives eg improved employment
opportunities, protection and conservation of wildlife, landscape, co-ordination
between public/private partners, to maximise benefits, provide infrastructure, co-
ordinate development, consumer protection; involvement of stakeholders eg
developers, tourism industry, tourists and host community; public/private
partnerships and advantages/disadvantages of; effective use of resources eg
infrastructure; natural, cultural, heritage, human resources.
2. Understand different approaches to tourism planning and
Planning: environmental; economic; social; international; national; regional; local;
strategic; short term; qualitative; quantitative; methods of measuring tourism
impact eg Cambridge Economic Impact Model (STEAM), Environmental Impact
Studies, Pro Poor Tourism; Responsible Tourism, interactive planning systems
and processes
Development: preservation, conservation, new build
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3. Understand the need for planning for sustainable tourism Sustainable tourism: definitions e.g. Brundtland Report (1987), Triple Bottom Line, World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), Principles for Sustainable Development (1995) Principles: planning considerations, benefits to the environment, the host community, the tourism industry, the visitor; factors of supply of facilities and resource weighed against demand; proposed developments e.g. infrastructure required; interdependence e.g. of society, economy and the natural environment; citizenship e.g. rights and responsibilities, participation and cooperation; future generations; sustainable change e.g. development
4. Understand current issues related to tourism development planning Current issues: conflict e.g. tension between the planner, tour operator, tourist, government, developer, local community, guest-host relationship; impacts e.g. economic, social, environmental; access e.g. balance of supply and demand, imposition of limits, pressure on finite resources; enclave tourism e.g. advantages and disadvantages to the local community, moral and ethical issues of enclave tourism
5. Understand the socio-cultural, environmental and economic impacts of tourism in developing countries and emerging destinations
Socio-cultural: social change, changing values, crime and gambling, moral behaviour, change in family structure and roles, tourist/host/relationships, provision of social services, commercialisation of culture and art, revitalisation of customs and art forms, destruction and preservation of heritage Environmental: types of conservation and pollution e.g. air, visual, noise etc., land use, ecological disruption, pressures on infrastructure and finite resources, erosion, preservation of environment e.g. national parks, drainage, irrigation Economic: generation of employment, provision of foreign exchange, multiplier effect of tourism as contribution to the balance of payments, economic leakage, development of the private sector, foreign ownership and management Developing countries: countries eg India, Thailand, Jordan Emerging destinations: destinations for medical tourism eg India, Thailand, Hungary; other destinations eg Bulgaria, Qatar, Shanghai
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Scheme of work
Wk Lecture Schedule Outcome of session Activity/seminar and formative assessment
Introduction to the module Address the mode of assessment Group discussion about the scenario with regards to the assignment and relevant tasks to be addressed
Awareness of the module content Challenges to the LO to be addressed
Case study and group discussion
Module outline and qualification frame work
LO1 Understand the rationale planning in travel and tourism industry 1.1 Discuss how stakeholders can benefit from planning of tourism developments with reference to a current case study
Understand the principles of planning Be able to explain different approaches to planning Be able to review benefits of planning for tourism development
Case study, activities, group discussion, research, addressing AC 1.1
PowerPoint presentation, activities, Internet websites
1.2 Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of public/private sector
tourism planning partnerships drawing on
the Filipinos case study
Advantages and disadvantages of the sector
Case study, activities, group discussion, research, addressing AC 1.2
Power Point presentation, activities, Internet websites, videos
2.1 Analyse features of tourism development planning at different levels 2.2 Evaluate the significance of interactive planning systems and processes in tourism developments
Features of tourism planning at different levels Be able to explain different approaches to planning and development
Case study, activities, group discussion, research, addressing AC 2.1 & AC 2.2
PowerPoint presentation, activities, Internet websites
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5 2.3 Evaluate different methods available to measure tourist impact
Understand methods for measuring tourism impacts
Case studies, addressing AC 2.3
PowerPoint presentation, activities, Internet websites
6 Assignment draft of Task 1 Recap and Formative feedback on LO1
Question and answer Assignment brief
3.1 Justify the introduction of the concept of sustainability in tourism development 3.2 Analyse factors that may prevent/hinder sustainable tourism development
Define sustainable tourism Explain sustainable development Understand the principles of sustainability and sustainable tourism
Case studies, discussion, group tasks, addressing AC 3.1 and AC 3.2
PowerPoint presentation, activities, Internet websites, videos
3.3 Analyse different stages in planning for sustainability
Be able to explain the rationale behind sustainable planning Explain the benefits of sustainability for private and public authorities
Case study, activities,
group discussion,
research, addressing AC
PowerPoint presentation, activities, Internet websites, movies
9 Assignment draft of Task 2 Recap and Formative feedback
on LO2
Question and answer Assignment brief
10 Revision addressing Task 3 Recap and Formative feedback
on LO3
Question and answer Assignment brief
4.1 Evaluate methods of resolving a conflict of interests to ensure the future wellbeing of a developing tourism destination
Be able to explain current stakeholder issues in sustainable planning
Case study, activities,
group discussion,
research, addressing AC
PowerPoint presentation, activities, Internet websites, movies
12 4.2 Analyse the implications of balancing supply and demand
Be able to explain current stakeholder issues in sustainable planning
Group discussion,