Persuasive Speech!
Persuasive Speech
Name:_____________________ Time:____________
Introduction (20 points)
____/5 The speaker grabs the audience’s attention.
____/5 The speaker reveals the topic articulating a clear and specific central idea.
____/5 The speaker prepares the audience for the remainder of the speech by previewing the main points (in the order that they are spoken about).
____/5 The speaker established credibility (3pts) and makes a clear audience connection (2pts).
Body (100 points)
____/20 The speaker stays audience-centered throughout the duration of the speech by making topic important to us, helping us understand issue, using evidence we accepted, and stressing consequences of adoption or non-adoption (at 5 pts per item).
____/15 The speaker utilized ethos, pathos, logos where appropriate in speech (5pts per type).
____/10 The speaker uses a clear and appropriate organizational strategy for the topic and purpose (motivated sequence, problem/solution,criteria-application, comparative).
____/10 The speaker presents a clear policy or value claim that obviously seeks passive agreement or immediate action (5pts), and presents a clear position on the issue (5pts).
____/10 The speaker addresses the basic issues of policy (need, plan, and practicality) or of value speeches (broad shared standards of judgment, how topic matches judgments).
____/10 The speaker offers accurate and credible evidence in support of the central idea that is correctly attributed to the original source (at least 5 sources with of ADP at 2pts per source).
____/10 The speaker explains the evidence presented to support the main claim (Why are the examples, statistics and testimony important? What do they mean to the audience?).
____/10 The speaker uses clear and smooth transition statements in the speech (internal previews/summaries, sign posts, etc.).
____/5 The speaker effectively uses a visual aid.
Conclusion (10 points)
____/2 The speaker clearly and vividly identifies when the speech is ending.
____/3 The speaker summarizes the main points of the speech.
____/5 The speaker reinforces his/her main claim.
Delivery (20 points)
____/5 The speaker makes good eye contact and uses effective body language
____/5 The speaker communicates interest in the topic by employing vocal variety
____/5 The speaker is dressed appropriately.
____/5 The speaker meets the time requirements for the speech.
Performance Grade: _______/150
Formal Outline: _______/25
Speaking Notes (10pts)/ Evidence (5pts) / Bibliography (10pts): _______/25
TOTAL: ______/200 Letter Grade: _______