Write an essay on ONE of the poems listed below where you analyze its
language and images, using your chosen school of literary criticism, in
order to interpret the poem’s overall meaning. This essay is for a general
academic audience.
To learn to write an analysis about a poem for a general audience.
● To analyze a poem using literary terminology.
● To find and understand information about your chosen literary
● To articulate the poem’s overall meaning based on the “lens” of a
literary theory.
750-1000 words(approx. 3-4 pages) not including the Works Cited page;
MLA formatting (see https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/1/ for
help.) Remember to include your word count at the end of your essay, and
also a Works Cited page that cites your poem, plus at least one outside
sources to support/explain your chosen literary theory.
● Use your chosen literary theory (e.g., feminist, psychoanalytical, new
criticism, post structuralism, etc.) to analyze the poem to explain what
the poem “means.”
● Use examples from the text to convincingly support the claims you're
● When quoting extensively, take time to explain the specific parts in the
quote that prove your point.