Throughout this course, many discussion opportunities come up where you need to respond to other people's opinions and comments. Include a link to any site you used to help you respond to the questions. Make sure you respond substantively to each of the 4 posts (minimum 75 words each)
IT133: Microsoft Office Applications on Demand
Mail merge allows business and corporations to quickly and conveniently combine data from multiple documents into a single document and vise versa. When creating mailing labels for example, a business can use mail merge to combine data from a single source document and a content document formatted with the desired labels. In this example, the source document would contain a list of names, addresses, city, state, and zip code. The content (main) document is responsible for the layout of the labels, this includes size, number, and format of each label. When a mail merge is used, the desired data from the source document will auto-fill the desired information on the content document. The opposite can also be done, where data from multiple content documents can be combined into a single source document using mail merge. This becomes particularly important for business who often send hundreds or thousands of letters to multiple customers. Having to type each label individually would not only be time consuming, but can result in mistakes. Most source documents are often kept on a database, using mail merge eliminates the need to create multiple individual documents when only a portion of data is needed. Mail merge is also commonly used when creating financial reports, where data from multiple spreadsheets can be combined into a single document.