Design for Supply Chain (DfSC) is a systematic method of ensuring the best fit between the design of a product throughout its lifetime and its supply chain members' resources and capabilities. Even something as simple as flattening the tops of soda cans, as beverage makers did in the 1950s, can revolutionize product development, transform transportation and inventory processes, and generate huge cost savings and increased customer satisfaction. Hewlett-Packard (HP) has been in the forefront of adopting DfSC principles, and IBM is another staunch proponent.
1. What is the relationship between design for manufacture ability (DFM) and design for supply chain (DfSC)?
2. In the chapter, we discussed parts standardization and modular architecture. How do these two approaches support DfSC?
3. You hear someone say, "DfSC sounds fine in theory, but I think it will have two negative effects. First, it will slow down the product development process because now all the areas that make up supply chain management- procurement, manufacturing, and logistics-will need to be involved. Second, it gives too much power to the supply chain functions. After all, if supply chain managers think something is too difficult to ship or too expensive to make, they may say no." What do you think? Are these legitimate concerns? How should operations managers address them?