You will create a document that will serve as a contract between you and your instructor detailing your understanding of the definition and consequences of plagiarizing any portion of any assignment for this class, or any other subsequent class in your program.
Correctly use the APA style of citing; summarize and paraphrase without plagiarizing
Construct grammatically correct sentences
Please design a Plagiarism Contract using your own words to acknowledge your understanding of plagiarism.
Your contract must include:
A comprehensive, thorough definition of plagiarism (discussed in the lecture, in our textbook, online, and various sources)
A statement indicating your understanding that if you plagiarize work, you will earn a zero for that assignment and may fail the course, or be suspended or terminated from the program
A response to the question, “What is the cost of plagiarism?”
Your signature
*Note: Make sure that all aspects of this writing are in your own words. If you use outside resources, you must still completely rewrite the information in your own words to avoid plagiarism itself.
According to your school catalog:
“SCHOLASTIC HONESTY: It is assumed that all students are enrolled in class to learn; therefore, cheating is not an acceptable practice. Dishonesty of any type in a course, including cheating on examinations or plagiarizing materials, can result in a grade of ’F‘ and may be cause for suspension and/or withdrawal from school. Plagiarism includes passing off or attempting to pass off the ideas or writing of another person as one’s own.”