SCM610 American International College Beer Game Supply Chain Paper
American International College
Question Description
The Supply Chain Game (based on the original MIT Beer Game)
1) Review the attached instructions:
The Beer Game _only_.pptx The Beer Game _only_.pptx - Alternative Formats
- PowerPoint File (1.65 MB)
2) Using the web link and passwords provided by your instructor, sign into the game!
Web site: (thank you to the University of Houston for hosting this site!)
Passwords: Passwords - The Beer Game - Round 1 _Sep 2019_.xlsx
5) Play your role as best as your can -- but follow the rules of NO COMMUNICATION between players. Game ends after 36 rounds.
6) As an individual, create two lists in a WORD document (no APA required):
-- What went wrong with the game?
-- What business practices would you like to implement to improve your supply chain for Round 2 (next week)?