PLEASE read the directions for this assignment VERY carefully.
In THIS order:
1) Open the Google Document attached below titled "'The American Century - Over the Edge' Video Notesheet." Please preview the directions on that page. THERE ARE NO questions, so you actually have to pay attention to the video and take your OWN notes on it.
2) Click on the YouTube link included below titled "The Century: America's Time" 1936-1941: Over the Edge." Carefully watch this 45:19 minute episode.
3) While watching, I suggest that you pause the video (since you CAN go back and forth in this one) to take notes (on the "Video Notesheet").
4) When you are done watching the video and you have completed the "Video Notesheet," please turn in that document. Please be sure that you take your OWN notes instead of copying and pasting somebody else!