“We are the Gods of this world. Make no mistake” -The Postmortal
Drew Magary's novel The Postmortal depicts a dystopian future in which a cure for aging is invented and quickly made available to the public. In a world already facing population problems, as we currently are in the real world, this cure upsets any kind of balance the earth once had. People are not dying, but they are still reproducing. Overpopulation depletes the world of its natural resources, as this mass of bodies must be sustained indefinitely. The government implements “techniques” (to use a word that Foucault would have chosen) in order to manage the booming population. There are a myriad of biopolitical issues within the pages of Magary's novel.
You must select a topic relating to biopower that is addressed or alluded to within The Postmortal. Recall that biopower has to do with controlling populations and bodies through modern techniques. People with power have modern means of managing populations and bodies, supposedly for the greater good of the (human) race. Topics that you might choose are: vaccinations/epidemics/diseases, death penalty/capital punishment, prison industrial complex, euthanasia, weapons of mass destruction, reproduction, population control, classism, environmental conservation, terrorism, etc.
You will need to do additional research on your chosen topic. You must use your research as a way to support the argument that you are making about your topic. Use the sources to situation your main point within an ongoing conversation about this issue. You will also need to use The Postmortal as a springboard to discuss this issue within the real world.
Assignment 1C: Proposal You must decide upon one issue relating to biopower that is addressed in The Postmortal. In your proposal, compose one-two paragraphs that explain the following: What is the ongoing conversation/what are the different sides to the argument? What is your opinion about this issue, and why? What opinion is expressed about this issue in The Postmortal? Typed MLA format, 200
Professor Batty English 113A/114A Fall 2014
Assignment 2C: Annotated Bibliography For this assignment you will need to create an annotated bibliography. You will be provided with a sample. For each source, you will need to include: bibliographic information for the source, summary of source (50 words/entry), evaluation of source (50 words/entry), and a description of how you will use source (50 words/entry). You should include three or more sources, 150 words for each source. Typed MLA format. Assignment 3C: Sentence Outline The purpose of this assignment is for you to begin brainstorming and organizing your ideas. Please use roman numerals (I, II, III, etc.) to indicate paragraphs, and letters (A, B, C, etc.) to indicate supporting ideas, quotes, etc. Your introduction should contain your thesis statement. Your sentences do not need to be very long, nor do they need to be worded very eloquently, but they do need to be complete sentences so that I can understand what points you are trying to make. This should be a fully completed outline with developed ideas and paragraphs. It is a good idea to include quotes in this outline, so that you will know which quotes to include and where in your final essay. This will save you time later because you will already have the skeleton of your essay in place. The outline will also help you to organize your ideas. Outline should be approximately one page in length, typed, MLA format. Essay/Website C Create a website using weebly.com (or an approved equivalent website template) that makes an argument about a biopolitical issue that is address in Drew Magary's novel The Postmortal. Use the novel as a way to discuss this topic's real-world context and your argument about this topic. You must explain all sides of this argument in order to establish the conversation that you are entering. Research: Your website must include credible library resources. You will include at least 2 articles from a library database or chapter from an academic book. If you use websites, be sure to evaluate them for credibility. Website Criteria:
1. You MUST include a progression packet (that you will turn in in person) that includes all three preliminary assignments. You cannot earn higher than a D on the essay if you do not include all three assignments in your packet.
2. Topic Selection: The student has selected one specific topic that can be discussed in detail. 3. Title: The title of your website (and subheadings) should be both creative and informative. 4. Thesis: The website makes a clear, specific, and debatable argument. The thesis should
appear on the home page of your site. 5. Development/Support: Ideas are fully developed. Writer uses at least 2 credible sources as
support. Composer includes any additional relevant media, including images, links/hypertext, etc.
6. Persuasiveness: The argument is reasonable and potentially convincing to the reader. 7. Content: The website shows that the writer clearly understands his/her topic and can
explain it to an intelligent but uninformed audience. Writer includes counterargument(s). The website stays on topic throughout and thoroughly explains all multimedia sources.